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Curbar Primary School
Minutes for Full School Governors’ Meeting
Date: 16th June 2015
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: School
Present / Mr. Donald Leitch (Chair) / Mr. Anthony Tierney(HT) / Mrs. Sally BoyesMrs. Linda Berry / Mrs. Jane Taylor / Mr. Mark Mallender
Mr. John Dix
In Attendance / Mr. Steve Wyatt (Clerk) / Mrs. Val Woollven
Apologies / Mrs. Rachel Youdan (Vice Chair)
1. Welcome & Apologies.
Apologies as above – accepted
Welcome and introductions as necessary. Mrs. Val Woollven was in attendance as an observer which was agreed by FGB.
All the FGB introduced themselves for the benefit of Val.
Any amendments to tonight’s agenda?
A contract is due to expire for a Mid Day Supervisor
A staffing issue
2. Handover from the last meeting:
a. Declaration of Business Interests – None
b. Agreement of Minutes of previous FGM 10/03/2015 – Document 1. Approved
c. Matters arising – none
d. Review action points (see next page)
3. School Improvement:
a. Head teacher’s report. Document 2 circulated prior to the meeting – It was noted that the numbers in classes did not add up, the error was explained by Anthony and a brief explanation of next year’s numbers on roll; John & Don asked about maximum numbers and funding; Jane asked about Free School Meals (FSM); SATS results will be available on-line July 7th; Jane asked about GRIP training; Curriculum/ Choir – John suggested thanks again to the staff that are involved in music, this was supported by the FGB; Mark reported positive comments received for behaviour of children from Curbar Primary school; Don queried the benefits of the sports offer from Lady Manners, Anthony said it was the same price as last year and greatly beneficial; Jane asked about MAST – this was explained briefly as collective worship with puppets.
b. Review and accept any sub-committee minutes
i. T&L – none since last meeting, postponed until after the SATs results are available
ii. SIC 05/05/15 Document 4 – copy required by Clerk for signing and filing.
iii. RM – 24/04/2015 - annex 1 and 5 had been approved by emails
c. List of Policies Brought Forward for Approval/Acceptance:
Child Protection and Safeguarding – approved, Minute number: FGB-160615-3c-1
Charging – approved, Minute number: FGB160615-3c-2
d. Review School Improvement Plan Progress – SIC covers this
e. The Impact of Pupil Premium and other funding sources – a report was included in the document pack for the meeting; Pupil Premium use - some hours for a lev2 (TA) and a lev4 (HLTA) TAs for 1to1 support before and during school times are provided. There was a discussion about tracking and monitoring to review progress and the impact of intervention and the use of case studies.
f. Review attendance of Pupils/Staff/Governors
Pupils – covered in the HTR
Staff – no significant absences
Governors – very few absences
4. Governing Body Matters:
a. Ofsted and the Governing Body’s Effectiveness
Review of Governing Body Effectiveness
1. Skills Matrix – this has been completed by the FGB, the returns are to be consolidated and anonymised by Don so gaps can be identified but a first view suggests that there are no serious skill gaps.
2. Sally is to resign at the end of the year as LA Governor. There is then another vacancy after reconstitution. There was a discussion around the 2 parent governors who were not elected and also whether the new local vicar could be approached, plus one other person has approached Rachel enquiring about vacancies. There was discussion around the number of parents who are governors and bringing in a co-opted governor from outside the school community. There was a suggestion of requesting potential candidates to complete the skills matrix.
The outcome of the discussion was that the 2 ladies who did not get elected as parent governors are to be asked to be co-opted/LA Governor. FGB agreed
AP01/160615 - Don is to ask Rachel to speak to both parents who were not elected in the last parent Governor Election to see if they would be prepared to be appointed one as a co-opted governor and the other put forward as an LA Governor.
Training feedback – Jane’s finance course had been cancelled
Training requirement – none identified at present
b. Update on reconstitution
The clerk advised the meeting that it had been confirmed earlier in the day that the Instrument of Government (IoG) that had been submitted was now approved and could be implemented.
