AdvancedPlacement Biology - SCI 04301 and 04302,
Dual Credit for BSU BIO-111 (Fall) and BIO-112 (Spring)
Instructor – Dr. Diane KallmeyerOffice – WA 154 (across from Nurses’ office)
Contact Information – 765-285-7408 or
Office Hours– M 10 – 11 a.m.; WF 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., 1 – 2 p.m.; R 2 – 5p.m. (check Burris 210 on Thurs.) for other open times, please see MySchedule on Blackboard (posted under “Information”) to arrange all others by appointment.
Instructional Resources
1. Campbell, Reece et al., Biology9th ed. 2011. Pearson Benjamin Cummings. Other editions of Biology are
acceptable, but should be approved by the instructor. This is the main text we will be using.
2. Hillis, Sadava, et al., Principles of Life 2nd ed. 2014. Sinauer Assoc. Inc. Supplemental textbook
3. Preparing for the AP Biology Exam, Preparation manual for the National Exam.
4. AP Biology Investigative Labs: an Inquiry Based Approach – this is the lab manual for AP Biology.
Many of our labs will be taken or modified from this source. All lab materials will be posted through
BlackBoard so a hard copy of the lab manual is NOT required.
Course Overview
ThisAP Biology course is designed to offer students a solid foundation in introductory college-level biology. By structuring the course around the four Big Ideas, Enduring Understandings, and Science Practices, the students will be assisted in developing an appreciation for the study of life and helped to identify and understand unifying principles within a diversified biological world.
Science is a way of knowing. Therefore, knowing about Biology requires that students learn the process of inquiry and develop critical thinking skills. The course will focus not only on knowing science content, but also learning skills to design scientific experiments, analyze and interpret data, and to communicate information in a meaningful way to others.
At the end of the course, students will have an awareness of the integration of other sciences into the study of AP Biology, understand how our own species is similar, yet different from other species, and become knowledgeable and responsible citizens in understanding biological issues that could potentially impact their lives.
Instructional Context
This course in AP Biology will be taught to juniors and seniors at a school that follows a college style schedule. Students will meet for three 50 minute lecture periods each week and one 2 hour laboratory period. Computer and internet access is required for the course as the materials will be posted to BlackBoard or require the use of other internet sites.
Students should have completed one year of biology and one of chemistry if possible prior to enrolling in AP Biology. However, students without the suggested pre-requisites may be admitted by instructor permission. However, the most important pre-requisite for this course is the student taking enough TIME to keep up with the work. The average ratio is 2 hoursof outside work for each hour spent in class.
AP Biology Content
This course in AP Biology is structured around the four Big Ideas, the Enduring Understandings within the Big Ideas, and the Essential Knowledge within the Enduring Understandings.
The Big Ideas:
Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize fee energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to
maintain dynamic homeostasis.
Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes.
Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact and these systems and their interactions posses complex properties.
The Investigative Laboratory Component
The course is structured around inquiry in the lab and the use of seven science practices throughout the course. Students will be given the opportunity to engage in student-directed laboratory investigations throughout the course of a minimum of 25% of instructional time. Students will conduct a minimum of eight inquiry-based investigations (two per big idea) throughout the course as described in AP Biology Investigative Labs: an Inquiry Based Approach. The science practices covered by each lab are listed in this document. These practices are:
The Seven Science Practices
1. The student can use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and
solve scientific problems.
2. The student can use mathematics appropriately.
3. The student can engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking or to guide investigations
within the context of the AP Biology course.
4. The student can plan and implement data collection strategies appropriate to a particular
scientific question.
5. The student can perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence.
6. The student can work with scientific explanations and theories.
7. The student is able to connect and relate knowledge across various scales, concepts and
representations in and across domains.
Units of Instruction
Thecourse content has been divided into eight instructional units over the two semesters. An attempt has been made to “chunk” chapters into related units. Four units will be presented each semester, with an exam given for each unit. The Four Big Ideas will be interwoven within the units.
Unit 1 – Introduction and Biochemistry1 – Introduction to Biology
2 – Chemistry of Life (self-study and
recapin class)
3 – Water
4 – Carbon and Molecular Diversity
5 - Macromolecules / Suggested Labs
Introduction to Inquiry Labs, Graphing
Artificial Selection – predator/prey selection
Mathematics in Biology – graphs, calculations etc.
Essay Writing, Rubric Setting and Practice
Unit 2 – Cells and Cell Cycle
7 – Membrane Structure and Function
6 – Tour of a Cell
12 – Cell Cycle
44 – Osmoregulation (self-study) / Suggested Labs
Osmosis – dialysis tubing, potatoes
Cell observations – web sites etc.
