Lent 2015
South West Lent Carbon Fast
“Fasting is always about restoring a right relationship with God… The Lent Carbon Fast in a wonderfully focussed way shows you some of the things you can do simply to signal awareness of how we are likely be contributing to the risk to other human beings.” -- Rowan Williams January 2015
After today, the time of Lenten fasting begins. One Fast to consider signing up for is the South West Carbon Fast - By signing up, you will not only have access to the daily action points outlined in the 2015 Carbon Fast printable leaflet, but you will also receive a daily email with a special reflection and the day’s scripture reading.
The Carbon Fast leaflet is available to print off at here and paper copies are available free from our office on request, but we would like as many as possible to register for the full experience through the website.
If you have signed up but do not receive a message on Ash Wednesday, I would suggest you re-register as there were some initial technical glitches with the registration tool a few weeks ago.
P.S. Do share this link with others and encourage your friends to also join in by signing up for the daily emails through Lent:
Saturday, April 25th: A Mission Open Forum on Climate Change and the Environment - “For the People of God and the Whole of His Creation”
Please come to Wells this spring for a day of reflection on and exploration of one of the most important issues we face. This year is a vital one for the planet and this Mission Open Forum will look at the call of God to care for creation based on the fifth mark of mission, “To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth”.
Some fossil fuels may suddenly be giving us cheaper energy but we need to be advocating a bigger hope that there will be consensus on a sustainable approach to the diverse ways that human beings effect the environment. Climate Change is a prominent issue this year with hopefully a ground breaking agreement addressing it coming in December in Paris at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference.
As part of a day for reflection and action, we will consider ways for individuals and parishes to respond. We will take in biblical perspectives, examine local changes happening within the Diocese to agriculture and climate, and learn from insights from Africa.
The programme will begin promptly at 9.30am and run initially until 1:00pm. There will then be an optional extended discussion over lunch (please bring your own bag lunch – drinks will be provided) to further expand the conversation and explore themes in more depth until 3:00pm.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Bishop David Atkinson (UK)
Rev. Canon Dr. Kapya John Kaoma (Zambia)
Date: Saturday, 25th April 2015
Time: 9:00am for 9:30 am start – 1:00pm (with optional extension to 3:00pm)
Place: The Old Deanery, Wells
More Info is available on the Diocese events calendar
More Fasting: Pray and Fast for the Climate on the first of the month
In the lead up to the talks on reducing carbon emissions in December in Paris at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, many people are fasting and praying on the first of the month. The 1st of March is a Sunday so offers an ideal opportunity to consider this. More information can be found on the Pray and Fast for the Climate website -- Additionally a PowerPoint slide presentation is available to download here:
INSPIRATION: Watch Rowan Williams Climate Change: A Matter of Faith
Rowan Williams recently spoke in the South West on the subject Climate Change: A Matter of Faith – you can watch it here: watch-v=CoCB9iBzaMI&feature=youtu.be (30 minutes plus Q&A). One of his focuses is on righteousness – being in right relationship. Look out for mentions of the Lent Carbon Fast!
Practical Action: Watermark Awards
If you are looking for a grant to create a wildlife pond, or you want to start an environmental project, you can apply for a Wessex Watermark Award.
It helps all kinds of organisations to apply for financial help when carrying out projects throughout our Diocesan area. If you’re representing a church, community organisation or school and you have an environmental project in mind you could apply for a grant of up to £1,500. Every three months a special project receives the Wessex Watermark gold award worth £2,500.
All the applications are considered by a panel of experts chaired by botanist, television presenter and Conservation Foundation co-founder David Bellamy. Our leaflet has more information including an application form or please call 01225 526327 for more information.
If you have questions or would like more information on any of the above topics, please contact David Maggs, Adviser, Diocese of Bath & Wells Social Justice & Environment group on or 01749 685119