The FGB agreed to implement the IoG. Minute number: FGB160615-4b-1
On the implementation of the IoG the following changes to the makeup of the FGB were made:
Don Leitch – moved from being an LA Governor to a Co-opted Governor Minute number: FGB160615-4b-2
John Dix – moved from being a Community Governor to a Co-opted Governor Minute number: FGB160615-4b-3
The FGB agreed to appoint Val Woollven as a Co-opted Governors Minute number: FGB160615-4b-4
Jane Taylor agreed to be the new SEN Governor
c. Inventory items - none
d. Governor training – covered above
e. Reports from Governor visits - none
f. MUGA progress report – this is now in use, overwhelming positive responses have been received from all who have spoken about it. Anthony had a meeting last Friday with PDNPA, as the MUGA does not quite meet planning requirements – levels and fence height, notice boards, planting. Retrospective planning permission is expected to be required with some minor adjustments once discussions are completed. Signage is being acquired to show the rules for use. MUGA Opening Event – the FGB is to ensure previous governors and purchasers of the field are invited.
g. Dates for next term’s meetings 6th October 7:30pm
h. Additional Items to the original agenda
· Anthony asked for the FGB support/agreement in making a Mid Day Supervisor contract that was due to expire as temporary into a permanent contract. FGB agreed – Minute number: FGB-160615-4h-1
· A Teacher is to tender their resignation due to an appointment at another school. The FGB noted that the teacher would be very sorry to leave but that more paid hours were required than could be provided by Curbar Primary school. The FGB were sorry to hear of the resignation, as the teacher had been an invaluable member of staff.
There was a discussion around how to cover and or reappoint. It was agreed that a 20hrs level 2 vacancy would be advertised to hopefully appoint for a September start. Minute number: FGB-160615-4h-2
· Last FGM agreed to restrict attendance of a family in school until behaviour had improved. Anthony requested that the FGB review the decision, the outcome being continuation of the restriction.
5. Conclusion:
a. Correspondence received.
Reference and sickness record for the new head has been received.
A letter has been received about a new Safeguarding Policy
There is a conference in June to which members of the FGB have been invited.
Notification had been received of an Early years conference
b. What have we done tonight to benefit the children of our school?
Implemented new IoG and made changes to the FGB
Facilities for the school have been improved with the MUGA
Discussion about the use of Case Studies for tracking and monitoring pupil progression.
c. Date and time of next FGM meeting 6th October 2015.
See the following for action points to be reviewed.
Action Point Ref. / Action / Owner / StatusAP01/091214 / Rachel is to circulate the Governor Induction pack to all Governors for their review.
10/03 – Mark to return to Rachel
16/06 – Mark returned the document / Rachel / Closed
AP04/091214 / Rachel suggested discussing music tuition at the next Resource Committee meeting.
10/03 Anthony gave feedback on recent discussions.
16/06 – it had been agreed to continue with the Wider Opportunities for provision. Anthony explained further options that may be available for next term. Having signed up early for the Wider Opportuities a discount had been given. The RM committee will discuss further. / Rachel / Closed
AP01/100315 / Jane to contact DCC with decisions made due to Don’s unavailability this week. To also ask about Safer Recruitment, is HR member sufficient?
16/06 – this had been done / Jane / Closed
AP02/100315 / Steve to update the Governor Welcome Pack with Sally as the SEN Governor.
16/06 Amy to send Steve the Governor Induction pack. Steve to update. / Steve / C/F
AP03/100315 / Rachel to contact Val Woolven re filling a co-opted vacancy.
16/06 – this had been done. / Rachel / Closed
AP04/100315 / Steve to obtain the IoG from Amy, update and then submit to DCC.
16/06 – this had been done. / Steve / Closed
AP05/100315 / Anthony to find out more about the Shock Pad and speak to Extra Time and then to make a decision.
16/06 – this had been done. / Anthony / Closed
New Action Points
AP01/160615 / Don is to ask Rachel to speak to both parents who were not elected in the last parent Governor Election to see if they would be prepared to be appointed one as a co-opted governor and the other put forward as an LA Governor. / Don / RaisedCurbar-FGB-Minutes-160615-V1.doc
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