Unit 3 – Cellular Energy
8 – Introduction to Metabolism
9 – Cellular Respiration
10 – Photosynthesis / Suggested Labs
Enzymes – computer probe lab
Respiration – seed respiration
Photosynthesis – computer probe lab
Unit 4 – Organism Form and Function
11 – Cell Communication
45 – Hormones and the Endocrine
48 – Neurons, Synapses and Signaling
43 – Immune System
40 – Basic Principles of Animal Form
and Function (self-study) / Suggested Labs
Cell Communication – simulation or website
Hormones – project (Endocrine diseases)
Nerve signaling – simulation or website
Case studies may be used in all three human system areas
Unit 5 – Genetic Basis of Life(Spring)
13 – Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles
14 – Mendel and the Gene Idea
15 – Chromosome Basis of Inheritance
21 – Genomes and their Evolution / Suggested Labs
Meiosis simulation
Fast Plant – who’s the daddy?
Fruit Fly Genetics simulation, Chi Square test on
Unit 6 – Gene Activity and
16 – Molecular Basis of Heredity
17 – From Gene to Protein
18 – Regulation of Gene Expression
19 – Viruses
20 – Biotechnology(self-study) / Suggested Labs
DNA Isolation
Transformation using pGLO
Restriction Enzymes and Gel Electrophoresis
Unit 7 – Evolution and Phylogeny
22 – Descent with Modification: Darwin
23 – Evolution of Populations
24 – Origin of Species
25 – History of Life on Earth
26 – Phylogeny and the Tree of Life / Suggested Labs
Population Genetics
Evo-Devo – videos from HHMI
Hemoglobin investigation and Blast Lab
Unit 8 – Ecology
52 – Introduction to Ecology
53 – Population Ecology
54 – Community Ecology
55 – Ecosystems
56 – Conservation Biology
51 – Animal Behavior (self-study) / Suggested Labs
Animal Behavior – red worms or pillbugs
Transpiration – whole plant method
Aquatic Production – DO bottles, ecosystem simulation with probes
Additional labs will be conducted to deepen students’ conceptual understanding and to reinforce the application of science practices within a hands-on, discoverer based environment. Directed Inquiry will be the most common method of lab instruction used. The course will provide opportunities for students to develop, record, and communicate the results of their laboratory investigations. Lab report format will vary and may include the following: formal lab report, PowerPoint presentation, poster board presentation, oral presentation, response to directed questions on the lab or other format.
Students should maintain a portfolio of their lab activities on a flash drive or other storage device to take with them to college.
Instructor’s Conceptual Framework for Biology
The instructor’s conceptual framework for understanding Biology is well illustrated by a quote from Theodosius Dobzhansky (1973): “Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the light of Evolution”
This conceptual framework will manifest in questions such as:
What is the adaptive value of ______?
Why has ______persisted over time?
What is the role of the environment in ______? If the environment changes, what might happen over time?
Does ______improve the ability of the organism to survive and reproduce? How?
The instructor will try to illuminate you with the “in light of evolution” each and every class period. This may sound strange now, but it will make all kinds of sense very quickly.
Suggested Note-taking Methods
The instructor will provide a “notes” handout for each chapter covered in class. The handout will give the objectives for the chapter and an outline on how it will be presented. The outline has been used to build a PowerPoint presentation. The information on the PowerPoint slides are in a bulleted format and do not represent the entire coverage of the topic. The PowerPoint slides should be viewed as a “framework” for the content. Additional information will be given orally by the instructor to “flesh out” the framework, or will be developed through classroom discussions. An Understanding by Design format has been used to develop the class presentations and handouts. Students should recognize that content will be presented in three levels:
Level 1 – must know items – this material willdefinitely be on the homework and tests
Level 2 – nice to know items – these are background or connecting information and may be on the homework
and tests.
Level 3 – for your information only items – this material will not be on the homework or tests, but can be used
by student choice as examples to illustrate other topics. For Example, Science News items or other
current events will fall into this category.
Students should focus on:
1. Knowing the Level 1 items for each chapter or unit.
2. Add notes to the PowerPoint slides based on the instructor’s oral presentation which willidentify the
“levels” of the bullet points on the slides.
3. Students should be able to construct their own study guides by converting the PowerPoint slides to an
outlinetext format and adding in the relevant orally presented information.
A selection of short answer questions will be assigned for each chapter. About 80% of the questions will be drill or practice on the Level 1 items to help students reinforce and master these concepts. Students should focus on the task words(shown in bold font text) in the questions such as discuss, justify andexplain, identify, compare and contrast etc. when answering these questions. These same bold font task words will be used in essay questions on exams.
Homework assignments can be turned in as a hard copy in class, or as a Word Doc. uploaded onto Blackboard. NOTE: If assignments are turned in to my mailbox or office after 4:00 p.m., you should have an SLC initial, note the time and date on the hard copy. Otherwise, the time and date will be noted by me when I pick it up from my mailbox / office, which may reflect a late assignment without the SLC notes.
