Meeting Minutes

Friday April 14, 2017

Portland Fire & Rescue Training Center – Portland, OR

Members Present: Recorded by sign-in sheet

Meeting was called to order at 11:00 am.

Members present introduced themselves

Members approved minutes from March 10, 2017 meeting

Planning Sub-Committee Update:

·  Henle Hazmat completed seven facility interviews, about 75% of those selected to be included in the first year of plan development

·  The next Sub-Committee meeting will begin looking at facilities to be included in the next round

·  Application for the next HMEP Grant has been submitted

·  The next Planning meeting will be held at 10:30 prior to the LEPC meeting

Terry Wolfe provided a brief history of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA/CR2K) in Oregon:

·  Original implementation of EPCRA in Oregon listed the entire state as a single LEPC

·  When OSFM was assigned responsibility for becoming the SERC it was decided to change to localized LEPC’s

·  Multnomah County’s LEPC has existed since 2010

·  EPA can fine facilities up to $25,000 per day for failing to participate in the LEPC

·  LEPC’s are using the HMEP Grant to hire contractors to gather information from facilities and incorporate it into county emergency plans

·  LEPC’s review the facility plans and verify the company information

Executive Committee Update:

·  Advised facilities to make sure they have a Membership Application on file, new forms identifying company as well as contact are available on the OSFM website

·  EPA will be in Oregon this summer conducting Risk Management Plan inspections and is expected to ask about facility participation in the LEPC

·  HMEP Grant applications were moved out to April 29 to allow time for compiling information

New Business:

Terry Wolfe provided an update from the Fire Marshal’s Office:

·  Funding to automate the Hazardous Substance Information Surveys has been approved and online reporting should become available within the next year

·  An existing software package is being modified to include additional reporting information currently collected by Oregon in the paper surveys

·  The selected software package has a variety of services that can be activated, an example being an option for LEPCs to do mapping

·  The program incorporates an e-mail address for notifying LEPCs of facility updates so each LEPC needs to decide if that e-mail will belong to an individual member’s work e-mail, a general LEPC e-mail account, or to simply not receive an e-mail notification

·  LEPC members with signed security agreements will have access to all information in the reporting system while only non-secure information will be publicly available

·  Oregon’s staggered survey reporting deadlines will remain in effect

·  Substantive Change Notification requirements will still be required within 30 days

·  Additional information on the program will be coming from the CR2K group

Jim Dunlap reported that Rachel Madjlesi agreed to be nominated for the role of Vice-Chair. Members present voted in approval.

Rick Smith of Univar described the meeting with Henle Hazmat as going well and took about forty-five minutes to complete. Jim Dunlap reported the same experience for Matheson Tri Gas.

A question was asked whether facilities reporting only for batteries can fill out the 9 Planning Elements form and submit it for the county plan without using a contractor for a site visit. Once one of these sites is completed the Planning Sub-Committee can work on incorporating other battery sites into the County Plan while the contractors work on larger facilities with multiple materials and larger numbers of employees

The next LEPC meeting is scheduled for May 12, 2017. Henle Hazmat will be available to show the plan and discuss the facilities completed.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:35