Optus PowerON Compute
This Service Description forms part of the Agreement under which Optus supplies the Service to you.
Rules of interpretation and capitalised terms that are used in this Service Description are defined either in the General Terms or in the Dictionary included within this Service Description. A reference to a paragraph is a reference to a paragraph in this Service Description unless stated otherwise.
Some important information about the Service:
Base Service / Optus PowerON ComputeService Options available with the base Service / · Shared Internet Access
· Virtual Firewall Instance
· Additional Private Network
· vSAN with/without vSAN Snapshot Software
· Operating System Software Services
· Application Software Services
Company supplying the Services / Optus Networks Pty Limited (ABN 92 008 570 330)
1. The Service
1.1 Optus PowerON Compute is a cloud-based virtual-server-computing Service, with service options. The Service requires a valid Optus supplied network access link (provided separately by Optus).
1.2 Optus will provide, and you must acquire, the Optus PowerON Compute Service in accordance with the Agreement for at least the Committed Term. After the end of the Committed Term, Optus will, subject to availability of storage space, continue to provide, and you must continue to acquire, the Optus PowerON Compute Service in accordance with the Agreement until it is cancelled in accordance with the Agreement.
1.3 Optus will provide, and you must acquire, any Service Option in accordance with the Agreement until it is cancelled in accordance with the Agreement.
1.4 You may not resell the Service to a third party.
2. Service Features
2.1 The service includes the following features:
(a) Access to a quantity of compute and storage infrastructure resources within a Virtual Machine accessible from a valid Optus network access link;
(b) Access to the VPDC Self Service Portal; and
(c) Service options for Evolve Internet Access services, Shared Internet Access services, Virtual Firewall Instance services, Additional Private Network services, vSAN services, Operating System Software services and Application Software services.
3. Service Use and changes
3.1 Service Uses. You are responsible for assessing and monitoring whether the Service and the terms upon which Optus supplies the Service to you meets any particular specification, standard, policy, regulatory requirement or other requirement you require or are subject to having (including any requirement relating to data storage, control, back-up, accessibility, auditing or security). You are responsible for ensuring you have an appropriate Optus network which provides the capacity and throughput required by You to obtain a reasonable performance on the Service.
3.2 Optus may vary the Service or any term of this Service Description, if reasonably required to do so, for technical, operational or commercial reasons. Optus will provide you with a Customer Support Guide containing details about the Service including the procedures in place for requesting MACs and reporting Incidents. You must follow the procedures set out in the Customer Support Guide, which Optus may update the from time to time, notifying you of any updates.
4. Service Provision: Your Selections
4.1 In your Application you have selected a Service Option(s) and features and characteristics applicable to the Service. During the provisioning process you will also be required to provide information requested in an On-Boarding Form.
4.2 You may, subject to the MAC procedure set out in the Customer Support Guide request an increase in the supply of compute and storage infrastructure resources or additional Service Options for the PowerON Compute Service. Your request will be subject to Opus’ written consent and may incur a change in the applicable Fees and Charges, in accordance with Optus’ rates at the relevant time.
5. Service Charges
5.1 The standard charges for the Service(s) are set out in Appendix 1. The charges payable by you will depend on the features and characteristics you have selected and any modifications or changes you request at any time and that are agreed to by Optus. When requesting MACs from the service desk using the procedure set out in the Customer Support Guide, you should be aware that the Base Service includes two (2) non-chargeable Simple MACs in any calendar month. In addition, the Virtual Firewall Instance Service option includes an additional five (5) non-chargeable Simple MACs for each firewall in any calendar month; and the vSAN Service Option includes two (2) non-chargeable Simple MACs in any calendar month. The MAC allocation does not roll-over to the following month. Any further MACs are chargeable at the rates set out in Appendix 1.
5.2 Optus may vary the charges for the Service or any Service Options from time to time during or after the Committed Term (if any) by giving you at least thirty (30) days' notice.
5.3 If Optus gives you a notice to increase the charges under clause 5.2, you will not be charged any Cancellation Fee if you cancel the Service or relevant Service Option before the date the variation to charges takes effect.
