
The reality of being an educator is there are many behaviors and personalities to manage in a class room. As a future educator, I believe there are multiple ways to spend valuable class time circumventing these energies.In essence, I would create a community that will enable support to all learners. The result of crafting this community is the learner would understand the concepts I teach through a clear presentation of content, a rigorous and detailed curriculum, and coherence of lesson plans and state standards.In addition, the combination of my teaching philosophy, which includesExistentialism, Progressivism, and being a Social Reconstructionist, would make my learning environment a captivating place for most learning styles.

A quality many children have is being ultra-perceptive of the type of environment they are placed. As a child I was similar to this generalization. Growing up, I noticed different styles of teaching. The different types of people students have influencing them greatly impact the rest of their lives. Through many years of observation, I decided teaching would be a lifelong experience I would find most fulfilling.

In previous years, I have witnessed the extremes of educators. A number of educators in the past have either worked on being the best teacher they can be or have fallen under the radar in developing their skills. I have discovered the type of teacher I aspire to be. I have learned by way of all teachers that being an educator is a task in the sense of staying recent within a specific content area and overall teaching requires the instructor to also be a learner.

Ibelieve I have acquired several modes of teaching throughout my high school years as a cadet teacher and choreography at a school with a strong presence of diversity. I feel it is very important to have the mentality of a teacher present at all times. During the daily routine of life outside a classroom, students still hold the image of their teacher.When students see them out in public they do not hesitate to make the correlation between an already developed students to teacher relationship. Thoughtfulness is always important when being a teacher because of situations similar to those. Another important aspect of teaching is keeping the hopes and dreams alive for the future citizens of the world. Making sure being sensitive to creative ideas is always important because students constantly evaluate their teachers. Teachers are influential role models and crushing a student’s dreams is devastating to that specific pupil.

Existentialism, Progressivism, and Reconstructionism are the main foci that will be incorporated with in my lessons. It takes a respectable teacher to agree to go above and beyond the typical call of duty of teachers.In my classroom, I am going to work meticulously to make everyone feel a part of my class. I know that many students are looking for a place to belong and this is why I would create this type of environment. When students participate in my class they will be able to eventually behaveas a model citizen ofsociety.

Because I believe classroom management is essential and involves engaging the students in rigor, I do not expect my pupils to have any time to cause outlandish behavior problems. I am not going to tolerate a disruptive behavior. I have noticed over the years that many teachers let unruly students sit in the hall. By doing this, the child does not learn the significance of punishment and reward. There ismental disconnect for the student. Addressing the behavior and allowing students to replace it with something else is a more productive. This is an example of constantly moving forward with learners.I will clearly have my policies stated in a visible place so students can refer back to them, which should be beneficial. In addition, creating the community in my classroom allows students to understand the type behavior I expected.

In the long run, classroom setup is anice addition to the way I handle my classroom management. I believe there are different ways to switch up the personalities that sit next to each other. Knowing the type of learners I have in my class is an important part of my job; therefore, I should do my absolute best at accommodating their needs as scholars. Because students usually see the teacher 180 days a year I will be doing my best to try different techniques to keep my teaching fresh and interactive. I believe students should be reached through multiple learning styles in order to help them be more aware of their surroundings. I also will try to incorporate different learning styles in my lesson plans.

Creating positive relationships with my pupils, their parents, and other educators in my building will definitely be beneficial to all learners going through the school system. Making sure my students can engage in an active environment, form educated opinions, think creatively independently, and make just decisions about themselves in the learning community that I will create is the crucial key of my teaching philosophy. Without guarantying the students with motivation for creativity, empowering them by means of curriculum and lesson plans, and being artistic in my teaching approach I would not be able to support my future teaching method.

I have a passion for teaching and it has slowly grown through my years of observing, choreographing, and student teaching. I have had firsthand experiences with conflict resolution and helping students with behavioral problems. All students I have worked with seem to be very promising to society. In my years of working closely with students, I have noticed the way teachers separate and divide these children; not giving the same opportunities to all because they believe the misguided students will corrupt the opposite group. I am not fond of favoritism because it is not the job of the teacher to choose who is worthy of education.I know that if I can get students to understand the concepts of respect for others as well as self-respect my students will be able to produce more in life. I will also provide a place where my students belong. This would help them redirect energy into something positive. By being kind but also firm, I will be able to impact lives in my classes.