Bush elementarY

Comprehensive SCHOol IMPROVEMENT Plan


SCHOOL YEAR 2011-2012

Lisa G. Sibert

Chairperson, School Council

Lisa G. Sibert

Chairperson, School Planning Committee

Plan Approved by the School Council:



School Council Members:

Oliver, Henrietta / Teacher
Hensley, Ashley / Teacher
Boshers, Stephanie / Teacher
Lay, Paige / Parent
Sheppard, Stacey / Parent

Bush Elementary


“Striving to be the Best”


We the staff of Bush School accept the belief that ALL students can learn. Our purposed is to guide each child toward the highest level of achievement in order to be life-long learners and successful citizens.


·  We believe that ALL children can learn.

·  Each child is unique. We must foster these unique qualities to ensure success.

·  In planning, we must address the needs and learning styles of all children.

·  We must create a successful relationship between home/community/school.

Plan Summary

Bush Elementary developed the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan focused on the vision, mission, and beliefs. After analysis of the needs assessment, it was decided to address the areas of equity and overall student achievement while focusing on reading and math. The focus of the plan will not only target the KCCT goals but also meet the NCLB requirements.

Executive Summary

We are very proud of our school and our test scores. In Reading, 92.92% of students scored Proficient/Distinguished and 90.71% of students scored Proficient/Distinguished in Math. We met 12 out of 12 NCLB goals and met the annual measurable objectives. We are focusing on Academic Achievement and Equity for all students. Reading and Math continue to be a focus along with increasing our overall Academic Index and subject indices.

Our planning for the 2011-2012 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan began in August with our data disaggregation. We continue to use MAP Data as well as KCCT and NCLB Data to plan for the needs of our school. On planning day, September 23, 2011 grade level groups were utilized to thoroughly disaggregate data by subgroups, identify priority needs, root causes, set goals and identify strategies and activities for each goal.

The planning process was enhanced by Professional Learning Communities, faculty meetings, grade level meetings, and SBDM Council monthly meetings and informed discussions.

The plan will be monitored through faculty and staff meetings. We feel sure this plan will be a guide to reach our goals.

Bush Elementary School


2011-2012 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

ACTION COMPONENT: Student Achievement Date Approved/Reviewed by SBDM: October 25, 2011

Priority Need
According to the 2011, NCLB Report, 7.08% of students scored below proficient in Reading and 9.29% of students scored below proficient in Math. / Causes and/or Contributing Factors
According to teacher discussions:
Although there are many successful strategies and activities being implemented, there are not enough small group activities that target the needs of individual students.
Although there are computer programs available, they are not being efficiently utilized due to scheduling and lack of enough computer lab time.
SMART Goal(s)
By August 2012, there will be a 2% increase from 92.92% to 94.92% on the NCLB report in the number of students scoring Proficient/Distinguished in Reading.
By August 2012, there will be a 2% increase from 90.71% to 92.71% on the NCLB report in the number of students scoring Proficient/Distinguished in Math.

Bush Elementary School


2011-12 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

ACTION COMPONENT Student Achievement Last Update/Review October 25, 2011

SMART Goal: By August 2012, there will be a 2% increase from 92.92% to 94.92% on the NCLB report in the number of students scoring Proficient/Distinguished in Reading.

By August 2012, there will be a 2% increase from 90.71% to 92.71% on the NCLB report in the number of students scoring Proficient/Distinguished in Math.

