Partner Search Forum 2018
22-23 March 2018, Warsaw
Belgium (Flanders)
Belgium (Flanders)
Country / Belgium (NL)Organisation / vzw de Biehal
Theme / Employment, Social economy
Project name / Tea for Two / TPI-1316
Summary of project idea / The TEA FOR 2 project aims to examine how social economy can play a role in the solution of the job market issue in the living- and elderly-care sector.
The living- and elderly-care sector clearly demonstrates the actual untenability of the carer’s range of duties. Too many unrelated tasks cause a high pressure of work and leave too little time for the essential duty tasks. Take into consideration the increasing ageing population and a solution for the job issue in the living-care sector appears imperative.
By the TEA FOR 2 project we map the existing initiatives and we look for inspiring transnational examples. We translate these experiences into the Flemish context and test a number of initiatives within a strong partnership, both Flemish and international. We disseminate the results of these tests within both sectors and create the basis for a number of policy recommendations for both sectors.
Participants registered / Steensels Elke - transnationality/users/elke-steensels
Geuens Greet -[no user account on ESF TP website at registration time]
Country / Belgium (NL)
Organisation / Flemish Agency for Entrepreneurial Training - Syntra Flanders
Theme / Learning and skills
Project name / Entrepreneurial training in the 21st century / TPI-1360
Summary of project idea / In a nutshell, this project aims for a thorough renewal of the complete system of entrepreneurial training in Flanders, also including the non-subsidized courses offered on the free market and without any government involvement.
The focus is on 4 aspects: the reaching of the target group and guidance towards trainings, the renewal of the formal side (digitalization, flexibilization, customization, and new pedagogic methods and tools), the renewal content-wise (innovation-oriented and focus on all phases of an enterprise’s life cycle), and the government’s involvement in the different aspects of entrepreneurial training.
Horizontal targets are inclusion and gender mainstreaming, co-creation, and the set-up of an enduring transnational network which acts as a knowledge hub, promotes transnational mobility of entrepreneurs, and raises awareness of the EU internal market.
Participants registered / Eva Delvaux-transnationality/users/eva-delvaux
Country / Belgium (NL)
Organisation / ArtesisPlantijn University College Antwerp
Theme / Learning and skills, Social economy, Governance, Gender equality
Project name / Kick-start your soft skills / TPI-1434
Summary of project idea / Soft skills have a huge influence on the proper functioning of employees, both in the workplace itself and in interactions with partners and customers. Kickstart Your Soft Skills (KYSS) aims to encourage and support young adults to further develop their professional development in the field of soft skills. For young adults and job seekers it delivers materials (e.g. an online tool) to gain insight in their soft skills. For workplace counsellors, the project provides materials (and methods) to coach these young people. By extension, the tools are also likely to be used in career counselling and development of generic competences of older employees.
Participants registered / Herman Van de Mosselaer -transnationality/users/herman-van-de-mosselaer
Elena Van den Broeck -[no user account on ESF TP website at registration time]
Country / Belgium (NL)
Organisation / ArtesisPlantijn University College Antwerp
Theme / Social economy, Governance, Gender equality
Project name / Female Entrepreneurship & Leadership / TPI-1494
Summary of project idea / To set up a transnational educational and research program focussed on female entrepreneurship and leadership.
Participants registered / Christophe Baekeland -transnationality/users/christophe-baekeland
Country / Belgium (NL)
Organisation / EVA vzw
Theme / Employment, Inclusion, Learning and skills
Project name / Culturally sensitive care ambassadors: valorizing talents+ / TPI-1374
Summary of project idea / EVA and her project partners, VUB-Belgian Ageing Studies and KenniscentrumWelzijnWonenZorg, aim to make the potential of the informal caregivers with migrant roots visible and valorised in order to improve their transfer to training and job opportunities within the professional care.
