Learning From the News – Antibiotics KS3

Lesson Plan: Antibiotics
Lesson overview: Pupils will learn about antibiotics and research that may cure a cold
Key Stage 3 Year 8, Unit 8: How can we protect ourselves against infectious diseases?
Pupils should learn that:
·  antibiotics fight diseases caused by bacteria (Unit 8C) / Outcomes
Pupils should learn:
·  why we use antibiotics
·  Video lesson starter: http://www.teachers.tv/videos/learning-from-the-news-curing-common-coldand a whiteboard to show the video on
·  Information from links on page 2 of this lesson plan
·  Whole class activity: Show the video lesson starter http://www.teachers.tv/videos/learning-from-the-news-curing-common-cold
·  While watching, ask pupils to write a glossary (eg: antibodies, virus, immunity, cells, gastroenteritis, trim 21, protein, degrade, antiviral, virologist, antibiotic, penicillin, spectrum, etc). After, write terms on the board so pupils learn meanings and spellings
Main activity 1
·  Whole class activity: As Professor Oxford said on the video, we are ten years away from using this new discovery to cure the cold. Discuss with pupils how common infections are treated now such as the action of drugs to relieve symptoms
·  Written activity: Explain that you are going to learn a bit more about antibiotics. During the discussion, get pupils to make notes and ring each glossary word (they found these in the starter) every time it comes up. How many times was each term used?
·  Discuss with pupils the last time they were ill. What treatment did they receive? Ask pupils about medicines they cannot buy from the chemist but have to obtain on prescription, and ask them why this is so. Use their answers to explain that antibiotics kill particular bacteria and are not effective against all types of bacteria. Talk about how, before antibiotics, people died from diseases that are now curable
Main activity 2
·  Group work: Get groups to find ‘Five things you might not know about’ one of the following (using the links from page 2): the bubonic plague, antibiotics, pneumonia, meningitis, immunity, penicillin and virus. Discuss findings as a class
·  Homework activity: Challenge the pupils to write down, as if explaining to an intelligent adult and in no more that fifty words for each, why:
- people are not prescribed antibiotics when they have a cold or chickenpox
- some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics
- people are always told to complete the course of an antibiotic
- many doctors wish to limit the prescription of antibiotics

Lesson Plan – Antibiotics: science p.01

Useful links and related Teachers’ TV Videos p.02

Useful links for Main Activity 2

·  More information on antibiotics: http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/html/antibiotics.html


·  More information on the bubonic plague: http://allcountries.org/health/plague.html

·  More information on pneumonia: http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/pneumonia.htm

·  More information on meningitis: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/meningitis/Pages/Introduction.aspx

·  More information on immunity: http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/body_basics/immune.html


·  More information on penicillin: http://www.nhs.uk/video/pages/medialibrary.aspx?Page=1&Filter=&Id={D4DBB71C-A0DD-47A9-A260-6A2C866E5ACB}&Tag=Military+care&Title=NHS+VIDEOS+|+The+miracle+of+penicillin&Uri=video%2F2009%2FJuly%2FPages%2Fpenicillin.aspx


·  More information on viruses: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/158179.php

Related Teachers TV Videos

·  http://www.teachers.tv/subjects/secondary/biology

·  http://www.teachers.tv/videos/food-as-medicine

·  http://www.teachers.tv/videos/ks3-ks4-science-big-screen-science-stem-cell-controversy

·  http://www.teachers.tv/videos/battling-the-bug

·  http://www.teachers.tv/videos/teaching-the-science

·  http://www.teachers.tv/videos/ks3-ks4-science-demonstrating-biology-aviflu

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