Dallas County Fair Book

This book will be used for the 2013 and 2014 County Fairs. Any updates will be printed in the 4-H newsletter or distributed via your 4-H leader.

You will not find the schedule of work assignments or trophy donors listed in this book. Those will be distributed to you through your leaders. Trophy donors will be posted at the fair.

The fair book is a collaborative effort of the Dallas County Fair Board, Dallas County Extension Youth Committee and Dallas County Extension Staff.


4-H General Rules and Regulations ……………………………………3

Clover Kids General Rules and Regulations ……………………………4

Premium Money………………………………………………………5

HealthRequirements ……………………………………………………6

Fair Auction ..……………………………………………………………6

Herdsmanship ..………………………….………………………………7

Showmanship ……………………………………………………………8

General 4-H& FFA – Livestock Rules and Regulations ..………………8

Beef ..……………………………………………………………………9

Bucket calf ..…………………………………………….………………11

Cats ..…………………………………………………………………….12

Dog ..…………………………………………………………………….13

Goatsand Dairy Cattle …………………………………………….……14

Horse,Pony, Mule Donkey ………………………….……………….…15

Pets ..……………………………………………………………………22

Poultry ………………………………………………………….………23

Rabbit .……………………………………………………………….…24

Sheep ...…………………………………………………………………25

Swine ..…………………………………………………………………27

Static Exhibit– Rules and Regulations ..……………………….………29

ExhibitJudging Schedule .…………………………………………30


AgNatural Resources …………………………………………….…31

Music ……….……………………………………………………….……31

Photography ..…………………………………………………………..31

Visual Art ..……………………………………………………………..32

Family &Consumer Sciences …………………………………………33

PersonalDevelopment ..………………………………………………..34

Science Engineering Technology ..…………………………..……34

ClubBooks ………………………….…………………………………34

2013 Dallas County Fair - 4-H Schedule

Monday, July 8______

1:30-6:30 p.m. 4-H Static exhibit judging, – Community Building

1:30-6:00 p.m.4-H Bucket/bottle calf interviews – Community Building

1:30 p.m.Dog Show – Entertainment Plaza

Tuesday, July 9

5:00 – 7:00 pm Bucket calf check- in

7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Beef weigh-in

4:00 - 8:00 p.m. 4-H Horses check-in

6:00 – 8:00 p.m.4-H Poultry check-in

8:00 - 10:00 p.m. 4-H Swine check-in

Wednesday,July 10______

7:00 - 9:30 a.m.4-H Sheep and Goat check-in

7:30-9:30 a.m.4-H Horse Show –Trail

8:00 - 9:30 a.m. 4-H Beef weigh-in

9:30 – 10:30 a.m.4-H Junior feeder pens weigh-in

10:00 a.m.4-H Horse Show –Performance

5-8:00 p.m.Rabbit check in.

6-8:00 p.m.StaticExhibitBuilding opens Silent Auction begins

Thursday,July 11______

8:00 a.m.4-H Sheep Show – LivestockBuilding

1:00 p.m.4-H Goat Show – LivestockBuilding

2:00 p.m.Bucket/Bottle Calf Show- Livestock Building

4:00 – 7:00 p.m.Clover Kids Day

5:00 p.m.4-H State Fair pictures for static exhibits – CommunityBuilding

5:30 p.m.BBQ for Dallas County 4-H families

Friday,July 12______

8:00 a.m.4-H Swine Show – LivestockBuilding

12:30 p.m.4-H Horse Show –Day 2 - Arena

1:00 pmClover Kids Bottle Lamb Show

2:00 pmClover Kids Bucket Calf Show

2:00 p.m.4-H Educational Presentations & Working Exhibits – Community Bldg

5:00 p.m.RabbitShow-LivestockBuilding

Saturday,July 13______

8:00 a.m.4-H Junior Feeder Show – by feeder pens

8:30 a.m.4-H Beef Show – Livestock Building

9:00 am 4-H Cat Show

10:30 am4-H Pet Show

3:00 p.m.Bidding closes-4-H Foundation Silent Auction-Community Building

5:00 p.m.4-H Poultry Show – SmallAnimalBuilding

Sunday, July 14______

6:00 a.m.4-H Livestock, not for sale, released

1:00 p.m.4-H Livestock Auction

4-H’ers clean barns and pens - following livestock auction

3:00 p.m.4-H Static exhibits released

March 2013

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4-H General Rules and Regulations

  1. A 4-H'er must be enrolled in 4-H by May 15 of the current year in order to exhibit projects at the County Fair. 4-H'ers are divided in the following manner:

