Primrose Hill C of E Academy is a vibrant, enthusiastic, forward thinking and safe environment in which your children are given every opportunity to complete a fulfilling primary education. We also believe in the value of children undertaking homework to support and extend their learning and develop curiosity. The benefit of doing homework should be instilled at an early age so that independent study can be achieved.

We are also aware that children have opportunities and experiences outside school that are equally important in developing and enriching their lives.

We give careful consideration to making homework well-balanced across the academy.

The value of setting homework

  • Developing an effective partnership between school and parents/carers;
  • Practicing skills learnt and understanding, particularly in English and Maths;
  • Exploiting sources for learning of all kinds at home;
  • To extend and apply school learning, e.g. through additional reading or research;
  • To encourage pupils to develop the confidence and self-discipline needed to study on their own.

Period of study

The following is a rough guide to the amount to be expected. It combines specific tasks set in English, Maths or other areas as well as ongoing tasks (see below). It constitutes the total amount of time spread over the week.

Reception45 minutes per week

Y1/Y21 hour per week

Y3/Y41½ hours per week

Y5/Y62 hours per week

Specific tasks

A variety of types of tasks may be set, such as:-

♦Reading for research and comprehension

♦Answering questions based on research or prior learning

♦Writing tasks such as story opening, letters reports

♦Planning or designing products such as information leaflets or posters


♦Word games

♦Maths investigations

♦Maths games

There may also be work relating to other areas of the curriculum.

Ongoing activities

Reading: It is expected that all children read daily. We encourage parents to hear their children read and record that they have done so regardless of their children’s age or ability.

Spelling: Children have weekly spellings to learn. Spellings are tested weekly at school.

Multiplication tables/Number bonds, etc: Children learn multiplication tables, number bonds or other basic number work.

Children should practice their spellings and tables/bonds work at least three times per week – ‘little and often’ is the best way for many children to learn.

Topic /Reading Homework: This is set over the course of a whole term with a presentation session on the last day of term, which parents and carers are invited to attend. The aim of this homework is that pupils can choose when to complete it, giving them the opportunity to develop self-discipline.

The role of the Principal

  • Check compliance of the policy
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the policy
  • With the Senior Leaders, review the policy
  • Discuss the implementation of the policy with staff
  • Meet with parents as appropriate
  • Keep parents and carers informed about any changes and inform new parents about the Homework Policy

The role of the teachers

  • Plan and set a programme of regular homework
  • Provide an explanation of homework
  • Ensure homework is purposeful
  • Monitor homework
  • Mark homework
  • Communicate with parents if there is a problem regarding homework

The role of parents/carers

  • Support their child in completing homework
  • Sign reading records to show that reading has been completed
  • Encourage and be involved in their child to have a positive attitude towards homework
  • Ensure their child completes homework to a high standard and on time
  • Provide a suitable place and equipment for their child to complete homework
  • Inform teachers of any issues that my arise
  • Keep the academy informed of any change in circumstance which may affect their child’s learning and homework

The role of pupils

  • Take responsibility for their own learning and submit homework in a timely manner
  • Have a positive approach towards homework
  • Put the same effort into homework as would be expected of class work
  • Take pride in presentation and content of their homework
  • Make sure they understand the tasks that have been set and seek help if required

Homework books

Children will be given a homework book when appropriate. A separate ‘Reading Diary’ is used to record reading progress.


If a pupil is absent from school due to illness or medical reasons, the academy will not supply work for these periods. This is because pupils may not be well enough to undertake work. In some cases, there may be exceptions to this rule and the academy has the right to decide whether this is acceptable or not. If the child is absent for a long period of time eg with a broken arm, the teacher and the parent of the pupil will agree what should be done and how much help should be given to the pupil.

Pupils who fail to complete homework

All pupils are expected to complete homework on time. Teachers will keep records of pupils completing homework, which will be regularly checked. If pupils fail to complete homework, teachers will contact parents to find out why. Concerns may also be discussed at Parent Consultations.

Marking Homework

Homework may be marked in a variety of ways according to the academy’s marking policy. Sometimes, the work is marked in detail and comments given. Occasionally, the work may be marked orally with the child or class. Teachers may not mark homework, which is handed in late.

Pupils with SEND

The Academy recognises that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) may require specific tasks be set in the form of My Plans.

While pupils with SEND may benefit from special tasks separate from the homework received from other pupils, it is important that they also do as much in common with other pupils. A balanced amount of the right type of homework will be set for pupils with SEND, in consultation with the parents and SENDCo.

Equal Opportunities

Primrose Hill C of E Primary Academy, governors and staff members are committed to providing the full range of opportunities for all pupils, regardless of gender, disability, ethnicity and social, cultural or religious background. All pupils have equal access and inclusive rights regardless of their gender, race, disability or ability.

Responsible Dept: SLT

Implementation Date: September 2016

Policy Review Date: September 2018