The Worshipful Company of Plumbers
Web Site:
Ref: S.43G
To: All Members of the Livery March 2012
Dear Liveryman,
New and Prospective Members’ Lunch – Tuesday 15thMay 2012
The Livery will continue to flourish only by Livery members introducing friends and colleagues to join the Livery. As in recent years therefore, there will be a lunch forrecently admitted Liverymen (in the last five years) and prospective members and their host Liverymen. This is an opportunity for your family, friends or colleagues who might be interested in the Livery to come to Wax Chandlers’ Hall and meet other Liverymen and to ask any questions they may have. It is intended to keep the lunch informal but the Master will give a short address on the history and aims of the Livery and the costs and responsibilities associated with being a Liveryman.
Please do join us and bring prospective members with you. You will recall the Master’s aim this year that all Liverymen should recruit one new member each. Maximum numbers for the lunch are 60 so early booking is recommended. If any of your guests subsequently join the Livery you will be eligible to a free ticket at the next Ladle Dinner following their admission.
Programme:12.15 Drinks
12.45 Lunch
14:30 End
Cost:£58.00 (£48.33 + £9.67 VAT) (No increase on last year)
There is no limit on the number of guests each Liveryman can bring but please note that priority will be given to recently admitted Liverymen and Liverymen bringing guests. Other Liverymen will be accommodated if space permits.
Final closing date 8th May 2012(Please note that tickets will not be sent out for this function)
P Nash OBE
Air Cdre
New and Prospective Members’ Lunch – Tuesday 15thMay 2012
I wish to reserve …….. places at the New Members’ Lunch on Tuesday 15thMay 2012.
The names of those attending………………………………………………(Please print legibly)
(including yourself) are:……………………………………………… ………………………………………………
Any Special Dietary Requirements………………………………………………and for whom ……………………
I enclose payment of £58 per head (£48.33 + £9.67 VAT).Total £ …………
Signed…………………………Contact telephone number …………………e-mail………………………………