Holy Trinity Parents’ Club Meeting Agenda
Date: Sept. 3, 2015 Location: Holy Trinity Elementary
Meeting Called To Order By: Emily Mersmann Time: 7:00pm
Attendance: 31
All board members were in attendance.
Christy Daly, Valerie Sparks-Ross, Linda Spurlock, Michael McHale, Terri Hans, Amanda Swope, Shannon Murray, Danielle Rawe, Mary Enzweiler, Sr. Mary Agnes Cashman, Jackie Mulberry, Sr. Mary Bezold, Jessica Johnson, Jennifer Noe, Amy Sander, John Matthews, Joe Hurley, Levi Daly, Pam Jones, Sr. Mary Claire, Sr. Judith Marie, Mary Jo Wuestefeld, Ms. Karen Rabe, Mrs. Pieper, Angela Kennedy, Kim Lawler, Betsy Miglio, Jo Ann Vickers, Bonnie Louis
Minutes: Minutes of 5/6/2015 meeting read and accepted
Officers’ Reports
President: Emily Mersmann. The new Parents’ Club officers were introduced. She announced that the venue for the Park & Plan, Oct. 1st, will be changed to Tower Park. Parents are encouraged to bring a picnic style dinner before the meeting. She announced that Market Day is no longer available for our fundraising needs. They have been absorbed by World’s Finest Chocolate. She reported that the spirit wear order for the month of August is closed. Orders will be placed after each Parents’ Club meeting, on a monthly basis.
Treasurer: Jill Mcglone. The Treasurer’s Report was read. Kim Lawler asked for clarification on what Check # 1192 was used for. The report was accepted. Report attached.
Committee Reports
Candy Sale: Cathy Hurley. Cathy reported that the candy sale kicked off. The candy bars had been distributed to the students. The candy sale will end Sept. 25th. Our school goal is to sell 208 boxes (12,360 bars). This should yield a profit of about $6,000. Cathy thanked the teachers and parents for their support. She announced that a $25 Target gift card will go the top seller of each school, at the Elementary and Jr. High.
Fireworks Parking Fundraiser: Amy Matthews: Amy reported that the Fireworks Parking Fundraiser would be Sunday, Sept. 6th. She reported that she is working with Tony Miglio, whom will soon be stepping down as the chair for this fundraiser, as his last child will soon be heading to the high school. He has been very helpful and knowledgeable in helping her learn the ins and outs of this fundraiser. The school was able to find enough volunteers to work the BB&T Bank lot, the elementary school lot and the junior high lot. Totals for the fundraiser will be reported at the next meeting, in October.
Principal: James Hubbard. Mr. Hubbard reported that the school year was off to a good start. Holy Trinity has 131 students enrolled. He thanked those who have been helping in the cafeteria, in light of the departure of one of the school’s cafeteria staff. He report that the candy sale is in progress. He reported that the money collected for the Sept. 5th “out of uniform day” went towards door prizes for the COF Golf Outing, at Flagg Springs Golf Course. He announced that Sr. Luke will be taking student art to the Art in Park event, at the Bellevue Beach Park. Those who would like to volunteer, should contact her. He announced that school raised $199.91 from last months’ Buckhead Night. The next Buckhead Night will be Sept. 16th.He announced that progress reports will be available on Ascend SMS. Parents that are having log on problems should contact the office. He announced that the Junior High Grandparents’ Day will be on Sept. 18th. Grandparents are encouraged to attend Mass and have breakfast in the cafeteria. The elementary school Grandparents’ Day will be held at the a later date. Mr. Hubbard reported on the new networks. The school is currently working 1:1. Chromebooks have been ordered and are expected to be delivered within the next three weeks. New wireless networks have been installed, at the junior high, and networks at the elementary will be finished on Sept. 8th.
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
The President reported that the Parents’ Club is currently looking for volunteers who would be interested in forming a planning committee for Breakfast with Santa. The President also requested for the staff to submit written requests for funds to be approved by the Parents’ Club. The President reported that the officers have drafted new By-Laws for Parents’ Club. Copies of the draft were emailed to parents and multiple copies were offered during the meeting. The President offered to have them read aloud, but the audience did not feel this was needed.
Levi Daly asked for clarification on how much it would cost to reserve the shelter, at Tower Park, for the Park & Plan. The Treasurer told him it was $25.
Kim Lawler requested to have an agent from the Catholic Order of Forresters come in to speak with the parents. The Parents’ Club officers approved the idea.
Betsy Miglio announced that she thought the new Parents’ Club officers were doing a good job. The officers thanked her.
Next meeting is 10/1/2015, at Tower Park, at 7:00pm
Meeting Adjourned At: 7:30pm
Minutes Compiled By: Amy Matthews, Secretary
July31st accountbalance:$6112.89
· Teacherstartupcashforallelementaryandjuniorhighteachers($25forparttimeand
· Spring2015graduating8th gradersscholarshipcheckshadnotbeenissued.
· Fireworksparkingfundraiserstartupcash(willbereplaced)
· Parents’Clubmiscellaneousexpensesreimbursement(Robert’sRulesbook,copies,park
Outstandingchecks: check#1172intheamountof$1779.99(foralaminator)
· Credits/Deposits
· Voidcheck#1172intheamountof$1779.99(foralaminatorfortheelementaryschool)
· DepositMarketDaycheckfor$35.64
· Returnof$350startupfundsfromFireworksparkingfundraiser
· CandySaleProceeds(?)
· Payinvoiceforlaminator$1691.41
· WriteachecktoMrs.SwopeforMarketDayfor$35.64
· Meetingexpenses
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