Unit 13

Website Development

60 guided learning hours

Edexcel BTEC First

Award in Information and Creative Technology

Certification in Information and Creative Technology

Unit information

Pass / Merit / Distinction
Learning aim A: Understand the uses and features of websites
P1 Explain the intended uses and features of two different websites. / M1 Review how the features in two websites improve presentation, usability, accessibility, and performance. / D1 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the websites.
Learning Aim B: Design a website
P2 Describe the purpose and user requirements for the website. / M2 Produce a detailed design for a website, including:
● Alternative solutions
● Aesthetic features
● Interactive components.# / D2 Justify the final design decisions, including:
● how the design will fulfil the purpose and user requirements
● including any design constraints.#
P3 Produce a design for
an eight page interlinked
website, including:
● a proposed solution
● a list of assets
● a test plan.#
Learning Aim C: Develop and test a website
P4 Prepare assets and content for the website, demonstrating awareness of purpose, listing sources of assets. / M3 Prepare assets and content for the website demonstrating awareness of the users’ requirements, with all sources fully referenced. / D3 Refine the website, to improve accessibility and performance, taking account of user feedback and test results.
P5 Develop a website containing at least eight interlinked web pages, demonstrating awareness of purpose. / M4 Develop a website including interactive components, demonstrating awareness of user requirements and taking account of usability.
P6 Test the website for functionality and purpose, repairing any faults, and documenting changes. / M5 Test interactivity and gather feedback from others on the quality of the website, and use it to improve the website, showing awareness of user requirements.
Learning Aim D: Review the finished website
P7 Explain how the final website is suitable for the intended audience and purpose. / M6 Review the extent to which the finished website meets the needs of purpose and user requirements, while considering feedback from others and constraints. / D4 Evaluate the final website against the design and justify any changes made, making recommendations for further improvements.
* Maths skills will be assessed / # English skills will be assessed


Merlin Entertainment is launching a new music festival called Upload. Upload is to be held 15th – 17th August 2014. The festival has three stages, the main stage, newbie stage and comedy stage. They also have food outlets and a fair ground at the site in Plymouth, Devon. The festival will provide a campsite for weekend ticket holders as well as parking for both weekend and day ticket holders. Weekend tickets cost £219 and day tickets £89. The cost of the weekend ticket includes camping. Parking costs £5 for a day and £10 for the weekend. The line up is yet to be confirmed.

They have asked you to help them develop a new website. It must have a minimum of eight interlinked pages. The aim of the website is to provide information about the festival including the line up, camping and parking information as well as other facilities such as food and entertainment. The festival would also like a section where people can buy tickets and other merchandise.

Task 1

Features and Uses of Websites

The management team at Merlin Entertainment are unsure of what style of website they would like. You have offered to produce a report to help them understand websites.

Choose two different websites. Purposes could include:

·  Presenting

·  Storing

·  Browsing and searching, or downloading information

·  Improving productivity

·  Making decisions

·  Communicating with people

·  Media searching

·  E-commerce

·  Education

Research the two websites and prepare a short document that covers the following:

·  The purpose of the website

·  An explanation of the intended uses and features of each website

·  A discussion on how the features of each website improves presentation, usability, accessibility and performance (Merit)

·  A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of each website (Distinction)

Evidence Required:

¨  Report

Date due: 4th April 2014

Criteria assessed: P1, P2, M1 and D1

Task 2

Create a Design

Merlin Entertainment would like you to design them a new website. (see scenario for more information).

Your design documentation should include the following:

·  A description of the purpose of the website you are going to design and the client’s requirements

·  Some design ideas for the website

·  A comparison of the alternative solutions and reasons for each of your design decisions, with information about which one will be the best to fulfil the client’s requirements.

·  A consideration of any constraints on each deigns and what impact they will have on user experience.

·  An account of the aesthetic features.

·  An account of all the interactive components.

·  A list of all the assets you will need.

·  A test plan for your chosen website design and test data that you can use to test your website.

Evidence required:

·  Design documentation

Date due: 9th May 2014

Criteria assessed: P2, P3, M2, and D2

Task 3

Develop the website

Merlin Entertainment liked your proposed idea and they would like you to go ahead and create the website for them. You will then need to test it.

·  Prepare the assets for your website, including information about where they came from.

·  Develop the website for Merlin Entertainment making sure that you implement your full website design (there must be at least eight interlinking pages), incorporating all elements of the original requirements.

·  Make any adjustments you identify to improve it.

·  Using your test plan and the test data to test the functionality of your website.

·  Check it against the original requirements is it fit for purpose? Does it meet the client’s requirements?

·  Fix any faults you find and document the changes you make.

·  Gather feedback from others on the interactivity and quality of the website.

·  Use the feedback to refine the website’s accessibility and performance, keeping the user requirements in your mind at all times

Evidence required:

¨  Website

¨  Feedback

¨  Testing

Date due: 4th July 2014

Criteria assessed: P4, P5, P6, M3, M4, M5 and D3

Task 4

Evaluate the website

Produce a report of your project that evaluates your website.

·  Compare your website against your initial design

·  Review the extent to which the final website you have built meets the original purpose and user requirements, considering the feedback you got from others and any design constraints.

·  Give a reason for any changes that you made in the development of the final website.

·  Make recommendations for further improvements that could be made to the website that Merlin Entertainment may wish to consider implementing in the future

Evidence required:

¨  Report

Date due: 11th July 2014

Criteria assessed: P7, M6, D4

Final unit submission is:
18th July 2014

Rules for portfolio

·  Each document should have a header with the task number, criteria and deadline date

·  In the footer you should put your full name, candidate number and centre number

·  You should keep in your portfolio only the latest version and the latest teacher feedback sheet

·  Your draft/old versions you should keep, along with your notes and handouts in your own personal folder

·  You will have 1 chance to complete the work, receive feedback and then you will be given a timeframe in which to make those changes. If you fail to make the standard there will be one after school session where you can work only on pass/merit tasks.

BTEC First ICT (2012)

2013 created by Mrs Monk