6. Prerequisite Optus network access
6.1 It is a requirement for connecting to the Service that You set up an appropriate access link to your premises. The appropriate network access link types to connect your premises to the Optus PowerON Compute Service are:
(a) Optus Evolve IP VPN data connection;
(b) Optus Evolve Ethernet WAN data connection;
(c) Optus Evolve Internet service;
(d) Optus PowerON Compute Shared Internet service option as described in clause 10; and
(e) Uecomm Ethernet data connection from Uecomm Ethernet Networks.
6.2 If you choose to use the Service with either the Optus Evolve Internet service or the Optus PowerON Compute Shared Internet service, then before the Service Start Date you must choose to connect to the Service using only one of these methods of internet access and not both. The method chosen by you will be set out in the Application, or as amended by you from time to time.
6.3 The Optus Evolve and Uecomm Ethernet Network products are not included in the Service and are provided separately by Optus.
6.4 If You choose to connect to the Optus PowerON Compute service via an Optus Evolve Ethernet WAN or a Uecomm Ethernet data connection (from Uecomm Ethernet Networks) You are required to provision an enterprise grade router device at Your chosen location to connect to the Optus PowerON Compute that is capable of providing BGP peering to the Optus PowerON Compute Service.
7. Provisioning
7.1 You and Optus may agree in the Application a provisioning time target for the Service ("Customer Required Date"). The provisioning time target will be contingent on matters such as the provisioning date (if any) for the appropriate network access link(s), the availability of capacity on the Optus PowerON Compute platform infrastructure, the availability of capacity on the Optus PowerON Compute vSAN platform infrastructure (if chosen) and the complexity of the required storage configurations.
7.2 If, after making the Application and before the relevant Customer Required Date, you request a modification to the setup of the Service and Optus agrees to make that modification, or if there is a delay in the installation target for the Optus network access link, then an amended Customer Required Date for that Service may also need to be agreed.
7.3 Optus will use all reasonable endeavours to provision the Service by the relevant Customer Required Date, but does not guarantee that it will do so.
7.4 In order to help ensure that the Service is provisioned by the Customer Required Date, you must make available all appropriate resources in a timely manner to enable the completion and user acceptance testing of the Service to ensure that the Customer Required Date can be achieved.
7.5 If service provisioning is delayed due to your failure to take all reasonable steps in supporting the provisioning process or your failure to provide all requested information, Optus reserves the right to:
(a) withdraw its acceptance of your Application and cancel your Service; or
(b) commence charging from the Customer Required Date.
8. About the Service
Compute and Storage Infrastructure Resources
8.1 The Compute and Storage Infrastructure Resources, which you can use, will be configured in accordance with your requirements as set out in the Optus PowerON Compute On-Boarding Form and any subsequent MACs.
8.2 The Compute and Storage Infrastructure Resources are made available to you from the VPDC Self Service Portal providing you have the valid network access link type specified in clause 6.1 and clause 6.2.
8.3 The Compute and Storage Infrastructure Resources consist of:
(a) a quantity of Compute Slices; and
(b) a Storage Class.
8.4 A Compute Slices is a quantity of server compute resources consisting of 500MHz of CPU and 1 Gigabyte of RAM. You can aggregate multiple Compute Slices to form a single Virtual Machine from within the VPDC Self Service Portal. The maximum allocation of Virtual CPU per Virtual Machine is four; and the maximum allocation of memory per Virtual Machine is 32 GB.
8.5 A Storage Class can consist of either:
(a) Standard Storage. Standard Storage may be characterised as using larger capacity disks with lower rotational speeds; OR
(b) Performance Storage. Performance Storage may be characterised as using smaller capacity disks with higher rotational speeds and redundancy levels more tuned for write operations.
8.6 Regardless of which Storage Class is chosen, each Virtual Machine may have one or more virtual disks attached which may range from 10GB to 900GB. No more than 16 virtual disks or a total no larger than 1.8TB may be added to a single Virtual Machine. The maximum allocation of storage per virtual disk per Virtual Machine on the Optus PowerON Compute platform is 900GB.
