Coalition of Student Leaders
Sunday, February 22, 2014
Legislative Affairs Conference
Baranoff Hotel
Call to Order and Roll Call
Toby called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.
UAAstudent representatives:
Everret Hamilton,Matanuska-Susitna StudentGovernmentCouncil-Palmer
Kandyce Hignite,KenaiRiver CampusStudentUnion-Kenai
(Absent) Savely Kalugin,Kachemak BayBranch StudentAssociation-Homer
Junaid Khan, Prince WilliamSound CommunityCollege StudentAssociation-Valdez
Victoria Lowrey, KodiakCollege StudentAssociation-Kodiak
Stacey Lucason, UnionofStudentsofUAA-Anchorage
UAFstudent representatives:
*Mathew Carrick, Associated StudentsofUAF-Fairbanks, CSL Vice Chair
(Absent) Steven Piazza, Bristol Bay Campus-Dillingham
UAS student representatives:
*Callie Conerton, United Students of UAS- Juneau, CSL Historian
Chris Terry, United Students of UAS-Ketchikan
*Toby Wark, United StudentsofUAS-Sitka, CSL Chair
CourtneyEnright, Student Regent, UA Board ofRegents
JosephAltman, Coordinator, SystemGovernance
LaNoraTolman, ExecutiveOfficer,SystemGovernance
Adopted Agenda and Approved the Minutes from February 2 & 16, 2015
Everret moved to amend to approve the agenda. Callie seconded the amendment.
Callie motioned to approve the agenda. Chris seconded. None opposed. Agenda approved.
Mathew Carrick moved to approve the minutes and Callie seconded.
Planned Activities – Toby Wark
Students played “pin the sticky on the screen”
Discussion on UA Advocacy Points – Courtney Enright
Courtney’s advice to give legislators:
- Trust us
- Thank you, thank you, thank you
- Support the Governor’s Budget
Students broke into groups to discuss what their talking points should be. The Coalition members listened to the guest students’ input and then came back to vote on the topics.
3:35 meeting was called back to order
Mathew motioned to open it up for guest commentary up to 30 minutes and Kandyce seconded.
5 in favor, 4 opposed. Motion carried.
Guests providedopinions at 3:38 for 30 minutes:
Jayce Robertson came forward to state whether to support the Regents’ budget or Governors’ budget. Students should make some sacrifice and compromise between the two budgets.
Mckinley Zakurdaew stated SJR2 future for Alaska and finishing the UAF Engineering building and economic development.
Sabrina Martin: support capital budget, UAF engineering building, UAF asbestos removal (deferred maintenance).
Cheryl Tuttle: be grateful for what the state gives UA, trust the regents and the legislators.
Suhiedy Reyes said the main point should not be for asking for money but be thankful for what the governor gives.
L. Gillispie said he would like to see more back and forth discussion.
Colby Freel stated Alaskans have an incredible resource. Think of the university as one team, but Fairbanks has needs. Students sleep in asbestos filled dorms.
Carl Rodvik said improve the way we were recruiting high school students. Stop all faculty raises. Concentrate on main programs and eliminate weaker programs.
Felix Thillet said they all had campus pride but support UA as a whole.
Caileen Hanson emphasized using a talking point to say thank you is a waste. Thank you should happen anyway as a common courtesy.
Everret said saying thank you would probably not be a talking point.
Claire Lubke said a single appropriation accomplishes a lot.
Hope Meyn said UAF has a lot of needs but asking for a single appropriation is important.
Courtney clarified that the BOR asked for unallocated cuts; a single appropriation is what usually happens anyway.
L. Gillispie said it would waste time talking about unallocated cuts. If students bring it up, it may not look good.
Public comment closed at 3:58
Everret motioned that the Coalition are a unified front for Governor Walker’s budget. Toby would second if the motion was amended. Callie motioned to amend it to support the BOR budget and recognize the Governor’s budget. Everret did not accept the amendment.
Callie motioned for the campus reports on what they discussed about talking points. Toby seconded. 7 for; 2 opposed. Motioned carried.
Kandyce said her campus has gratitude and wanted to offer compromise. Plenty of money is going toward scholarships. There are two budgets: BOR and Governor’s. Both need to compromise.
Chris: deferred maintenance, advising and Governor’s budget
Junaid: Governor’s budget and facility maintenance.
Callie: be thankful and support Governor’s budget, and deferred maintenance.
Toby: deferred maintenance, and campus pride.
Mathew: Senate JR 2 ACPE Alaska student loans through more bonds at lower interest rates, funding UAF engineering building to finish, economic development agenda.
Stacey Lucason: Governor’s budget, deferred maintenance, thank you is normal courtesy, what each student will give back to the state.
Everret: support Governor Walker’s budget, thank you not a talking point but normal courtesy. Coalition needs to agree on their talking points.
Victoria Lowery agrees with Stacey Lucason’s points. Smaller campuses need to be included in the deferred maintenance.
Callie motioned to support Governor Walker’s budget, seconded by Everret.
6 in favor; 3 opposed
Toby motioned to have thank you as a point of discussion as a talking point. Kandyce seconded.
Students discussed the “thank you” as a topic.
Students decided to motion for aninformal “thank you” to be presented in general.
8 in favor, 1 opposed. Motion to have a general “thank you” carried.
Mathew motioned to have UAF Engineering building as a talking point. No second.
Toby motioned to have the future economic development in the broad sense. No second.
Stacey motioned to have deferred maintenance as a talking point not as a specific university but as a whole. Chris seconded.
8 in favor; 1 opposed. The motion to include deferred maintenance in the talking points carried.
Stacey motioned to discuss details of deferred maintenance talking point. Toby seconded.
Students discussed deferred maintenance needs at each campus.
Mathew moved to add SR 2 ACPE financing through bonds added to the talking points. Toby seconded.
5 opposed, 2 in favor. Motion failed.
Toby motioned for campus awareness to be a talking point. Invite legislators to visit the campus in their region.
5 minute recess.
Stacey motioned to open the floor to three guest comments on unallocated funds or not unallocated funds. Toby seconded the motion.
Stacey motioned for only two more ideas to be presented. Seconded. Motion stood.
Stacey motioned and Callie seconded unallocated cuts should be supported.
5 in favor, 4 opposed.
The motion for the support of unallocated cuts carried.
Stacey motioned to support President Gamble’s Alaskan Sovereignty Fund. It is based on the land promised to the university and which the university should receive funds from it. Everret seconded.
6 in favor, 2 opposed, 1 abstain.
The motion to support the Alaskan Sovereignty Fund carried.
Callie motioned to recess for dinner and Toby seconded.
Meeting resumed at 6:25 p.m.
Toby handed out the Coalition awards.
Callie motioned to postpone the rest of the agenda until the next meeting. Stacey seconded.
Chair’s Report
President’s Search Committee Update
Internal Committees
AAIP Scholarship Committee – Mathew, Callie, and Savley
External Committees
Tuition Task Force – Mathew (Callie)
New Business
Charter Revisions
Ongoing Business
Sustainable Investing Update- Mathew
UA Scholars Resolution Update - Stacey
Student Loan Bill Update – Callie
Dual Enrollment Proposed Resolution Update – Stacey
Sponsor Statement Re: Student Loan Interest
Secretary and Treasurer Election? Or wait till next year?
System Governance Council (SGC) – Toby and Mathew
Stay on Track – Mathew
Meeting Adjournedat 6:27 p.m.
Callie motioned to adjourn and Stacey seconded