Reporter: Beverley Edwards

After several relaxing days in Melrose that Diane has reported to you, we headed to the Flinders Rangers. Due to family commitments, two vans were unable to continue on with us but 14 did arrive at “Rawnsley Park.” Yvonne and Darcy were there to greet us, having completed their ten week trip about Australia.

Today, in very windy conditions and sharing vehicles, we head to the “Prairie Hotel” in Parachilna for lunch. The speciality here is feral foods. Interesting! We drove through Bunyaroo and Brachina Gorges to get there and through Parachilna Gorge to arrive at Blinman on the way home. There is not much water in the gorges but for an occasional little trickle. In Blinman we viewed an art exhibition for SALA, had an ice cream and headed back to Rawnsley Park. Many stunning gorge views and magnificent red gums presented great photos opportunities along the way.

On the roads is a great amount of road-kill but also much live wild life. We saw Kangaroos, Euros and emus many with lots of chicks of varying ages. One such family, a Dad with eleven chicks, came to visit our caravan site late in the afternoon causing us all much delight. One member was so engrossed in his reading when this emu Dad appeared in front of him he was so startled he leapt up and took refuge behind his chair! One member was convinced he had seen a bear along the road! I don’t believe we have them here do we? Another group had beautiful ringneck parrots feeding on the trees next to their van each day. We are so lucky to see all these beautiful creatures.

The next day was free to do whatever. Chris and I climbed Arkaroo Rock to see some aboriginal paintings and went to Wilpena Pound. Here we visited another Art exhibition for SALA. This one was in a heritage listed shearing shed, itself a work of art. I could have bought several at both shows but for the price tag! Other people did other things but all enjoyed their day.

The highlight of this rally for me was a 4x4 trip on the Caernarvon Track and the “Bunker Conservation Reserve”. This is the precinct of the Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby Preservation Association who wants to preserve this environment and save this beautiful animal. They aim to eradicate ferrel goats and others from the area and so increase yellow foot numbers. They have increased numbers from under ten to in excess of seventy. Congratulations and keep up the good work, I say to them.

The journey was challenging to say the least. It took us eight hours to complete. The views were spectacular; particularly the 360 view from Mt Caernarvon, the roads an incredible challenge and the company great (see picture above right, courtesy John Grovermann). We saw wedge tail eagles, falcons, flowers and of course emu, including a nest of 14 eggs and various types of kangaroos and sadly quite a few goats. Many thanks to David for inviting us and the drivers, David, Christopher, Richard, Trevor and John who took us and gave us such an incredible, if long, day.

As we were all packing up for home David and Diane discovered a flat on their car, poor luvs, they had just put the tools away and found a flat on the van. There were several offers of help but the other David prevailed. Tony H also had a flat outside Hawker.

I hope you enjoyed this rally as much as I did and I look forward to seeing you all at the AGM and at Moana!