VPDC Self Service Portal
8.7 The Optus PowerON Compute VPDC Self Service Portal allows you to:
(a) manage users and groups;
(b) use, create, manage and operate virtual network services; and
(c) use, create, manage and operate Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine templates.
8.8 You are responsible for managing your Virtual Machines by using the VPDC Self Service Portal to connect to the VPDC Platform.
8.9 You will be provided with a dedicated customer URL which you can use to access the VPDC Self Service Portal. You are responsible for controlling the level of access you allow users to have to the VPDC Self Service Portal. You may control the level of access you allow users to have by applying role-based access control methods.
Optus provided management
8.10 The Service includes service management provided by a service desk, through which assistance is provided to help resolve Incidents, or perform Moves, Adds and Changes (MACs). The Customer Support Guide provides information on Optus provided service management.
8.11 You must nominate users that are able to use the service desk. Contact details for the service desk, including hours of operation, are listed in the Customer Support Guide.
8.12 The service desk provides a single point of contact for the registration and management of:
(a) Enquiries – which is any contact made with the service desk that does not result in a MAC or an Incident work request being raised;
(b) Incidents; and
(c) MACs.
8.13 Available MACs are set out in the Customer Support Guide. You can request both Simple MACs and Complex MACs by contacting the Service Desk as described in the Customer Support Guide.
8.14 As part of the Service You can have up to two (2) non-chargeable Simple MACs in any calendar month. Any un-used allocation of MACs does not roll-over to the following month. You can request the supply of chargeable Complex Moves, Adds and Changes (Complex MACs) as part of the Service at any time, however, these (and any more than two (2) Simple MACs per month) do carry additional fees as described in Appendix 1.
9. Service Option : Virtual Firewall Instance
9.1 The Virtual Firewall Instance sits between any Virtual Machine(s) created by You on the Optus PowerON Compute platform and the Shared Internet Access service option, or between two or more private networks. This helps to provide you with protection from malicious code from the internet using firewall rule sets.
9.2 The Virtual Firewall Instance is charged per instance per month in accordance with charges set out in Appendix 1.
9.3 Each Virtual Firewall Instance is dedicated to your specified private network within the Optus PowerON Compute environment.
9.4 Optus may not be able to provide all rule sets requested by You. Firewall rule sets will be subject to Optus’ discretion and Optus reserves the right to refuse to implement some firewall rules.
9.5 The first firewall rule set with the necessary details will be, subject to this paragraph 9, based on your specifications as provided by You during the application process and accepted by Optus. If You do not specify this information Optus will not provision the Shared Internet Access service option or the Virtual Firewall Instance service option.
9.6 Optus will provide the setup, configuration and on-going execution of the Virtual Firewall Instance(s). In the event that You wish to amend any of the firewall rule sets then Optus will allow you to place up to five (5) Simple MACs per Virtual Firewall per month at no charge (in addition to the non-chargeable Simple MACs included with the Base Service) . Any un-used allocation of MACs does not roll-over to the following month.
9.7 Optus will not provide You with any access to the firewall configuration or administration tool sets.
9.8 Some features are not supported within/through the Virtual Firewall Instance service option, including:
(a) Multicast routing
(b) Threat detection
(c) Site-to-site VPN
(d) Dynamic routing protocols
(e) QoS markings
9.9 Optus will incur no liability to you in relation to any loss, damage, costs or expenses suffered or incurred by you in connection with firewall rules.
10. Service Option : Shared Internet Access
10.1 The Shared Internet Access service consists of access to the internet which is shared between Optus PowerON Compute customers. Shared Internet Access allows an entry point onto the internet for Virtual Machine(s) created by You within the Optus PowerON Compute environment. Shared Internet Access includes DDoS mitigation technologies operated and managed by Optus within the network which helps protect from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. The bandwidth provided is delivered in a shared internet access model and usage charges will apply based on the quantity of data downloaded that pass through the VPDC Boundary allocated to you.