Participants registered / Luk de Witte -[no user account on ESF TP website at registration time]
Kamille De Backer - transnationality/users/kamille-de-backer
Country / Belgium (NL)
Organisation / GTB vzw
Theme / Employment, Inclusion, Learning and skills
Project name / STC - Start To Can, for students with special needs in transition towards employment / TPI-1359
Summary of project idea / 'Start to can' wants to provide the student with the most effective support program based on the current experience of his/her motivation for self-management. We are also looking to his/her living and working environment and how this can support the motivation of the student which is in transition from education towards employment.
We develop a service that allows balanced care motivation support and therefore varies in time, intensity and way of the coaching. Compare it to a top athlete who seeks out his/her coach who is most suitable and who is sometimes very close but often also from a distance.
Participants registered / FransenLieve-[no user account on ESF TP web at registration time]
Country / Belgium (NL)
Organisation / GroepMaatwerk
Theme / Employment, Inclusion, Learning and skills
Project name / Bridging severe disabilities @ work / TPI-1513
Summary of project idea / In Flanders we are facing increasing working difficulties for people with the most severe disabilities to get a job.
Some people are not yet ready to get a paid job, others are not ready anymore, and others are ready from a labour intrinsic point of view ready, but aren't ready due to other than labour related issues (health, ...).
Due to a range of (social, economic, societal, technological, ...) facts the working opportunities of these people are very low, and tend to become even lower in the near future.
Many countries are struggling with this problematic situation. We want to examine how other countries face this challenge, and identify success parameters and relevant methodologies.
The diversity of expertise between partners will ensure that the results of the project will be transferable to other countries.
Participants registered / Martin Devisch - [no user account on ESF TP web at registration time]
Stef De Cock - transnationality/users/stef-de-cock
Country / Belgium (NL)
Organisation / Economic House of Ostend
Theme / Employment, Migrants, Inclusion, Learning and Skills
Project name / Networking for migrants / TPI-1559
Summary of project idea / A major challenge is to provide employment opportunities to migrants. Networking is a major tool to create job opportunities.
The employment projects of the Economic House of Ostend (Economisch Huis Oostende) focus mainly on matching job seeking migrant workers with jobs in and outside our employers' network.
Networking is the number one success factor in the job market integration. Therefore, in our first ESF project, we opened the large business network of our organisation, which consist of employers, to the motivated jobseekers. Creating a participative network linking employers and migrants is a major challenge.
Based on our own experiences we want to research and develop alternative ways to forge connections and integrated networks between migrants, employers and labour market actors, all with the goal of advancing migrant employment. The output will be an assortment of best practices and systems that will improve participative integrated networking for migrants with the objective creating new job opportunities and improved recruitment for employers.
Participants registered / Sophie Coudeville - [no user account on ESF TP web at registration time]
Jan Polley
Country / Belgium (NL)
Organisation / UniversityColleges Leuven-Limburg
Theme / Youth Employment
Project name / STC - Start To Can, for students with special needs in transition towards employment / TPI-1359
Summary of project idea / Joint project with GTB vzw
Participants registered / Das Kristof - transnationality/users/kristof-das
Country / Belgium (NL)
Organisation / Technical Institute of the Holy Heart
Theme / Youth employment, Inclusion, Learning and skills
Project name / NO PROJECT
Summary of project idea
Participants registered / YasmienHautekeete - transnationality/users/yasmien-hautekeete
GreetDoucé - [no user account on ESF TP website at registration time]
Country / Belgium (NL)
Organisation / [ew32]
Project name / NO PROJEct
Summary of project idea
Participants registered / LieveAchten - transnationality/users/lieve-achten
Tim VanHove - [no user account on ESF TP website at registration time]
Country / Belgium (NL)
Organisation / Artes
Theme / Youth employment, Learning and skills
Project name / Development of digital arts platform / TPI-1635
Summary of project idea
Participants registered / Sam Bastiaens -[no user account on ESF TP website at registration time]
Country / BulgariaOrganisation / FlexyPro Ltd.NO ORGANISATION INFO
Theme / Employment, Youth employment, Inclusion, Learning and skills
Project name / NO PROJECT
Summary of project idea
Participants registered / RadosvetaKaraivanova-[no user account on ESF TP web at registration time]
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Youth Association for Sport and Tourism “Zdravetz"
Theme / Youth employment, Social economy
Project name / Transfer and implementation of good practices on diversity management / TPI-1500
Summary of project idea / The project proposal promotes the transfer and implementation of social innovations based on innovative corporate models, implemented.
The project is aimed at improving the quality of life of marginalised communities and increasing their motivation for independent life by promoting equal opportunities for employment and integration into the labour market.
The analysis shows that unemployment disproportionately low participation in the market is a major challenge to representatives of marginalised communities.
Participants registered / TsvetanTsonev- transnationality/users/cvetan-conev
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Bulgarian Management Association
Theme / Employment, Youth employment, Social economy, Learning and skills
Project name / Promotion of self-employment and entrepreneurship to people of age over 55 / TPI-1420
Summary of project idea / The project envisages provision of training and on-the-spot visits of people who would like to start their own business to innovative micro and small enterprises in Bulgaria and in the country of the project partner. Through a series of trainings and workshops the participants will acquire skills and motivation to start their own business.
Participants registered / PlamenMavrov - transnationality/users/plamen-mavrov
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / SOS Entrepreneurs Foundation
Theme / Employment, Youth employment, Social economy, Learning and skills
Project name / HopOnHopOffice / TPI-1493
Summary of project idea / HopOnHopOffice is a project for creating mobile business incubator at "wheels" that will provide innovative services in Bulgaria in two directions:
- A shared co-working space in the converted bus on with separate individual workplaces, meeting room, hall for conference calls, and others associated with the development of self-employment services including Internet access, coffee maker, projector; and,
- Providing the pilot innovative service for the introduction of flexible working hours to employers.
Participants registered / VeselinaKupenova - transnationality/users/veselina-kupenova-0
Iliana Georgieva -[no user account on ESF TP website at registration time]
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Municipality of Svoge
Theme / Youth employment, Social economy, Learning and skills
Project name / New opportunities for social inclusion of vulnerable groups and long-term unemployed / TPI-1449
Summary of project idea / The project proposal aims to exchange good practices with partner organizations, find and create jobs in the tourism sector and social activities for long-term unemployed, youth in danger of social exclusion and people with difficulties to get employed and furthermore improve the employability of the people in these groups.
We will be developing sustainable tourism with small companies and our municipality through using cultural and natural potential of the region. Our vision is to help to more than 80 long-term unemployed people in different work assignments related to this tourism area. The main goal of the project proposal is to stem youth exclusion and support stakeholders towards education, training, employment or other meaningful activity.
There are plenty of youths in danger of social exclusion because they are not able to secure a job. One socially excluded youth is estimated to cost more than a million euros during his lifetime for the society in lost tax revenue and paid benefits.
Participants registered / TsvetoslavaPetkova -[no user account on ESF TP website at registration time]
Nina Koprindzhyiska - transnationality/users/nina-koprindzhiyska
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Municipality of Lukovit
Theme / Employment, Inclusion, Learning and skills
Project name / NO PROJECT
Summary of project idea
Participants registered / TsvetenkaHadzhieva - transnationality/users/tsvetenka-hadzhieva
NadyaRabadzhieva -[no user account on ESF TP web at registration time]
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Desita PLC NO ORGANISATION INFO
Theme / Employment, Social economy
Project name / NO PROJECT
Summary of project idea
Participants registered / Ralitsa Manolova -[no user account on ESF TP web at registration time]
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Stratos Foundation NO ORGANISATION INFO
Theme / Employment, Youth employment, Social economy, Governance
Project name / NO PROJECT
Summary of project idea
Participants registered / DetelinaDimitrova -[no user account on ESF TP web at registration time]
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Mental League
Theme / Employment, Inclusion, Learning and skills
Project name / NO PROJECT
Summary of project idea
Participants registered / Ivan Karagyozov - transnationality/users/ivan-karagyozov
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Cluster Area Brand LTD
Theme / Employment, Youth employment, Inclusion, Learning and skills
Project name / Transnational cooperation and innovation for human resource development / TPI-1415
Summary of project idea / The project has as a main aim to strengthen the transnational cooperation and the promotion of sustainable and efficient transfer by the applicant of good and innovative practices in the field of human resources development and improving of the organisation and conditions of work. It is under component1 and is aimed at IP5.
It directs the efforts towards active cooperation with experienced foreign partners and exchange of good practices in human resource development. It strives to meet the needs of the target group, namely: Employed persons (including employed and self-employed) and employers, as follows: 5 employed persons- members of the administrative body of the cluster 12 employees - employed in the 10 companies making up the cluster 11 self-employed / employers owners and / or managers of the 10 companies that form part of the cluster.
A major element of the project is the planned transfer of a social innovation - Talen management program combined with measures and approaches for dealing with occupational stress and motivation, including forms of flexible employment. In this regard, the following activities are included: a specific analysis of the experience of other three Member States; three working visits-seminars in the partner organization, measures for adapting and piloting (testing) the innovative model by the cluster and its 10 member-organisations; evaluation and dissemination of results.
Participants registered / IvayloZagaryov - transnationality/users/ivaylo-zagaryov
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Privatsystem Ltd. NO ORGANISATION INFO
Theme / Youth employment, Learning and skills
Project name / NO PROJECT
Summary of project idea
Participants registered / Marinkeva Diana -[no user account on ESF TP web at registration time]
VatchevaVesselka -[no user account on ESF TP web at registration time]
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Municipality of PopovoNO ORGANISATION INFO
Theme / Youth employment, Learning and skills
Project name / NO PROJECT
Summary of project idea
Participants registered / Yordanka Georgieva -[no user account on ESF TP web at registration time]
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Labourtherapy LTD
Theme / Social economy, Employment, Inclusion
Project name / Working with confidence / TPI-1592
Summary of project idea / PROJECT OBJECTIVE: Raising abilities of people with permanent disabilities, employed in Labour Therapy Ltd to reach their both long-term and successful professional realization through transnational collaboration for the exchange of good practices and use of social innovations of both Bulgarian and another EU Member State’s companies, social enterprises, and non-governmental organizations.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: Creation of the necessary conditions to attain both long-term and successful professional realization of people with permanent disabilities in Bulgaria through transnational collaboration for the exchange of good practices and use of social innovations of both Bulgarian and another EU Member State’s companies, social enterprises, and non-governmental organizations. Creation of the necessary know-how, organization, and partnerships, which are to allow confirmation, continuation, and proliferation by other companies, social enterprises and non-governmental organizations of the successful model of long-term and successful professional realization of these vulnerable group persons, as a result of the project’s activities.
Participants registered / HristoGantchev-transnationality/users/hristo-gantchev
Country / Bulgaria
Organisation / Association of Bulgarian IR Directors
Theme / Learning and skills, Partnership
Project name / Improvement of CSR of public companies with view to adapting the employees responsible for communications / TPI-1600
Summary of project idea / Improvement of operations of the public companies and other producers of securities towards all groups of stakeholders, namely, the investors through modern communication methods (innovations) and interactive connections.
Attraction of socially responsible investors(companies and funds, investing in socially responsible companies). Use of the newest technological devices.
Participants registered / Daniela Peeva-[no user account on ESF TP web at registration time]
Country / FinlandOrganisation / University of Lapland
Theme / Learning and skills
Project name / Merging Professions – supporting youth / TPI-1310
Summary of project idea / The project aims to enhance teachers’ skills to recognize students’ needs for social work services and student welfare services.