Minutes of Meeting held on 23 September 2014 – 4.30pm
Tyne & Wear Local Access ForumPresent: Alisdair Buchan(Chair,AB), Alison Blackburn (AB), Liz Bray(LB), Victor Cadaxa(VC), Andy Blanchflower(AB), Kathy Atkinson(KA), Ron Noble(RN), Charlie Hall(CH), Nigel Harrison(NH) and Anne Porthouse(AP)
In Attendance: Tim Ducker, Sunderland City Council(TD), Heather Evans, CTC(HE), Simon Carey, Newcastle City Council (SC), Lisa Tracey, South Tyneside Council (LT), Councillor Sheila Stephenson, South Tyneside Council (SS), Graeme Clark, North Tyneside Council (GC), Neil Frier, Gateshead Council(NF), John Bourn, Regional Transport Team(JB), Helen Russell, Newcastle City Council (Note Taker)
Apologies: Terry Welsh (LAF Member) and Jim Milner (Natural England)
Welcome and ApologiesIntroductions made and apologies given.
Declarations of Interest
No declarations were made.
Training Session:- Introduction to the Tyne & Wear Rights of Way Improvement Plan (Tim Ducker)
TD took the Forum through the Improvement Plan and distributed copies.
- A query was raised in relation to the life span of any improvement works. TD confirmed that it would be as long as possible; a discussion took place around how the work would be undertaken and the robustness of that work.
- Concerns were raised with regards to links being made between paths. Some members of the Forum felt that, over the last 15 years, these discussions had been ongoing but there had been little progress. NF confirmed that 2 new paths had recently been opened by Gateshead.
- There was a discussion around budget cuts and how this affected works. It was confirmed that Councils were yet to be informed of budgetary reductions going forward.
- LB raised concerns around the wording of the Plan. She felt that it failed to pick up on both the original plan and version 2 of the Plan.
- The future of the current Local Transport Plan was discussed and JB explained what impact this would have on the ROWIP in the future.
- A discussion took place around the lack of funding and the possibility of securing funding from developers of new sites.
Minutes of meeting held on 13 May 2014
It was confirmed that the Marley Hill plans had been approved by Gateshead’s Planning Committee but turned down by Durham’s Planning Committee.
A query was raised in relation to whenNorth Tyneside’s Sustainable Access Working Group meetings would be setup. It was confirmed they are to be held every quarter.
A discussion took place around advertising for new members in South Tyneside through the Shields Gazette. This had been undertaken prior to the summer holidays.
The River Don Walk had not taken place due to issues around access. No further dates had been agreed. VC suggested that this is brought back to the Planning Group for discussion.
It was agreed that a more detailed meeting would need to be held with Sunderland regarding future plans for the International Advanced Manufacturing Park.
Following a query regarding the start time of meetings, it was confirmed that all meetings should start at 4.30pm, in order that members could leave the building in good time before it closes at 7pm.
The minutes were thereafter agreed as a true record.
Matters Arising
See point 4.
6. / Report of the Chair
The Chair thanked Annabel Haynes for the support she had provided to the Forum prior to leaving the Council. The Chair queried whether a new secretariat would be provided. JB confirmed that NCC had this in hand.
7. / Terms of Reference for Resourcing the Joint Local Access Forum
JB circulated a prepared report and took the Forum through it. The report details how the Forum will be funded and resourced. The Report had been seen and approved by the ROW officers.
JB asked that the Report be formally endorsed by the Forum and the Chair requested this to take place. The Forum endorsed the report.
8. / Officer Reports
Newcastle – Simon Carey
SC took the Forum through his report. Discussions revolved around potential improvement works (with the possibility of a new bridge being installed) in Walbottle Dene as well as the possible making of a Diversion Order at Footpath 4 Brunswick/Footpath 6 Dinnington. It was also confirmed that tarmac would not be used in the resurfacing of Coach Road, Throckley. Rights of way signs would be installed before end of March 2015. KA raised concerns in relation to maintenance. It was agreed that maintenance had been slow but SC assured it had all been ordered earlier this year.
South Tyneside – Lisa Tracy
LT took the Forum through the report. Concerns were raised with regards to an accident involving a horse and rider on Lizards Lane. It was confirmed the Police were carrying out speed checks on this road. VC stated a letter had been sent by the LAF to STC but they were yet to receive a reply. It was agreed that the letter would be sent again. KA had also written and was yet to receive a reply. LT requested that both letters were sent directly to her.
North Tyneside – Graeme Clark
GC explained that a joint group meeting of stakeholders was arranged and hosted by the relevant cabinet member to discuss how all aspects of PRoW delivery and management could be improved. Subsequently the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for Environment requested and received a presentation highlighting the general issues across the PRoW and Cycle Network. As a result two separate sub-committee groups have been formed to examine fully PRoW and Cycling and to assist this, stakeholders may be invited to contribute. The two groups will then compile a report of recommendations to full cabinet.
GC also explained that a study has been made into the possibility of turning street lighting off during the night where they are situated on 3 bridleways across the borough.The Council is also looking into installing sensors on new lighting schemes which would react only when the path was being used and would turn off when not.
Two new path reconstruction projects had been identified linking directly into the Cobalt Business Park. The first path from Holystone Roundabout was progressing well and will be completed in the coming weeks. However, due to unforeseen costs, path two has been postponed until next year.
Gateshead – Neil Frier
NF took the Forum through his report and confirmed that 2 routes had recently opened and had been financially supported by Sustrans and developer contributions.
Sunderland – Tim Ducker
TD took the Forum through the report. Discussions were held on some items, including more widely for Tyne and Wear Green Infrastructure Strategies.
9. / Planning Sub Group Chair’s Report (Victor Cadaxa)
VC took the Forum through his report. VC confirmed that membership had improved. It was agreed that where residents were members, membership had been more beneficial. VC confirmed that there were no members from North or South Tyneside.
A discussion was held in relation to signage to the quarry at Marley Hill - should it be improved? The Lizard Lane accident was discussed further.
In relation to the Newcastle/Gateshead Core Strategy, VC confirmed that follow up work needed to be undertaken. It was important to ensure that developers were being active in relation to retaining existing routes.
VC confirmed that a visit to Testo’s roundabout had happened earlier that day. AB and AP had attended at a Highways Agency meeting with regards to a proposed flyover. It was agreed that the group needed to ensure that access was improved.
Concerns had also been raised in relation to Fatfield Bridge. As yet there had been no reply. A discussion took place around the bridge not being suitable for equestrians or anyone with a disability.
LB confirmed that she had been keeping an eye on developments at the Airport and provided an update in relation to rights of way and access routes.
10 / Newcastle and Gateshead Core Strategy – Andy Blanchflower
AB discussed with the Forum the impact of the various proposals in the Core Strategy.
There was evidence that rights of way were protected and are going to be diverted.
Regarding figures for projected population in Tyne & Wear, Andy quoted an expert report that considered these unrealistically high. With it, figures for projected future housing needs/house building required were also unrealistically large.
There are concerns with regards to an increase in traffic but feels very positive following the viewing of the plans.
There was discussion of projections in housing, the population, concerns regarding more buses on roads and people moving to the countryside just outside the Tyne and Wear boundary, but travelling and working in Tyne and Wear so adding to road congestion.
NF discussed with the Forum what Gateshead were currently doing in relation to reducing speed on the rural road network and confirmed that officers were working hard to maintain rights of way.
11 / Any Other Business
Outline Training Session on Disability and Access – Alison Blackburn
A discussion took place around what would need to be considered in relation to disability. AB confirmed she would be happy to deliver training. The Chair confirmed that he would like all members to be briefed to the same standard. This session is to be arranged for a time in the future,
Operation Dragoon – Kathy Atkinson
KA gave an update in relation to road safety. KA confirmed that the Police were putting together a booklet which would also deal with equestrian road safety.
Tyne & Wear Heritage Way – Victor Cadaxa
VC shared with the Forum that he had been approached by Northumbrian Ramblers regarding the Heritage Way. The ramblers would like to offer their support in returning the route to its former glory. It was agreed that they should be invited to the next meeting of the Forum to explore their wishes further.
TD did share his concerns regarding the maintenance of the route when it was back up and running.
MP’s Letter to ROWIP Officers – Victor Cadaxa
VC had received a letter from Dan Rogerson MP. It covered the following 3 items:
- Ensure that when reviewing ROWIP you consider all access routes
- Consideration should be given to cycle and equestrian users
- Publishing of a cycling/walking delivery plan
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 25 November 2014 at 4.30pm (light buffet served from 4.00pm)
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