NATA Secondary School Committee
Conference Call
May 15, 2013
Welcome and roll call Present:Lori Johanessen, Dan Quigley, David McAllister, Troy Hoehn, Dominic DiManna, Kembra Mathis, Ronnie Harper, Russ Lowe(NATA staff liaison), Larry Cooper (NATA SSATC Chair) Dan Newman
Missing: Stacey Ritter,Steve Taylor, Chris Dean, Bart Peterson (NATA BOD Liason),
Old Items:
KSI Joint Project: update from Russ, Russ has a few states that he wants to give a couple of weeks to continue to try and get a few more responses. Those states are OH, MI, MA, PA and TX. The response has been good, we just want to increase our numbers.
Case Studies- update from Russ and his meeting with NATA IT people. Here are our options:
1.We can have the case studies document hosted online, so that a student can buy access to an online reader with the e-book. It sounds like we can do this fairly cheaply but the downside is that it doesn’t allow students to print out the case studies. How important do you think giving the ability for a student to have a hard copy is?
2.We can host a simple pdf online for purchase and downlaod. This would be the cheapest and allow students to print it out but would also be the easiest to share without paying. With all the options you trade off printability with protecting duplication.
3.We could sell the online pdf directly to the program director and have them pay a license fee per student. We could then share the pdf with the program director and they could distribute the pdf to their students as they wish. The downside here is that the program director would have to collect the money from each of their students.
4.There is also the option of some type of print on demand service. Downside here is that there would be no electronic copy, we’d have to pay a fee and there would be some lag time in delivery where a digital version would be available immediately.
NATA SSATC Session and Alumni Party:Discussed the shirt, 100% cotton, will be unveiled at the Alumni party.
PPG and PIG-Larry Cooper is still going through this, many changes were needed. I will let the group know when I have completed it for one last review.
NATA Based ATSA Curriculum:form a sub committee to investigate what information we should include in the generic curriculum, involve the Alumni. Kembra has agreed to chair this subcommittee as she wrote the state of Arkansas curriculum. Dan Newman will assist her when he comes on the committee in Las Vegas.
New items from the BOD:
Entry level masters:
Dan Quigley asked if we would be involved in the Young Professionals Committee social event like last year. I had planned on asking anyway, thank you for the reminder.
NATA Hall of Fame for SS AT’s, how do we get the word out-David McAllister, involve the Alumni. This is the email that David sent me; I did a little research on the NATA website to see how secondary school ATs stacked up.Needless to say the Hall of Fame is top-heavy in college folks.Of the 277 current Hall of Fame members only 19 are from the secondary school setting.The individuals listed below are the only members of the NATA Hall of Fame who either spent the majority of their career in the secondary school setting or made significant contributions to that setting.The date is the year they were inducted.Looks like last year was the best one for secondary school ATs to be inducted.This year there were none.Hopefully, we can come up with some good strategies to promote the individuals in our setting who are deserving of this honor.
Wayne Rideout - 1974
Joseph Blankowitsch - 1972
Victor Recine - 1976
Edwin Lane - 1977
Francis Sheridan - 1977
Bruce Vogelsone - 1982
James Dodson -1984
Louis Grevelle - 1984
Larry Lohr - 1985
Paul Zeek - 1989
Phillip Hossler -1999
James May - 1999
Joseph Iezzi - 2009
Frank Walters - 2010
Jerry Robertson - 2011
Dennis Hart - 2012
Roger Kalisiak - 2012
Arnold Thomas - 2012
Matt Webber – 2012
David McAllister has agreed to spearhead the effort to gather ideas and suggestions on how we can identify more SS AT’s to nominate for the NATA HOF.
Discussed the following portion of the Committee meeting in Las Vegas.
*Introduction of Strategic Partnership between NATA, Wells Fargo Insurance & ImPACT Applications.
*Wells Fargo's Play It Safe Concussion Program & Wells Fargo's status as Sponsor with NATA
*ImPACT Applications - Preferred Provider status with NATA
*Strategic Business Development Update - Clark Simpson
Mid Year mtg:Team MD Curriculum, please survey your team physicians about what they think should be included in this type of curriculum, Please send me your MD’s suggestions by May 31, 2013.
Mid Year mtg:Strategies for hiring AT’s, please put your creative thinking cap on and jot down ideas on how we can create positions in the SS setting, nothing is too far out there. Please send me your ideas by May 24, 2013.
Around the table:
Lori Johanssen- state meeting tomorrow, Hit the Hill on Tuesday, State practice Act modification
Dan Quigley-
David McAllister-District meeting on Friday
Troy Hoehn- state meeting a few weeks ago
Kembra Mathis-ATSA Mtg in conjunction w/ state meeting
Dominic DiManna- will send out info from his District meeting. He is swamped, when he gets a chance he will send it out. Part of Best practices group that meets quarterly.
Steve Taylor-
Ronnie Harper-hit the hill, practice Act, his school is hosting the state meeting, community has been real supportive, raised $13,000.00. Daughter is graduating from HS.
Stacey Ritter-
Chris Dean-
Bart Peterson-
Russ Lowe-
Next Conference Call: These are all Wednesday evening, times will be 9:00 pm EST.