Qualifications Wales

Job title: /

Qualifications Officer (up to four posts available)

Location: / Q2, Imperial Park, Newport NP10 8AR
Contract: / Permanent, full time. Requests for alternative working patterns including part-time and job share may be discussed at interview
Salary: / Band 3 – Salary range £27,550 - £34,750 per annum
Hours of work: / 37
Department: / To be deployed to one of the following teams:
-Development and commissioning
-Recognition and approval
-Monitoring and compliance
Reporting to: / According to deployment, a manager in either:
-Development and Commissioning
-Recognition and Approval
-Monitoring and Compliance
Closing date for applications: / 26 November 2015
Contact: / Dan Tromans – 0333 077 2719
Delyth Jones – 0333 077 2740
Qualifications Wales is a Welsh Government Sponsored Body;the independent regulator of qualifications and the qualification system in Wales. The body is responsible for ensuring that qualifications and the qualifications system are effective in meeting the reasonable needs of learners in Wales, and for promoting public confidence in these.
Qualifications Wales has a publicly appointed Chair and Board who are accountable for the fulfilment of Qualifications Wales’ statutory functions and of its obligations to Welsh Government as a Welsh Government Sponsored Body. The Board therefore agrees the strategic direction and governance of the organisation and the Executive Team (comprising the Chief Executive and the three Executive Directors) who are responsible for the development and implementation of the strategic and operational plans.
Job purpose
Qualifications Officers work in one of three teams in line with Qualifications Wales’ deployment plan and its priorities. Postholders will have the opportunity, over a number of years, to gain experience in each of the these teams:
-Development and Commissioning
-Recognition and Approval
-Monitoring and Compliance
The primary purpose of the role is to play a part in ensuring that qualifications and the qualifications system in Wales are effective in meeting the needs of learners – and in supporting the promotion of public confidence in both of these. The specific duties of the post will vary slightly according to the team to which the postholder is deployed, but will always be concerned with:
-Reviewing the application of criteria to a given situation and supporting the forming of a judgement against such criteria
-the identification of and differentiation between relevant evidence
-supporting the provision of clear feedback to awarding bodies and others
-interactions with expert advisers
-engagement with other stakeholders
-accurate record keeping.
Main duties
  • Manage own work effectively, having regard to objectives that have been agreed.
  • Develop knowledge of the statutory duties, policies, criteria, conditions and guidance that apply in a given situation so as to be able to apply them in reviewing evidence.
  • Select the specific criteria, conditions, procedures or guidance that apply according to the task being undertaken.
  • Identify and specify the criteria and evidence required to make relevant decisions; review evidence against criteria to make judgements, recommendations and/or decisions as appropriate. Support decision making and record decisions and reasons for these and, where appropriate, record action to be taken.
  • Undertake reviews of awarding bodies, qualifications, processes, systems and/or documents, to ensure that they are meeting or will meet requirements, gathering and generating evidence as necessary including, on occasions, through visits to awarding bodies (and other organisations as appropriate).
  • Support managers through engagement with awarding bodies, on either a contractual or regulatory basis, tracking actions against requirements and providing clear instructions and/or feedback whilestriving to maintain a positive and enabling relationship.
  • Contribute to the management of contracts with external experts and other relevant providers, helping ensure that performance and products meet appropriate standards of quality and compliance.
  • Contribute to programmes of review, monitoring and compliance, being mindful of legal obligations and any good practice requirements.
  • Highlight to the relevant manager or teams any matters of concern or non-compliance with requirements.
  • Maintain appropriate records of all activities.
  • Perform any other duties relevant to the particular deployment and appropriate to the grade.

Person specification

Essential / Desirable
Qualifications / A good standard of education – with qualifications that indicate a high level of literacy and numeracy.
Experience / Experience of working within a structured and effective approach to the management of projects.
Experience of reviewing information against criteria and making recommendations to decision makers.
Experience of engagement with others in a formal context, for example in a contractual or regulatory relationship. / Experience of regulation or quality assurance.
Experience of the education sector ideally in a qualifications context.
Knowledge / Some knowledge and understanding of regulatory and/or quality assurance principles. / Knowledge of principles of effective assessment.
Knowledge of the education and qualifications system in Wales.
Skills / An ability to review and challenge evidence.
Understanding of project management techniques.
Able to work independently or in the context of a team as required, including with professionals in specialist areas and external consultants. / Ability to communicate through the medium of Welsh