Chairman Tim Hudson Website: www.montfordparish.co.uk ~ see MEETINGS page May 2016
MEETING 165 Tues 17th MAY 2016 MINUTES 165
Cllr Roy Bayley proposed and Cllr Malcolm McSporran seconded that all the persons listed below should be re-elected/appointed en bloc for a further year as all those persons had agreed to stand for those offices:
so it was duly RESOLVED that they all be re-elected/appointed/confirmed for this Year-17. All AGREED
0.1 Unanimously Elected MONTFORD PARISH COUNCIL'S CHAIRMAN: Cllr Tim Hudson.
NB: The Chair duly signed his Acceptance of Office of Chair Form as witnessed by the Clerk: NOTED
0.2 Unanimously Elected MONTFORD PARISH COUNCIL'S VICE CHAIR: Cllr Andrew Beckett.
0.3 Unanimously Appointed MPC Rep to MONTFORD COUNTRYSIDE SOCIETY: Cllr Tricia Jones.
0.4 Unanimously Appointed MPC Representative to MONTFORD PARISH HALL: Cllr Adrian Bright.
0.5 Unanimously Confirmed MPC Trustee to the MILLENNIUM GREEN: Cllr Andrew Beckett.
0.6 Unanimously Appointed MPC Representative to the LOCAL JOINT COMMITTEE: Cllr Tony Hill.
0.7 Unanimously Appointed MPC Deputy Rep to the LOCAL JOINT COMMITTEE: Cllr David Schofield.
F.1 SC Cllr David Roberts reported on: the continuing effects of SC budget cuts on SC services and the plans for Divisional Meetings to try to find local solutions by devolving services to parishes: see also 8.1 below ↓
1. ATTENDANCE at MPC Routine Meeting 165 held at 7.30pm in Montford Parish Hall:
1.1 Present Parish Cllrs: Chairman Tim Hudson, Vice Chairman Andrew Beckett, Roy Bayley MBE, Tricia Jones, Angela Hanmer, Malcolm McSporran MBE, Plus: SC Cllr David Roberts.
Plus: Ian A. Hutchinson Parish Clerk.
1.2 Apologies from Tony Hill, Adrian Bright, David Schofield were received and ACCEPTED.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST NONE were received at this Meeting 165. NOTED
3. PREVIOUS MEETING 164 held on Tues 19 Apr 2016 previous minutes and matters arising as follows:
3.1 Minutes 164 The Chair signed the minutes of the last meeting as a true and accurate record after the start time had been amended from 7.30pm to the correct time 7.00pm. All AGREED Note: the Clerk has now also corrected a similar error in the April 2015 Minutes 154 on Meetings and Archive pages of our website.
3.2 Any Matters arising from Minutes 163 or 164 for which Councillors seek reports or other information:
a. From 163-3.2a Dog Fouling on the Green Public Places Protection Orders Information: Members were pleased to note Email 16.05.16 from SC Dog Warden Jane Salisbury reporting on her visit of 13 May 2016 to inspect the state of the Green. Jane has advised that a PPPO is not needed on the Green at this time and she congratulated the Green Trustees on the excellent provisions of dog bags, dog bins and the dog notices which were all obviously very effectively helping to keep the Parish Green free from dog fouling. NOTED
3.3 APM 2016 Minutes The Chair signed the APM 2016 Minutes to show MPC has NOTED them: NOTED
3.4 Any Other Matters arising from Annual Parish Meeting 2016 that are NOT included on this agenda:
It was felt that the current format for APMs of a 7.30 start after a short routine April MPC meeting starting at 7.00pm has worked well for several years now and so it should be retained for next year. All AGREED
4.1 16/00756/FUL 3 Bromley's Forge Humphries new extension etc to make new ancillary accommodation.
Members were NOT satisfied that this so-called new extension is not in effect a separate dwelling and so in line with Montford Housing Strategy 127 MPC now STRONGLY OBJECTS to this plan: All AGREED
4.2 Any LATE Planning Applications NONE were received at the Parish Office this month. NOTED
5.1 White Give Way Lines at the Shrawardine Church Junction by the Green Kissing Gate are now indistinct: apparently there are plans for further road resurfacing in this area so the Clerk will wait until they have been completed before asking SC Roads to check on various indistinct white lines in the Parish. All AGREED
5.2 The Orchard Shrawardine A resident's report about the missing BW sign and mis-use of the waste bin:
At some stage the Clerk will liaise with the resident to seek a way forward with these items. All AGREED
MINUTES 165 Continues Over CHAIRMAN'S INITIALS: ______
MINUTES 165 Continued Tuesday 17th MAY 2016 Page 165 b
5.3 Creation of New Bridleway following several FP+BW diversions: North of Montford Lane by A5 bridge:
MPC fully SUPPORTS these very sensible changes: Clerk to email Emily Parsons-Jones. All AGREED
5.4 A new private access has been created to a public road in Shrawardine: in the first instance the Clerk will enquire as to the legal implications before making any further investigations of this matter. All AGREED
5.5 1-8 Riverside street naming+numbering of 8 new semis on Yell Bank: any MPC comment on SC email:
MPC strongly OBJECTS to the name Riverside since it contravenes MPC's devolved power to determine street names and numbers in accordance with the actual historic names for any such sites and the historic name on old maps for this area is Yell Bank so that is MPC's decision on what it must be. All AGREED
6.1 Monthly Audit of Accounts Bank Statement at 1 Apr'16 = £2901.17 was VERIFIED by the Meeting.
also: Balance at 29.04.16 was £7,263.17 and when Chq 799 is paid the balance will then be £6690.19 ↓ NOTED
7. PARISH ACCOUNTS Meeting 165 Date: 17 May 2016 Year-17
The following account was duly PAID at this meeting: All AGREED
Min / Chq / DATED / Minute / PAYEE/PAYER ITEM DESCRIPTION / CATEGORY / £ CREDITS / £ DEBITS / BALANCE7.1 / 799 / 17.05.16 / 165-7.1 / Came & Company Insurance cover to 31.05.17 / INSURE-17 / 0 / 572.98 / 6690.19
8. EXTERNAL ITEMS including routine correspondence and other general information.
8.1 NO Points of Interest arose from external emails the Clerk has already forwarded to members. NOTED
9. EXTRA INFORMATION may be discussed at the Chairman's discretion and NOTED but not resolved.
9.1 Any LATE Correspondence not on this agenda plus any other LATE items of information from the Clerk.
a. Devolving SC Functions to Parishes Proposed Divisional Meeting 6 to 17 June'16: The Clerk will reply to SC Officer Mathew Mead's Email 13.05.16 offering to attend on any of those possible dates. NOTED
9.2 Any Other Parish Reports and any other information plus comments and queries from the Councillors.
a. Cllr Malcolm McSporran suggested that we should write to congratulate the organisers of the Shrawardine Stroll held on Sun 8 May 2016 which raised money for St Mary's Church roof and the Alzheimer's Society.
10. NEXT MEETING 166 to be held on Tuesday 21June 2016 at 7.30pm in Montford Parish Hall
MEETING 165 CLOSED 8.50 pm duration: one hour twenty minutes.
Chairman's Signature Dated: 21 June 2016
Ian A. Hutchinson Montford Parish Clerk Tel: 01743 850504 1172 words Draft-1 printed: 18 May'16
Montford Parish Council Minute Book Eight Page 165 b