Ballard Water & Sewer Improvement District

2381 E. 1000 S.

Ballard, Utah 84066

Phone: (435) 722-3393

Fax: (435) 722-5726


Water Board

February 17, 2015 5:30 pm



Ø Welcome and Roll Call – Chairman Mark Reidhead welcomed everyone in attendance and called roll. Those in attendance include: Chairman Mark Reidhead, Board Members Earl Murphy, Larry Henley, Jesse Danley, Bob Abercrombie, Secretaries Anissa McDonald, and Kaelyn Meyers.

Ø Prayer – Jesse Danley

Ø Pledge of Allegiance – was said by all present


Brett Prevedel stated that since he works with the Uintah County Recreation District he assumed that they were using the irrigation water for the parks. When he found out the amount they were paying for culinary water he asked them they haven’t been using irrigation water.

Brett stated that with the oil prices the way they are, they have been asked to find ways to cut costs. Brett Prevedel said that Ben Mower indicated that there is a tap at Serenity Park that can be used.

In doing some homework to bring to the Council, Brett asked for a bid for what it would cost to run the irrigation. They were told that including a pump it would be approximately $15,000. He stated without the pump it might only be about $10,000 to run it. This is less than what was paid to the water district. He put this item on the CIB list and was approved if this is something that might be good for the water district.

Board Member Larry Henley stated that water might not be available every day and towards the end of the summer might not have any water at all. Brett understands that and they would have to use culinary water part of the time.

Ben Mower asked if they wanted all 40 shares. Brett indicated that it would be nice to have them all. It would be possible for us to pay the assessment and then assess the UC district for the water. The lease would still stay in Ballard Waters Improvement District’s name.

Ben Mower indicated to Brett that if a secondary water is connected, the culinary has to be disconnected. Assessment is approximately $1300. Ben Mower asked if we write it up for 3 yr to increase to 5yr if need be. Attorney Clark Allred stated that we could do a 3 yr with an annual renewal.

A Motion was made by Board Member Larry Henley to approve the Uintah County Recreation District to use the dry gulch assessments for 3yr with annual renewal on Serenity Park. 2nd by Board Member Earl Murphy. All in favor.

Yea Nay

Board Members

Mark Reidhead

Bob Abercrombie

Earl Murphy

Jesse Danley

Larry Henley


Attorney Clark Allred went over the provisions that Bill Barrett said they have concerns with. It should be the concern of the District to protect the future use of that property. Board Member Larry Henley agrees that years from now we might want to use this land for something else. Board Member Earl Murphy can’t understand why they can’t put the pipe in the roadway. Attorney Clark Allred put clauses in the agreement that states that the line will need to be moved at their expense if the water district needs that property.

It was asked if we told them no can they condemn the property. Attorney Clark Allred wasn’t sure if they can do a taking on a governmental entity.

Chairman Mark Reidhead asked what the board if we want the pipeline to go through? Attorney Clark Allred will research and see what the statute says about our rights to say yes or no.

Attorney Clark Allred asked if what they pay us is a onetime payment or pay yearly for the use of property.

A Motion was made by Board Member Larry Henley to refuse the offer that Bill Barrett has regarding the pipeline. 2nd by Board Member Bob Abercrombie. All in favor.

Yea Nay

Board Members

Mark Reidhead

Bob Abercrombie

Earl Murphy

Jesse Danley

Larry Henley


Attorney Clark Allred was asked to create a checklist intended to help complete an annexation into the water district. Clark indicated that he is a little gun shy when it comes to telling people how to do their work. They need to follow their legal advice in preparing a petition and spend some money in getting a plat. We do all the rest through our attorney. It was decided that the checklist is for us in the office. It can be given to the petitioner but we don’t have to use it.


It was decided to put this item on the next Water Board agenda. Not all the board had a chance to go over the changes before tonight. Anissa showed the board the form that was created for new water connections.


The delinquent list was gone over and concerns were voiced regarding some of the residents on the list.


No public input at this time.


Ø January 20, 2015 –

A motion was made by Board Member Earl Murphy to accept the minutes of January 20, 2015 as written. 2nd by Board Member Jesse Danley. All in favor.

Yea Nay

Board Members

Mark Reidhead

Bob Abercrombie

Earl Murphy

Jesse Danley

Larry Henley

Ø February 5, 2015 work meeting –

A motion was made by Board Member Jesse Danley to accept the Work Minutes of February 5, 2015 with changes. 2nd by Board Member Larry Henley. All in favor.

Yea Nay

Board Members

Mark Reidhead

Bob Abercrombie

Earl Murphy

Jesse Danley

Larry Henley


No follow up at this time

10) FINANCES: Checks, Statements, Reports and Budget

Finances were gone over and approved


A motion was made by Board Member Bob Abercrombie to adjourn Water Board Meeting at 6:45 p.m. 2nd by Board Member Earl Murphy. All in favor.

Yea Nay

Board Members

Mark Reidhead

Bob Abercrombie

Earl Murphy

Jesse Danley

Larry Henley

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Chairman Mark Reidhead Date

_______________________________________ _________________

Secretary Anissa McDonald Date

February 17, 2015 1