Senior: Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12

Intermediate: Grades 7 and 8

Junior: Grades 4, 5 and 6

  1. All exhibitors must be Dallas County 4-H or FFA members in good standing and must be in 4th through 12th grade.
  1. All exhibitors must sign the “Iowa Code of Ethics” form in 4hOnlinein order to be able to exhibit at the County Fair.
  1. All animals must be identified in 4hOnlineby May 15 of current year in order to be exhibited at the County Fair.
  1. All classes will be placed in four groups designated as purple, blue, red and white.
  1. No exhibit will be eligible for a champion ribbon unless it is of blue ribbon quality.
  1. No premium money will be awarded to exhibits removed before release time.
  1. All premiums won in club group classes go to the club treasury and not to individual exhibitors.
  1. Any boy or girl exhibiting may substitute another Dallas County exhibitor to show their project in case of sickness or in case a member has two entries in the same class or in different classes showing at the same time. The substitute must be approved by the superintendent prior to the specific show.
  1. No exhibitor will be allowed to stay in the 4-H buildings overnight.
  1. All exhibitors will be expected to clean out their stalls, pens and area following the livestock sale.
  1. Authority –Superintendents shall have authority to make all decisions within their respective area.
  1. The management will use diligence to ensure safety of animals and articles entered for exhibition, but will not be responsible for damage or loss by fire, theft, etc. All 4-H and FFA exhibitors are to respect the welfare of animals at all times.
  1. The rules and regulations found in this catalog have had final approval of the Dallas County Fair Association.

15.Photos for Champs– Pictures of champions will be taken directly following each livestock show. Pictures of 4-H'ers with State Fair static exhibits will be taken Thursday at 5 p.m. in the Community Building.

The Fair Board reserves the right to withhold the premiums awarded in any case in which it shall appear that the regulations or rules have been violated or that fraud or deception has been practiced or attempted.

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Clover KidsGeneral Rules and Regulations

  1. All exhibitors must be Dallas County Clover Kids members in good standing and must be in Kindergarten through3rd grade.
  1. Clover Kids may exhibit static projects as well as bucket/bottle calves and bottle lambs.
  1. Clover Kids are in noncompetitive exhibition classes. All exhibitors will receive a participation ribbon. No premium money will be awarded. The judge may ask the member questions about their animal.
  1. The management will use diligence to ensure safety of animals and articles entered for exhibition, but will not be responsible for damage or loss by fire, theft, etc. All 4-H exhibitors are to respect the welfare of animals at all times.
  1. All animals must be identified in 4hOnline by May 15 in order to be exhibited at the county fair.
  1. All exhibitors must wear a plain white shirt, plain white T-shirt or a 4-H T-shirt, jeans or slacks and appropriate footwear when showing animals (no open toed shoes).
  1. Animals will come in and go home on the same day they show. All exhibitors will be expected to clean out their stalls, pens and area when they take their animal home.

Bucket Calf show

  1. Calves may be any breed, born in the current year and in the member's possession. It is the intent of this class that the animal should be orphaned or taken from the cow under standard production practices (i.e., mother rejected it, had twins, or is a dairy cow) NOT to make a project calf. The calf must have been on a bottle or bucket no later than two weeks after birth.
  1. All calves must be weaned from milk at least 2 weeks before the fair.
  1. An exhibitor may only exhibit one bucket calf per year.
  1. No evidence of warts, ringworm, pinkeye, or other infectious conditions will be allowed.
  1. All calves will be shown on halter and should be clean and groomed. No show sticks, clipping or fitting

Bottle Lambs

  1. Lambs may be any breed, born in the current year and raised on a bottle. It is the intent of this class that the animal should be orphaned or taken from the ewe under standard production practices (i.e., mother rejected it or cannot raise multiple lambs).
  1. An exhibitor may only exhibit one bottle lamb per year.
  1. No Ram Lambs will be shown.
  1. Lambs must be slick shorn.
  1. Lambs will be shown on halter.

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Premium money will be awarded, iffunds are available.


$ 1.50$ 1.00

Rate of Gain – Sheep

1 -$ 7.506 -$ 5.00

2 -$ 7.007 -$ 4.50

3 -$ 6.508 -$ 4.00

4 -$ 6.009 -$ 3.50

5 -$ 5.5010-$ 3.00

The premium for the rate of gain will be paid by Crossroads Ag.

Rate of Gain – Swine

1 -$ 25.006 -$12.50

2 -$ 22.507 -$10.00

3 -$ 20.008 -$ 7.50

4 -$ 17.509 -$ 5.00

5 -$ 15.0010-$ 2.50

The premium for the rate of gain will be paid by the Dallas County Pork Producers.

Rate of Gain – Beef Lead Calves

1 -$ 25.006 -$12.50

2 -$ 22.507 -$10.00

3 -$ 20.008 -$ 7.50

4 -$ 17.509 -$ 5.00

5 -$ 15.0010-$ 5.00

Rate of Gain – Junior Cattle Feeder Pens(average of pen)

1 -$ 25.006-$ 12.50

2-$ 22.507-$ 10.50

3-$ 20.008-$ 7.50

4-$ 17.509-$ 5.00

5-$ 15.0010-$ 5.00

The premium for these will be paid by the Dallas County Cattlemen's Association.

*These premiums are subject to change.*

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Health Requirements for Exhibition

Of Livestock, Poultry and Birds at

County 4-H/FFA Fairs


No individual Certificate of Veterinary Inspection will be required on animals or poultry exhibited at a County 4-H/FFA Fair, but the animals must be inspected when unloaded or shortly thereafter by an accredited veterinarian. Each show must have an official veterinarian.

Quarantined animals or animals from quarantined herds cannot be exhibited.


Swine originating outside of Iowa. Must come from a Brucelliosis class “Free” state. Have a negative brucellosistest 60 days prior to show. All exhibitors must present a test record and a certificate of veterinary Inspection that indicate each swine has a negative test for pseudorabies with in the last 30 prior to the show.


All sexually intact sheep must have an individual Scrapie Flock of Origin identification tag. All sexually intact goats must be identified with an individual Scrapie Flock of Origin identification tag or by an official tattoo registered with USDA (to register, call 1-866-USDA-TAG).


All poultry exhibited must come from U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid clean or equivalent flocks, or have had a negative Pullorum-Typhoid test within 90 days of public exhibition and the test must have been performed by an authorized tester. (SEE GENERAL SECTION 1.B) Please note that poultry purchased from a hatchery and raised are not exempt from Pullorum –Typhoid testing.


All dogs and cats exhibited must have a current rabies vaccination certificate.

The decision of the official show veterinarian will be final.

Dallas County Fair Auction

Rules for this auction will be arranged by the 4-H Youth Committee. Livestock checks will be available at the Extension Office after 8:30 a.m. a week after the sale.

All animals in the auction must change family ownership. Only animals shown may be sold through the auction. Those not shown may sell at market bid.

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4-H’ers selling animals in the auction are required to wear: 4-H/FFA T-shirt, jeans or slacks and appropriate footwear.

Rabbits and poultry will not be sold through the livestock auction. 4-H’ers may offer their rabbits or poultry for sale by posting signs on their cages after their respective shows. Animals will not be released to buyers until 6 a.m. on Sunday.


A premium bid will be used at the livestock auction. This means that anyone can add to the market price of the animal by bidding in dollar increments to add a premium for each animal.

The bid on a 4-H’er’s non-champion animals of one species will be a premium bid based on “number of animals times the money” except for lead calves, which will be led in one at a time.

Example: Sammy Clover has 3 lambs that weigh a total of 400 pounds and brought a market price of $1/pound. The 4-H’er would get $400, but you want to help Sammy out by bidding on the premium bid. You choose to bid up to $10 and win the bid. Since he has 3 lambs, you will pay $30 ($10 per lamb). You would then have the choice of paying the $30 and letting the lambs go to market, or you could pay the total amount $400 plus $30 and take the 3 lambs home with you.

Those buying livestock to take to a locker will be asked to sign the Locker Identification Form to indicate to which locker the animal will be sent. Exhibitors are responsible for their livestock until it is loaded after the sale. Clean-up of the livestock building and surrounding areas will begin immediately following the auction.

Herdsmanship Contest

Herdsmanship will be checked from Wednesday evening through Saturday evening by a team of volunteers. Evaluations will be posted daily. Herdsmanship applies to species housed on the fairgrounds for the duration of the fair.

Herdsmanship will not be judged during that species’ show. For example, if the sheep show is in the morning, sheep will not be judged for herdsmanship until that afternoon.

Herdsmanship Rules

Stall cards need to be up and visible for herdsmanship judging to take place. If you do not have a stall card, get one from your superintendent.

Ratings will be based upon animal appearance, animal care, a clean alley by your animals, where visitors walk, andexhibitor courtesy.

Proper feeding does not always mean that feed needs to be in the stall at all times. Animals should have clean, fresh water available at all times. Cattle may be fed in stalls or at tie outs. Clean up all feed residue and remove pans after feeding. Tie out areas will be clearly marked. Animals will be tied only in the marked areas.

Herdsmanship awards will be presented at the Dallas County Awards Day.

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Guidelines for Showmanship Classes

  1. Exhibitorsare encouraged to compete in the showmanship class provided that they show their own project in that class.
  2. Any exhibitor winning first place in a showmanship class is not eligible to receive the same recognitionin that class a second time, exhibitor can compete again when they change levels.