Strategy / Activity / Monitoring Plan / Expected Impact / Responsible Person for Monitoring / Start
Date / Targeted Completion
Date / Professional Learning Needs / Estimated Resources
and/or Costs
Primary students will continue to participate in a morning Reading block targeted at increased Reading proficiency skills using the SRA Imagine It Reading program.
Regular classroom teachers, Special Education Teachers, Itinerant Teachers, Speech Teachers, Curriculum Coach and Para-educators will teach Reading skills to a small group during an hour of Workshop each morning.
Primary students scoring below the 20th percentile on MAP testing will receive another hour of small group instruction using the Reading Mastery program. 4th and 5th grade students will receive small group instruction using Corrective Reading.
The MAP test will be given to all students three different times during the year for Reading and Language. The data from the test will be used to differentiate instruction for individual students.
Tutoring personnel will be employed for during school instruction to collaborate with regular classroom teachers to provide explicit instruction to targeted students.
Teachers will utilize available technology programs such as: COMPASS, Study Island, IXL, Brainpop, Tumble Books, etc. to improve achievement.
Intermediate teachers will continue Reciprocal Teaching
Intermediate teachers will continue explicit instruction in Comprehension, Fluency & Vocabulary skills.
Teachers will utilize technology available such as voting systems, smart board software, etc. to increase student engagement.
Intermediate teachers will utilize OER and Social Studies Skills Coach Workbooks to enhance Reading Skills in a Content Area.
Teachers will create/plan lessons and activities to successfully implement the new Core Academic Standards and Behavior Expectations.(KYCID)
Teachers will utilize available technology programs such as: COMPASS, Study Island, IXL, etc. to improve achievement.
The MAP test will be given to all students three different times during the year for Math. The data from the test will be used to differentiate instruction for individual students.
Grade level CATS-like assessments will be utilized to improve student achievement.
Teachers will implement EKU Math Automaticity to improve automaticity with math facts.
Teachers will departmentalize math instruction.
Intermediate students will receive Clear Math instruction with Don White.
Spectrum Math Workbooks will be purchased and utilized to enhance Math Instruction.
Teachers will create/plan lessons and activities to successfully implement the new Core Academic Standards.
Teachers will continue to implement RTI. / MAP Assessments
Benchmark Assessments
Weekly Assessments
MAP Assessments
Benchmark Assessments
Weekly Assessments
MAP Assessments
Benchmark Assessments
Weekly Assessments
MAP Assessments
Time sheets
Walk-through observations
Walk-through observations
Walk-through observations
Walk-through observations
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations
MAP Assessment
Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations.
Walk-through observations
EKU Math Automaticity Diagnostic tests.
Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations
Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations.
Purchase Order, Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations.
Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations
Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations, RTI Documents on School G:Drive / Achievement in Reading will increase
Achievement in Reading will increase
Achievement in Reading will increase
Achievement in Reading will increase
Achievement in Reading will increase
Achievement in Reading will increase
Achievement in Reading will increase
Achievement in Reading will increase
Achievement in Reading will increase.
Math achievement will increase
Math achievement will increase
Math achievement will increase
Math achievement will increase.
Math achievement will increase.
Math achievement will increase.
Math achievement will increase.
Math achievement will increase.
Reading and Math achievement will increase. / Principal
Curriculum Coach
Media Specialist
Special Education Teachers
Itinerant Teachers / Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Sept. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Oct. 2011
Oct. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011 / On-going
Spring 2012
May 2012
On-going / SRA Imagine It Reading PD
SRA Imagine It Reading PD
Reading Mastery PD
Core Academic Standards PD
Clear Math PD
Core Academic Standards PD
RTI Professional Development / PD Funds
PD Funds
PD Funds
ESS Funds
Title 1 Funds
Section 6
Section 7
Title 1
Title 1
Title 1
ESS Funds
Title 1
PD Funds
PD Funds
Support Person(s)
Jane Gabbard
Denise Griebel
Implementation and Impact Data: □ I* □ PI* □ NI*
(Evidence of Implementation and Impact on teaching and learning) / Date Reported to Council:

Bush Elementary School

2011-12 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

ACTION COMPONENT: Equity Date Approved/Reviewed by SBDM: October 25, 2011

Priority Need
According to the 2011 NCLB data, the Free/Reduced Lunch subgroup scored:
The number of 3rd grade Free/Reduced Lunch students scoring Proficient/Distinguished in Reading was 81.48%.
The number of 3rd grade Free/Reduced Lunch students scoring Proficient/Distinguished in Math was 74.07%.
The number of 5th grade Free/Reduced Lunch students scoring Proficient/Distinguished in Math was 78.38% / Causes and/or Contributing Factors
Free/Reduced Lunch students are scoring lower than non Free/Reduced Lunch students due to lack of varied instructional strategies and real world experiences.
Although there are many successful strategies and activities being implemented, they are not addressing the needs of all individual students.
SMART Goal(s)
By August 2012, there will be a 2% increase from 81.48 % to 83.48 % on the NCLB report in the number of 3rd grade Free/Reduced Lunch students scoring Proficient / Distinguished in reading.
By August 2012, there will be a 2% increase from 74.07% to 76.07% on the NCLB report in the number of 3rd grade Free/Reduced Lunch students scoring Proficient/Distinguished in Math.
By August 2012, there will be a 2% increase from 78.38% to 80.38% on the NCLB report in the number of 5th grade Free/Reduced Lunch students scoring Proficient / Distinguished in Math.

Bush Elementary School

2011-12 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

ACTION COMPONENT Equity _ Last Update/Review: October 25, 2011

SMART Goal: By August 2012, there will be a 2% increase from 81.48 % to 83.48 % on the NCLB report in the number of 3rd grade Free/Reduced Lunch students scoring Proficient / Distinguished in reading.

By August 2012, there will be a 2% increase from 74.07% to 76.07% on the NCLB report in the number of 3rd grade Free/Reduced Lunch students scoring Proficient/Distinguished in Math.

By August 2012, there will be a 2% increase from 78.38% to 80.38% on the NCLB report in the number of 5th grade Free/Reduced Lunch students scoring Proficient / Distinguished in Math.

Strategy / Activity / Monitoring Plan / Expected Impact / Responsible Person for Monitoring / Start
Date / Targeted Completion
Date / Professional Learning Needs / Estimated Resources
and/or Costs
Tutoring Personnel will be employed for during school instruction to meet the needs of targeted students in assessed grades.
Targeted students will receive an hour of additional instruction using the Reading Mastery program.
Primary students will receive an hour of small group instruction each morning to improve reading achievement.
Grouping and regrouping to meet the needs of targeted students.
Teachers will utilize available technology programs such as: COMPASS, Study Island, IXL, Brainpop, Tumble Books, etc. to improve achievement.
Teachers will implement EKU Math Automaticity to improve automaticity with Math facts.
Teachers will departmentalize math instruction.
Intermediate students will receive Clear Math instruction with Don White.
Spectrum Math Workbooks will be purchased and utilized to enhance Math Instruction.
Teachers will create/plan lessons and activities to successfully implement the new Core Academic Standards.
Teachers will continue to implement RTI. / Time sheets
Walk-through observations
Lesson plans
Walk through observations
Walk-through observations
Walk-through observations
EKU Math Automaticity Diagnostic tests.
Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations
Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations.
Purchase Order, Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations.
Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations
Lesson Plans, Walk-through observations, Laurel County RTI Forms / Increased student achievement
Increased student achievement
Increased student achievement
Increased student achievement
Increased student achievement
Math achievement will increase.
Math achievement will increase.
Math achievement will increase.
Math achievement will increase.
Math achievement will increase.
Reading and Math achievement will increase. / Principal
Curriculum Coach
Media Specialist
Special Education Teachers
Itinerant Teachers / Aug.
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011
Oct. 2011
Oct. 2011
Aug. 2011
Aug. 2011 / Spring 2012
May 2012
On-going / Reading Mastery PD
SRA Imagine It Reading PD
Clear Math PD
Core Academic Standards PD
RTI Professional Development / ESS
PD Funds
PD Funds
Title 1
ESS Funds
Title 1
PD Funds
PD Funds
Support Person(s)
Jane Gabbard
Denise Griebel
Implementation and Impact Data: □ I* □ PI* □ NI*
(Evidence of Implementation and Impact on teaching and learning) / Date Reported to Council: