Malone Park Conservation Area Reconsultation
Article 4 Direction - Proposed changes to permitted development
We are proposing to introduce Article 4 Directionsin the Adelaide Park Conservation Area to further protect the unique character and appearance of the area.
Please share your views with us by 5pm on Monday 17 July, you can do this:
-Online, complete the survey at
-Or download this questionnaire and post or hand deliver to:
Article 4 Consultation
Belfast Planning Service
Ground Floor
Cecil Ward Building
4-10 Linenhall Street
You can complete this questionnaire anonymously if you wish, but if you give us your details we can keep you informed as the consultation progresses.
Section 1: Your details (optional)
1.1 Name:
1.2 Address:
1.3 Postcode
1.4 Contact telephone number:
1.5 Email address:
Section 2: General
2.1Do you believe that the introduction of Article 4 Directions will help protect the special character and appearance of Malone Park Conservation Area?
2.2Do you support the introduction of Article 4 Directions within Malone Park Conservation Area?
Yes / If yes, please go to question 3.1No / If no, please tell us why:
Section 3: Planning controls
The introduction Article 4 Directionsmean that additional planning control measures can be introduced. In this section we want your feedback on specific control options that council is considering applying as part of Article 4.
3.1Do you support the introduction of planning control over replacing window frames?
Yes / If yes, please go to question 3.1bNo / If no, please tell us why:
3.1bShould control be restricted to:
Front elevations onlyFront elevations and all side elevations
Front elevations but only side elevations that are visible from the public road
3.2Do you support the introduction of planning control over replacing doors?
Yes / If yes, please go to question 3.2bNo / If no, please tell us why:
3.2bShould control be restricted to:
Front elevations onlyFront elevations and all side elevations
Front elevations but only side elevations that are visible from the public road
3.3Do you support the introduction of planning control over painting the exterior of dwelling houses?
If no, please tell us why:
3.4Should planning permission be required for the construction of porches outside any external door to the property?
If no, please tell us why:
3.5Do you support the introduction of planning control over the erection of gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure within the curtilage of a property?
Yes / If yes, please go to question 3.5bNo / If no, please tell us why:
3.5bShould this control be restricted to:
Front boundary onlyFrom the front building line of the property to the front boundary of the site
Anywhere within the curtilage of the property
3.6Do you support the introduction of planning control over the construction of hardstandings to front gardens areas within the curtilage of a property?
YesNo / If no, please tell us why:
Section 4: Equality implications
4.1Do you believe this change would impact on equality of opportunity for persons of Section 75 groups?
- persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation
- men and women generally
- persons with a disability and persons without
- persons with dependants and persons without.
Yes If yes please state the reasons why.
4.2Please use this space for any additional comments:
Thank you