Syllabus for Chemistry/ Pre AP Chemistry
oSupplies Needed: Notebook paper, pen/pencil, 1 box of Kleenex, and graph paper. A personal graphing calculator is advisable, but not required. We will also occasionally use scissors, glue, and colored pencils or markers. I will have a class set, but you may have your own if you choose.
oCourse Outline: Chemistry is the study of matter, its composition, changes, and interactions. The pre AP course will be covered in much more detail than regular Chemistry, with extensive problem solving. This course will prepare you for AP Chemistry or college level Chemistry.
oSafety Test: You will be required to pass a safety test with a grade of 90+ before running any experiments.
Yearat a glance Chemistry :
oFirst Semester
1st Six Weeks
Unit 01: Laboratory Management
Unit 02: Matter
Unit 03: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
2nd Six Weeks
Unit 04: Chemical Bonding
Unit 05: Chemical
3rd Six Weeks
Unit 06: Mole Concept
Unit 07: Chemical Equations and Reactions
Second Semester
4th Six Weeks
Unit 08: Stoichiometry
Unit 09: Gases
5thSix Weeks
Unit 10: Solutions
Unit 11: Acids and Bases
Unit 12: Thermochemistry
6th Six Weeks
Unit 12: Thermochemistry (continued)
Unit 13: Nuclear Chemistry
Objective 1 – The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.
Objective 4 – The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structures and properties of matter.
Grading Policy:
- Please refer to the district grading policy for specific information on grading procedures.
- It is the Science department policy that in order to re-take a test that was failed, you must attend a minimum of one tutorial session prior to re-testing, as well as submitting the online request form to re-test. Additional assignments may be required for re-teaching purposes. You have one week to request a re-test.
- Daily work that is late will have thirty points deducted.Once graded papers have been returned, those papers will no longer be accepted late, and a zero will be assigned.If you choose to do an alternate assignment to remove the zero, you must attend a tutorial session to do so. You have one week to request this alternate assignment. Extenuating circumstances should be discussed with your teacher.It is your responsibility to check the web page or with the teacher for assignments missed if you are absent for any reason.
- Major projects will have ten points deducted per day they are late.
- If you miss a lab, an alternative assignment may be arranged. If possible, you will need to attend tutorials to make up the lab. Pre lab reports may still be required as well as post lab analysis even if you miss the data collection portion of the lab.
- As of the 2014-2015 school year, all courses will have semester exams. This will count as 1/7 of your final semester grade. Please refer to student handbook for exemption policies.
Classroom Expectations:
oCome every day with a positive attitude and an anticipation of learning something new.
oEveryone, teachers and students, wishes to be treated with respect; therefore it is imperative that we extend this respect to one another at all times.
oCheating will not be tolerated in any form. Both parties (the one giving and the one receiving) will have consequences, including a negative grade impact as well as a discipline referral.
oSafety guidelines must be followed at all times during lab activities. Foolishness/ horseplay will not be tolerated, and will result in a loss of lab privileges and negatively impact your grade.
oEach class will be filled with information and activities that demand your attention, but should a disciplinary problem arise, it will be dealt with swiftly according to district policy.
oYou must take care of personal business between classes. You will be given “passes” each six weeks that YOU must keep up with. You may use these for a restroom pass, i help pass, or if you have not used them at the end of the six weeks, you may turn them in improve your daily or test average. You may only use one to drop a daily grade.
I am available mornings before school, 7:30 until the bell rings, and afternoons until 4:00, except on game days. Please communicate ahead of time if you are planning to attend tutorials in case I need to prepare materials for you or I have another conflict. If I am not in my room at the moment you arrive, I may have stepped out to the office or copy machine, so please wait or make use of your time with another teacher until I can return.