GoGooligans.com…Possibly a Kid Safe search engine with Good results and filtering
There are many good “kid safe” search engines on the internet, some of which have great filtering but pay the price with lousy results and some have great results but their filtering could be improved. With the creation of the Google CSE’s (Custom Search Engine), Ed Schmidt has combined the educational results from Google with a 6 layer filtering process that ultimately will be the “kid safe” search engine with both great results and strong content filtering. GoGooligans.com is a beta project that is working towards becoming the safest educational search engine for school age kids.
6 Layers of Filtering/Blocking/Prevention
With the 6 layer filtering/blocking/prevention system, GoGooligans.com hopes to first of all deter kids from searching for inappropriate topics and if they do happen to get results, the results will be of an educational nature. Here’s how the 6 layers operate:
Layer 1: We call this the “Big Brother is watching” deterrent. When a kid visits the GoGooligans.com homepage, they’ll see a notice at the bottom of the page stating that we know their ip address (computer number in kid talk), their host, and that we’re tracking the searches they are making. It’s like a second teacher in the room, because if a kid knows he’s being watched, they’re less likely to search for inappropriate topics.
Layer 2: "Pre Submit filter", keywords are scanned “prior to submission” and alerted when inappropriate words are trying to be searched for. Currently there are close to 3000 words and phrases that will trigger an alert to the user. The "Pre Submit filter" is what sets GoGooligans.com apart from the other “kid safe” search engines and it’s list of banned words gets longer every day.
Layer 3: GoogleSafesearch in the "always ON" mode. Generally, when you visit Google.com you can set your preferences as to whether you want safesearch on or off. GoGooligans puts it on automatically for each query and can not be turned off.
Layer 4: Results are "kid oriented" by use of the keywords chosen in the CSE (Custom Search Engine) setup (to see the difference try the query "games" at GoGooligans and regular Google). When a Google“custom search engine” is setup, the owner has the ability to aim or target their result toward a particular topic. In our case results will be targeted toward kid’s and children’s results. If a topic is non-kid oriented (nuclear power plant), results will be pretty normal.
Layer 5: In addition to Google's SafeSearch, there are 28 more sexually explicit/racist keywords eliminated from all results using Google's "-hidden query" value. For instance, if we add –gangbang to our “hidden query” list, ALL pages in Google’s index with the word gangbang will blocked from showing up in the results. The 28 or so words that we have chosen are words that went unblocked by Google’s safesearch mode. We’ve also blocked all PDF and DOC files from the results.
Layer 6: The custom index of sites (probably over 10,000) were derived mostly from Educational Resource sites, DMOZ kids/Teens section, news sites and other "safe topic" sites. We’re still in the process of weeding out any sites or pages that slipped through this layer.
EXTRA-Layer 7: We can in no way guarantee that all inappropriate sites, pages, or keywords are blocked or filtered at GoGooligans.com. No search engine can make that claim now days. Parents and teachers still have to supervise their child’s time online. We can only make the claim that we are trying hard to eliminate the likelihood that something inappropriate will show up.
You can Help us
If anybody comes across any inappropriate sites, pages or words, they can click on the CONTACT US link on the homepage or results page and we will make the proper adjustments.