Published Version Version 6.1
Finance and Human Resources Division
Service in Partnership (SiP)
SiP System for Electronic Submission of:· Appointment Forms
· Change to Appointment Forms
· One-Off Payments
· Leavers Notification Forms
· Leave of Absence Forms
· Request for Honorary Staff
Departmental Users Manual
SiP Version 6.1
April 2014
Queries relating to data entry should be forwarded to the SiP helpdesk either by telephone on extension 09775 or by email to
Queries of a technical nature should be directed to the Management Systems technical helpdesk on extensions 45660/45687.
Queries on HR procedures and policy should be directed to your HR Operations contact in the first instance. For details as to who your contact is visit
Queries on finance procedures and policy should be directed to your School Finance Team, or Research Administration contact as appropriate.
1. General 4
1.1 Policy and Procedures 4
1.2 SIP (Oracles System) Introduction and Navigation Manual 5
1.3 User Accounts and Passwords 5
1.4 Logon 5
1.5 Main Menu 7
1.5.1 Change Passwords 8
1.5.2 Set Departments 8
2. Completing Forms 9
2.1 New Contract Requests 9
2.1.1 New Contract Requests – Form 1/2 screens 11 Employee Details Tab 11 Payroll Details Tab 13 Occupational Type 13 Appointment Details Tab 14 Finance Charges Tab 18 Right to Work Tab 20 Checklist Tab 23 Comments Tab 25 Submit Tab 25 Copying and Printing Records 26
2.1.2 Contracts Requests – Form 3 UCL Teaching Fellows (unique fields) 27 Occupational Type 27 Teaching Fellow Tab 27 Course Title 28 Seasonal Work Pattern Start/End Date 28 Pay over 12 months 28 Restate FTE 28
2.1.3 New Contracts Requests – Form 4 Postgraduate Teaching Assistants / Demonstrators (unique fields) 29 Occupational Type 29 Hourly Rate of Pay 29 Hours worked 29 MyView Structure / Managerial Responsibility / Department Administrator flag 29
2.1.4 New Contracts Requests – Form 5 As and When contracts (unique screens and fields) 30 Hourly Rate of Pay 30 MyView Structure / Managerial Responsibility / Department Administrator flag 31
2.2 Changes to Appointments 31
2.2.1 Employee Details Tab 32
2.2.2 End Date Tab 33
2.2.3 FTE/working Pattern Tab 34
2.2.4 UCL Teaching Fellow Tab 35
2.2.5 Cost Code Tab 36
2.2.6 Regrading: Research Assistant to Research Associate 37
2.2.7 MyView Structure Tab and comments 38
1.2 Changes to Funding Form 38
2.3.1 Employee Details Tab 39
2.3.2 Cost code Tab 40
2.3.3 Comments and Submit Tab 41
2.4 Request for a One-Off Payment 42
2.4.1 Request for a One-Off Payment – Form 6 42 Employee Details Tab 43 Payment Details Tab 44 Finance Charges Tab 46 Comments Tab 46 Submitting 47 Copying Records 47
2.4.2 Request for a One-Off Payment – Form 7 48 Employee Details Tab 48 Payment Details Tab 49 Tax and NI Tab 50 Finance Charges Tab 50 Home Address Tab 51 Bank / Building Society Tab 51 Equal Opportunities Tab 52 Right to Work Tab 53 Comments and Submit Tab 54
2.6 Leavers Notification Form 55
2.6.1 Leavers Details Tab 55
2.6.2 Retirement Tab 57
2.7 Leave of Absence Form 58
2.7.1 Employee Details tab 59
2.7.2 Contact Address tab 59
2.7.3 Pension Contributions tab 59
2.7.4 Communication to Employee 60
2.8 Requests for Honorary staff 62
2.9 SiP Reports 63
2.9.1 SiP summary 64
2.9.2 SiP late forms 65
3. Record Progress & Monitoring 66
4. Reports 69
5. Archive 70
1. General
1.1 Policy and Procedures
Requests submitted via SiP will need to comply with relevant UCL policies and procedures.
Appointments, contract extensions and termination of contracts need to adhere to UCL Contracts of Employment guidance found at:
Recruitment of staff is subject to have obtained relevant approval in accordance with the Finance Division guidelines found at:
The recruitment, selection and appointment process must comply with UCL recruitment and selection policy found at:
There are specific schemes governing the appointment of UCL Teaching Fellows and Postgraduate Teaching Assistants. Relevant guidance can be found at:
Guidance covering one-off payments can be found at:
Termination of contracts (fixed term and open ended contracts) must comply with the dismissal procedures found at:
Guidance regarding Leave of Absence can be found at:
1.2 SIP (Oracles System) Introduction and Navigation Manual
There is a separate SIP manual which must be read by all users. It explains how to get started and use the systems functionality (e.g. navigation, querying, entering data, etc). This manual can be accessed from the SIP home page:
1.3 User Accounts and Passwords
To acquire a SIP username and password you will need to make an application to the HR Information Office using the form found at:
There are two types of departmental user profiles - 1. Departmental Users on the HR and Finance list of Authorised Signatories, who have permission to approve and submit records; and 2. Departmental Users with permission to create and save records only.
The username and password will be issued by Management Systems within five working days of receipt of the request. The SIP username will be identical to user’s main UCL username. If a user is already registered to use DeMISt or MyView Departmental Reporting, the password will be the same as for these systems. SIP offers “change password” functionality accessed from the main menu screen. (Note: changing the SIP password will also change a user's password for DeMISt and/or MyView Departmental Reporting if they are registered to use them.)
1.4 Logon
All users should read the “SiP Introduction and Navigation Manual” before attempting to use the system. This manual provides details of how to setup and use the functionality of the SiP system.
SiP is a web based application so in order to access the system you need to take the following steps:
1. Start your Internet Explorer web browser and then access the following URL:
If Java is not installed you will be prompted to install it, see Section 2.4 of the Introduction and Navigation Manual.
If you click on the Live System link, Java will start and spawn two web pages, one of which will be similar to Figure :
Figure 1: MS Menu Web Page
Enter your username and password and press the “Login” button (note: the username is not case sensitive). If you experience problems connecting to SIP, contact the Helpdesk (see front of manual for details).
2. Once you have logged on, the MS Applications screen will appear. This will be similar to this but may look different dependent on the access the user has to the Departmental Administrator module (DAM):
Figure 2: MS Menu Applications
1.5 Main Menu
1. Click on the HR Systems button. This will display the HR menu – see Figure 3.
Figure 3: SiP Main Menu
The first screen you will see is HR Main Menu, with the Service in Partnership (SiP) as one of its branches. Expand the Service in Partnership (SiP) option by clicking on the (+) sign next to the Service in Partnership (SiP) to view the SiP Main Menu (Figure 4). This enables you to access all the different forms and reports found in the system. Users can also track the progress of records submitted, view archived records and select amongst their allocated departments.
Appendix A within the Introduction and Navigation Manual contains a list of the toolbar buttons with their equivalent menu bar options and short cut keys.
Figure 4 : SiP Main Menu Expanded
1.5.1 Change Passwords
For information on how to change your password within the SiP application, please refer to Section 4 – Changing SiP passwords in the Introduction and Navigation Manual (
1.5.2 Set Departments
Figure 5: Set Departments
This allows departmental users to be able to select between departments they have been allocated. Rather than having multiple accounts, users can be set up so that they can set the department they wish to submit requests for.
The form is accessed via the main menu (refer to Figure 5). Once a department has been selected you will only be able to view details/submit requests for that department.
2. Completing Forms
2.1 New Contract Requests
This menu option is used to request the appointment of staff on a new contract of employment.
Upon submission the form will be automatically sent to the Finance Division for approval, prior to being transferred to HR for processing in accordance with service standards found at:
Finance will normally approve or reject requests within three working days of submission. HR will normally send the prospective employee a written contract of employment, by way of job offer, within five working days of financial approval and receipt of supporting documentation. HR will then make arrangements to set the employee up on the HR/Payroll system.
Forms should be submitted immediately after a verbal job offer has been accepted. Appointment forms should not be held back until payroll deadlines as this is likely to result in new starters receiving their contract of employment after their start date.
Figure 6: New Contract Requests – Employee Details screen
Users need to select the appropriate form type for the appointment they wish to make from the drop down list. The Form 1-2 is used for the majority of open ended and fixed term appointments. Form 3 is used for UCL Teaching Fellow appointments and Form 4 for all UCL Postgraduate Teaching Assistants appointments (including those on an as and when contract). Form 5 is only used for casual as and when contracts (with the exception of as and when Postgraduate Teaching Assistants who are appointed on a Form 4). Short fixed term appointments of three months or less are processed on Form 1/2, 3 or 4 as appropriate.
Figure 6.1: New Contract Requests - Employee Details screen: Form Type options
On some fields you will see a list of values, (as above, on title field). This brings up all the values that are stored in the database. (In this case the HR/Payroll database).
2.1.1 New Contract Requests – Form 1/2 screens
The manual now describes individual fields found in Form 1/2 and provides guidance for completing these. The fields are listed in the order that users tab through screens, although there is not a description for every field as some are self explanatory.
You will notice that some fields are lilac – these are the mandatory fields and you will not be able to apply either the status submit or save to be submitted without completing these (see section White fields are non mandatory, but the more information that you can provide on a form the better. Employee Details Tab
Vacancy Reference No and Applicant Number: are to be completed for appointees who applied using UCL’s online recruitment system. Entering these details at the start of completing the SiP form results in several of the fields within this screen and elsewhere on SiP being automatically populated with data taken directly from the appointee’s details on the online recruitment system. This is providing the appointee is at the status of ‘Conditional Offer Accepted’ against the vacancy on the online recruitment system. Please allow 15 minutes before moving the appointee to ‘Conditional Offer Accepted’ and entering the numbers on SiP. If the appointee didn’t apply for the post using the online recruitment system, tick the tick box to remove the mandatory nature of these fields, and enter details in the ‘Comments’ screen.
Hera Ref: this reference must be quoted for all appointments to non academic posts. The reference is used to validate the grading of the post. New or modified posts (i.e. where the job description has been materially changed) must have been graded and been assigned a Hera reference prior to advertising.
Appointment type: is used to confirm whether the appointment is for (i) a new UCL employee or (ii) an existing UCL employee transferring to a new post or (iii) an existing UCL employee taking up an additional post. There are also options to state whether the employee was/is a UCL student, or was previously a UCL employee. This helps to match up any existing records.
Figure 6.2: New Contracts Requests - Employee Details screen: Appointment Type options
Selecting an employee status (ie transferring/previous/ additional post) results in an employee number box appearing. Upon entering the employee number, some of the personal details of that employee will populate, (title/name/DOB/NI number) pulling through from the HR/Payroll database.
Research appointment: This is now a mandatory field to identify (and distinguish between) research fellows on named fellowships, research associates, Marie Curie Trainees and non researchers. Selecting one of the research options will enable certain other information to be provided on later screens. (see occupational type, and research fellow tabs).
Figure 6.3: New Contract Requests - Employee Details: Research Appointment
National Insurance (NI) Number: is an important identifier which every employee has a legal obligation to provide. Non UK citizens will need to apply for an NI number. More detailed guidance is at the Inland Revenue web site: The NI number must be entered in the correct format.
Address: should contain the employee’s home address or contact address. Do not enter “c/o department” unless the individual is actually domiciled on the department’s premises. The Home Address has important legal status and is used to send on statutory documents like the P45 which cannot be re-printed if lost. UCL staff can update their home address via MyView self service or by writing to their HR Operations contact if they do not have MyView access.
Start date: is the first working day for the appointment. Where the start date is not known, users should enter an estimated date and tick the option ‘Is Start Date Provisional?’. This will be made clear on the contract issued by HR.