HLC Job Review Form
This form is intended to collect the necessary information to determine whether an increase in job level is warranted. In the following sections, please provide information that will demonstrate and clarify the significant changes to the employee’s current job responsibilities that will now be a part of his/her ongoing responsibilities.
If you have any questions on completing this form, please contact Human Resources.
Section I : Basic InformationSubmission Date:
Employee’s Name:
Department Administrator:
Senior HR Consultant/Partner/Contact:
Section 2: Proposed Changes to Employee StatusCurrent Job Title: / Proposed Job Title:
Current Grade: / Proposed Grade:
Current Salary: / Proposed Salary:
Current Schedule: / Proposed Schedule:
Current FLSA Status (non-exempt, exempt): / Anticipated FLSA Status (non-exempt, exempt):
Section 3: Job Review Summary
In the following space, please provide an overall summary regarding the employee’s change in job responsibilities that will provide the reasoning behind and the support for a job level increase.
Section 4: Job Summary Comparison
In the following space, compare and contrast the current responsibilities with the changed responsibilities:
To help you allocate percentage of time more efficiently, please refer to the following values (based on a 35 hour work week): 1.75 hrs per week = 5%, ½ day = 10%, 6hrs = 17%, 1 day = 20%, 1 ¼ days = 25%
Former Job Responsibilities / % of time spent / Current Job Responsibilities / % of time spent
Total / 100% / Total / 100%
Section 5: Job Description and Qualifications
1.Describe the primary function and role of this position in the Department:
2. Basic Qualifications: Define the basic qualifications required for his position. Limit your response to those specific skills that are minimally required to meet the expectations of the position. HR may revise this section to ensure compliance with University policy. (Example: Two years of administrative experience required. Please note: For union positions (up to grade 55), please refer to the generic HUCTW job descriptions listed on HARVIE. The basic requirements must be comparable to those listed in the generic job descriptions:
2b. Education Requirements (e.g. H.S. Diploma, college background, B.S or M.A):
2c. Years of Work Experience (e.g. minimum of 3 years of experience, 4 years of managerial/supervisory experience):
2d. Technical Skills/ Hard Skills (e.g. experience with MS Excel, XYZ lab techniques, project management):
3. Additional Qualifications: Identify any additional qualifications. Limit your response to qualifications that are preferred but not required experience or knowledge. Qualifications that are preferred or subjective in nature will be listed in this section. HR may revise this section to ensure compliance with the University Policy. (Examples: Bachelor’s Degree preferred, excellent organizational skills, strong analytical abilities, or detail-oriented.):
3b. Preferred Education/Background/Experience (e.g. 3-4 years of experience in academia preferred, MBA preferred):
3c. Soft Skills required (e.g. attention to detail, proficiency in Microsoft Office, organized, strong written and verbal
4. What responsibility does this position have for establishing, interpreting and/or implementing plans, policies or procedures? Provide examples that demonstrate this responsibility:
5. Provide a comparison of this position to similar positions in the department and describe how this position will affect the work of other roles in the department:
6. If this is a grants related role, describe the nature of the grants work performed by this position, if applicable. Include information regarding annual grant expenditure, number of proposals per year, and the number and size of current active grants. Describe relative complexity of grants portfolio:
7. Is this position responsible for: / No / Yes / Amount Before / Amount After
Budget: If so, include the dollar amount, before and after
Vendor Contracts:
8. What responsibility does this position have for establishing or managing organizational budgets, or creating, interpreting, implementing plans, policies or procedures? Provide an example(s) that demonstrate this responsibility:
Section 6: Management/Supervision
1. Is this person a team lead?
2. Does this person have direct reports? If so, how many?
3. Does this person have supervisory responsibilities?
Indicate the Management Responsibilities of this position: / Makes Decisions / Gives Input / Is Informed
Disciplinary Action
Performance Evaluation
Monitors Workflow
Delegates and Reviews Work
Schedules Employees
Develops Procedures
Establishes Policies
Section 7: Organization Chart
1. What is the overall size of the department? (number of staff and/or faculty):
2. Describe department’s organization (too whom the person reports to, who heads the department, and the intermediary reporting levels):
Section 8: Background Screening
In accordance with Harvard University policy on background screening, please check all that apply to this position. The purpose of the background screeningis to further promote the safety and security of the Harvard community and to minimize the potential risk of loss.
Covered positions in which the individual:
Will require a specific license (e.g. driver’s, professional, technical). If yes, please specify type of license required:
Covered positions in which the individual:
Will require a particular degree (e.g. Master’s degree, PhD, etc.) or other educational credential identified as a Basic Qualification in the job posting.
Covered positions in which the individual:
Will have unsupervised access to dorms or other residential housing, valuable artifacts, significant amounts of cash, drugs, radiological materials, or animal care facilities.
Will serve as a “Responsible Adult” as defined by Harvard’s Policy for the Safety & Protection of Minors (see: http://youthprotection.harvard.edu).
Will have access to High Risk Confidential Information (HRCI), as defined in Harvard’s Information Security Policy, or other data classified by the University as Level 4 or Level 5 information. (see: http://policy.security.harvard.edu/view-data-security-level).
Will have the ability to disrupt or disable highly sensitive or confidential data (classified as Level 4 or Level 5 information) or systems, including core infrastructure systems. Such positions would include those in which the individual will be responsible for information security and/or database or storage administration, or will have access to network routers, switches, servers, and/or management systems (e.g., LANDesk).
Covered positions in which the individual:
Will have access to aggregate credit card data (this does not apply to position where employee will only have access to one credit card number at a time while processing a transaction; does not include p-cards or corporate cards).
Will have the ability to authorize and/or approve financial transactions of $50,000 or more.
Covered positions in which the individual:
Will require a commercial driver’s license, as required by the U.S. Department of Transportation regulations.
Covered positions in which the individual:
Will be working with animals.
If yes, please list the animal species*:
*(Posting must include the following language: “Offer contingent upon successful completion of a pre-placement medical evaluation”)
Will be exposed to any toxic, radioactive or infectious materials.
If yes, please list any such materials:
Will be exposed to human blood, primary tissue, or cell lines.
If yes, please list:
Section 9: Acknowledgements
This request has been reviewed by: / Date:
Hiring Manager: / Date:
Dept. Head/Administrator:
Job Classification Code:
Job Family:
Salary Grade:
Position Status: