Outline of learning

Year 4, Summer 1


At Liskeard Hillfort Primary School, all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. This ensures that children are well prepared for their future journeys into secondary school and beyond! For learning to be effective, it is important that the skills that children develop become incrementally more challenging. Over the years, the tasks get harder having been built upon solid foundations.

The purpose of this document is to offer a summary of which topics and skills children will be focusing on at this point in their learning journey.

Learning focus:

The topic for this half-term is Predator. Through this topic, we will be learning:

National curriculum subject: / Skills for development:
English / Spelling – To be able to spell most of the words on the Year 3/4 NC statutory spelling list.
Writing – To be able to identify and correct many grammar, spelling and punctuation errors associated with the Year 4 programme of study.
Reading – To infer characters feelings, thoughts and motives, justifying many of their deductions with reference to the text.
Maths / Number – To be able to multiply 2 digit and 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number using formal written methods.
Measurement - To be able to use understanding of perimeter and area to solve real life problems.
Geometry – To be able to describe movements between positions as translations on a grid.
Science and Design Technology / Living things and their habitats –
To be able to work scientifically by asking relevant questions and using different types of scientific enquiries to answer them.
To recognise that environments can change and this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.
Computing / Digital Literacy – To be able to find different types of information from different sources.
Information Technology – To be able to create a presentation to convey meaning and edit if necessary (e.g on PowerPoint).
Physical Education / Games - To learn skills associated with striking and fielding.
Swimming – To swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres (Summer 1 4CH, Summer 2 4ET).
Religious Education / To understand why people might choose to engage in life rituals in the context of Judaism.
The Arts / Geography – To make effective use of maps, atlases, globes and digital information and relate it to environmental concerns.
Music –
To learn to play the ukulele (4ET)
To perform a song using voice and percussion.
Art –To learn to use the tools and techniques to create a sculpture in clay.