Name of Portfolio Holder: Councillor Ms Atkinson

Portfolio: Health and Social Care

Date of Decision: 10 November 2009

Democratic Services Officer present: Steve Cattle

Decision Venue: Room 151, Civic Centre

Title: To adopt the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) approach for assessing Poole Drug and Alcohol Team (DAAT) Tendering Exercises.

Decision(s) Taken: That following consultation between the Poole DAAT and the Corporate Procurement Team, as per Financial Regulations, the Most Advantageous Tender (MEAT) approach be approved for the following formal tender exercises:-

·  Provision of Tier 2 & 3 services including structured psychosocial interventions, aftercare, through care support services for carers, drug & alcohol awareness training, DRR treatment programme, Criminal Justice helpline

Currently Provider - Essential Drug & Alcohol Services, EDAS

Contract Value - £283,000 pa.

Contract Expiry Date - 31st March 2010.

New contract term - 3 years (+2 year extension).-

·  Provision of a young persons drug & alcohol service providing one to one sessions, self esteem, anger-management and anxiety management group work, medical support, prescribing, counselling, advice and information in relation to prevention and harm reduction. Provision of a Brief Interventions Therapy Service (BIT) -

Current Provider - YADAS

Contract Value - £280,000 pa.

Contract Expiry Date - 31st March 2010.

New contract term - 3 years (+ 2 year extension)


·  Substance Misuse Assessment & Referral Team (SMART) - single point of access and exit for all drug and alcohol services including the Drug Intervention Programme, Criminal Justice clients and Low Threshold clients. Responsible for Triage Assessments, full Comprehensive Assessment of Service Users needs, Risk Assessments and Treatment Outcome Profiles, the allocation of structured drug and/or alcohol treatment within Tier 2, 3 & 4 and referrals to other agencies to meet the Service Users assessed needs.

Tendering exercise completed Summer 2009, contract awarded to EDAS.

Contract value - £118,000 pa.

Contract Expiry date - 31st December 2010.

New contract term - 3 years (+ 2 year extension).

·  Structured Day Treatment - reconfigured service provision to replace Structured Day Care for clients in Poole.

Current Provider - Action on Addiction: Sharp Bournemouth & Poole and Dorset Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

Contract Expiry Date - 31st March 2010.

Available funding for new contract - £70,000 pa approx.

New contract term - 3 years (+ 2 year extension).

·  Provision of an integrated community based substance misuse service for treatment for adults in Poole (assessment, prescribing, support and counselling services to problematic substance misuse clients)

Current Provider - Poole Addictions Community Team, Borough of Poole.

Contract value - £600,000 pa

Status: Service Issue

Key Decision: No

Published in Forward Plan: No

Reason for the Decision: To comply with Financial Regulations

Declaration of Interests: None

Report/Information considered: Report of the DAAT Co-ordinator


The Portfolio Holder noted and welcomed the MEAT approach so that Tenders and Offers are compared and assessed as objectively as possible. This approach ensures fairness and transparency for both Tenderers and Commissioners. It will also secure value for money and high quality services.

Budget Implications: None for this decision.

Contact Officers: Ann Maguire

Present at decision making:

Councillor: Ms Atkinson

Officer: Steve Cattle

Public: None

Signed ……………………………..


Dated: 10 November 2009