Attendance and Late Work
Students are expected to attend class regularly and be there on-time. If you are late to class, then you might receive a warning for the first time, but subsequent tardiness may be recordedas such. If you are more than 15 minutes late for lecture and 30 minutes late for lab, then these will be recorded as absences. Exceptions might be made for students with extenuating circumstances. Over-sleeping is NOT an acceptable excuse.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get any information from Blackboard or me, and/or additional notes from classmates. In the event you miss laboratory for an excused reason, you must arrange a meeting with me as soon as possible to make up the lab activity within one week of your return to class. If the lab cannot be made up, then students with an academy approved excuse may be allowed to miss one lab without penalty, but this is at the discretion of the instructor.
All assignments are expected on the date announced in class. For example, chapter homework is typically due the next lecture period after completing that chapter’s lecture material. Those due dates may also be posted with the assignment on Blackboard, as a reminder.
Homework assignments will be permitted a 24 hour extension without penalty or explanation. Work due on Friday must be turned in before 11:59 p.m. (midnight) on Saturday, not Monday. Work received after the 24-hour extension will receive a 20% penalty deducted for each day late unless permission is granted by Dr. Kallmeyerin advance. No credit will be given to assignments turned in after graded assignments have been returned to the class. Those assignments will receive a grade of “0”. The only exception will be for those individuals with extenuating circumstances and/or an Academy approved documented excuse.
If you are absent for an exam, the exam MUST be made up within the week of your return. If you have an unexcused absence, then the exam will be treated as a late assignment and late penalties will be applied when making up the exam. In the rare event that a student misses another exam due to a second unexcused absence, then there will be no make-up of the exam and the score will be recorded as “0” for that exam. Consequently, the student might consider dropping AP Biology at that point, because the grade will likely not recover from test scores of “0”.
Make-up work for pre-arranged absences should be negotiated with the Dr. Kallmeyerin advance.
Unexcused absences – The instructor reserves the right to accept or not accept make-up work for unexcused absences as directed by Academy Handbook policy.Students may not have the ability to make-up any work that was missed and the grade will be recorded as “0”. Exceptions might be made on a case-by-case basis.
Academic Integrity and Dishonesty
Students in AP Biology are encouraged to form study groups and to assist each other in the learning process. However, students are expected to complete their own work by writing their own independent answers for all assignments (unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Kallmeyer). Do NOT share files with each other. Make sure everyone in your group has the raw data before leaving class. Academic dishonesty, as described in the student handbook will not be tolerated. Students who commit Academic dishonesty will be reported.Plagiarized work will receive a minimum penalty of “0” for that assignment and/or reduction of the overall course grade as deemed appropriate to the severity of the infraction. If you are unclear on what is permissible collaboration, please talk to Dr. Kallmeyer.
Laboratory Safety:
Students are required to follow proper laboratory safety procedures. There is no eating/drinking in lab. Student should always be aware of their surroundings and refrain from unsafe behavior (i.e. goofing off, practical jokes, etc.). Occasionally we will be using live organisms, chemicals, and other hazardous materials, and the corresponding safety protocols will be reviewed as part of the lab instruction. I will be looking for safe laboratory procedures. Unsafe behavior will be acknowledged, and chronic infractions can result in loss of privileges, loss of points, grade deductions, and/or dismissal from the course.
Accidents may happen, so if one does occur, notify the instructor immediately.
Lab equipment breakage: If there are glassware breakage or equipment problems, please notify the instructor immediately, to ensure proper safety and equipment protocols are followed. In the event of breakage, the student may be held responsible for the cost of replacing glassware or lab equipment.
Laptop Computer / Cell Phone / other electronics Use
Chronic infractions of this policy may result in loss of privileges and/or grade deduction penalties.
- If you use a laptop in class, please boot up your computer as soon as you arrive so that you will be ready to work as soon as class starts. The student is responsible for maintaining the power of their computer.
- Your phones/laptops should be silent except for the clicking of the laptop keyboard.
- You may not read or send e-mail, play music or games, “IM”, participate in chat rooms, or download music or audio files during class.
- You are encouraged to take notes using your laptop, but you also need to be prepared to use pen and paper as drawings are part of the curriculum in this course.
- You are responsible for maintaining your computer. Please make sure your computer is working before coming to class. If it is not working, you should follow the help instructions, or contact Mr. Grady.
- The Internet is a wonderful source of information when used properly. When using sources from the Internet, you must evaluate the credibility of the information. All materials found on the Internet must be properly documented like any other source of information to avoid plagiarism which is a form of Academic Dishonesty. If you are unsure how to cite this information, please see Dr. Kallmeyer, or the end of the Scientific Experiments and Writing handout on Blackboard.
- Remember to save your work frequently. Loss of a file by accident is not an acceptable excuse.
- Close your lid/screen half way when requested by Dr. Kallmeyer.
- Do not hide toolbars. Keep all items you are working on visible on screen and available for inspection.
- The use of phones, IM software or e-mail during a test or quiz is strictly forbidden and will result in a grade of “0” on the exercise. This is also a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy.
- The use of recording devices is prohibited, unless special permission is given by the instructor. I expect your full attention and participation during class. If you miss something, then please ask.
Tests in Biology