Senior Showmanship - Grades 10, 11 or 12

Intermediate Showmanship - Grades 7, 8, 9

Junior Showmanship - Grades 4, 5 or 6

General 4-H and FFA

Livestock Rules and Regulations


  1. Market Beef must be ID in 4hOnline by February 1. All other animals must be in the possession of and identified by the individual 4-H’er in 4hOnline by May 15 of the current year in order to exhibit at the County Fair. (Market poultry exhibitors, see note under poultry.)

2.The Superintendent will determine theclass schedules, order of show and whether classes may be added or eliminated.

3.Registration papers in the exhibitor's name may be requested at check in when applicable.

4.LivestockExhibitorsmust callor email the appropriate superintendent 2 weeks before the fair with the number of animals they plan to bring to the fair and the number of stalls, pens and/or cages needed. If the Superintendent does not receive this information,spacemay not be available.

5.Horse class pre-registration- See Horse - rule #3.


1.All exhibitors must wear a plain white shirt, plain white T-shirt or a 4-H/FFA T-shirt, jeans or slacks appropriate footwear (boots, if showing large animals) and no hats when showing. Horse exhibitors check specific dress code in horse rules.

2.All livestock exhibitors must wear the furnished exhibitor's number while in the show ring.

3.No trailers will be allowed inside the fenced-in area after check-in until after livestock is released.

4.All livestock shall be loaded out prior to release of exhibitors. The Dallas County Fair reserves the right to withhold livestock sale checks until livestock stalls/pens and fairgrounds are cleaned.

5.Superintendents are responsible for cleaning arrangements. 4-H staff and Youth Committee reserve the right to rule in special situations and the decision will be final.

6.Any artificial means administered to alter the conformation and appearance of the animal is prohibited. This includes lifting or filling under the skin and unnatural means of providing animal feed, water, or other fluids, i.e. stomach pump, drench tubes and IV. Exhibitors, families and any involved parties using these methods will be disqualified and will forfeit all premiums.

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7.If all rules are not followed by exhibitors and/or parents, exhibitor will be banned from showing at the Dallas County Fair for one year in that species and they will be asked to leave immediately by the Youth Committee.

Grooming: It is the intent that the 4-H'er takes responsibility for care and grooming of their animals. If assistance is needed, it should be aimed at helping the 4-H’er learn new skills.

Stalls and Pens

  1. All stalls and pens must be bedded with sawdust or wood chips. Straw bedding or sand is not acceptable.

2.All animals are to remain in designatedareas after check in at the fair. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification from all shows.

3.Livestock must remain on the fairgrounds from check-in until released at 6 a.m. on Sunday. Pets, dogs or cats are not included. Horses will be stalled as space allows. See horse rules.

4. Animals not going through the auction need to vacate the fairgrounds prior to the auction or make arrangements with the respective superintendent.

NOTE: The exception would be: 1)a veterinarian determines that the health and welfare of the animal is at risk and should be allowed to go home and 2.) an exhibitor is competing in a recognized organization such as High School Rodeo.

Dallas County Livestock Exhibitor Award: presented at the Dallas County Awards Day to a 4-H/FFA exhibitor who has shown outstanding leadership and citizenship throughout the fair, during shows and upkeep of pens. This award is donated by the Emehiser family, Adel, Iowa, in memory of M. C. "Pinky" Emehiser.


Superintendent:Tami Princ Marci and Dustin Conover

For security reasons all lead cattle must be tied with both lead halter and neck tie overnight.

Grooming chutes will be kept outside the building at all times.

Market Beef

1.Exhibitors may weigh up to six lead calves.

2.All market beef animals will be automatically entered in the rate-of-gain contest. Starting weight of calves will be as of weigh-in date. Final weight will be determined when the calves are weighed at check-in. The top 10 Rate-of-Gain animals receive extra premium money and will be recognized during the market beef show.

3.Market beef steers must weigh a minimum of 1,000 pounds and market beef heifers must weigh 900 pounds at check-in to be eligible for market classes. Animals not meeting the above weights will be shown in a feeder class.

4.Market beef must have a minimum average daily gain of two pounds per day to qualify for a blue ribbon.

5.ABSOLUTELY NO PAINT or COLORANT except on hooves. The Beef Superintendent may request an animal be toweled for indication of alternative coloring.

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6.Market beef animals must be designated as "county born and raised" at the time of the December weigh-in or by February 1 with ID forms to be recognized during the beef show. The animals will be designated with a special color rate-of-gain card. A champion "county raised" steer will be selected and eligible for grand champion market steer.