25/01/2019 1
Meeting held on Monday 4th January 2010 at 20.00 hours
on the Clubship Folgefonn
- Present
Commodore / John Edmonds / JE
Vice Commodore / Mick Kemp / MK
Rear Commodore / Trevor Cambridge / TC / Apologies
Vice President / Fred Finck / FF
Hon Secretary / Val Torreggiani / VT
Hon Treasurer / Jacqui Daghini / JD / Apologies
Sailing Secretary / Robert Hall / RH
Bosun / Mick Downs / MD / Apologies
Committee / Andy Woollard / AW / Apologies
Geoff Pigott / GP / Apologies
Guy Bates / GB
Ann Finck / AF
Roger Lambell / RL
Sheila Hamilton / SH
Iain Buckland / IB / Apologies
Jim Freeman / JF
Training Principal / Paul Gladden / PG
Finance Committee / Steve Dabner / SD / Rep. JD
2. Minutes 30th November2009
Matters Arising
a. Dinghy Sheds now insured
3. Project Minutes 13th December 2009
Matters Arising
Meeting scheduled to 10.01.10
4. Officer of the Day, Cleaning Rota and Incident Book
Officer of the Day
Date / Report / OOD06.12 / Wk. Sunday saved racking moved to the new shed. / Keith Hughes
10.12 / Sheds unlocked and all lights on 7.30pm / Ann Finck
12.12` / Farewell to Folgefonn. Fabulous Christmas lunch. Sid Gascoyne thanked for beginning the tradition. Jan Hall on retirement of Geoff Hall as President presented EYC with a beautiful tapestry of Folgefonn. 100 at lunch. Evening party included visitors from Greenwich, Stubbers, Thurrock and Gravesend. Danced into night. Very good buffet. All helpers thanked….too many to name. / Val Torreggiani
13.12 / 10am Flags Many on station after previous evening celebrations. 2 dinghies sailing, several visiting cruisers. No incidents / Dean Sayers
20.12 / Bright. NNE EYC sailing, 4 dinghies, 1 RIB launched. Sailing 13.10 17.30 returned. No incidents, no drunks!
27.12 / Flags 10.30 hours. NNE, stormy. Possible Force 5. 50 people to Greenhithe. Frostbite sail. 13 dinghies and cruisers. Several capsizes all returned cold and safe by 18.30 hours. / John Johnson
Committee Queries / RL asked if a risk assessment was carried out.
Points / 1. All returned safely
2. Prop on YMCA RIB was broken and replaced with that on board specifically for such and event. Cost raised from profit from event.
3. No masts were broken
4. Those on event congratulated the organisers for smooth running.
5. No novice sailors on the sail.
6. All on cruise elected to join the event and were thereby taking responsibility for themselves. All participants were registered.
7. One cruiser returned alone against the agreement of the cruise and experienced problems. A safety boat returned to EYC during the lunch break to assist leaving one RIB at Greenhithe. RIB and crew then returned to Greenhithe but forfeited lunch and a rest. Commodore to discuss with cruiser skipper.
SH asked under what circumstances a cruise should be cancelled but it was agreed it was difficult to quantify this and depended on many factors.
Cleaning Rota
W/ending / Duty Officer / Completion Status30.11 / Val Torreggiani / Completed
06.12 / Sheila Hamilton and Jim Freeman / Completed
13.12 / Mick Kemp and Linda Dowling / Completed
20.12 / Richard Cosburn and Richard Andrews / Not Completed
27.12 / Peter Dench and Paddy Pope / Not Completed
Incident Book
Date / Incident / Signed5.. Membership
a. Steve Hollinghurst – to become Up River Member - Agreed
b. Simon Shelton – Youth Member Proposer/Sponsor Alan Cooper Welcomed
c. Alexi Mae Espera - Youth Member Proposer/Sponsor Richard Cosburn Welcomed
d. Peter Payne - Community Member – Welcomed to EYC
e. Mike Axtell - Offered resignation and will be removing dinghy. He is relocating we wish him well.
f. Danson Park WC. - EYC to establish links with DPWC to encourage Membership of EYC.
6. Project Update
Meeting – Sunday 10.01.10 at 10am
7. Training
a. Ed Sumnerunable to attend but will meeting with Committee on Sunday 10th January.
b. Ed Sumner joined the Club on Monday 4th January. Geoff Pigott undertook induction and signed Terms of Employment. Paul Gladden and Dudley Davies discussed delivery of KPI’s. ES will be introduced to the LA, YMCA, Docklands, visit the Boat Show, discuss the London Youth Games during the week.
c. Training will meet with Guy Malpas (RYA) to discuss future funding for the Club Coach.
d. ES will be based at the Civic Centre whilst the Clubhouse is completed.
e. EYC will contribute £10 per month to ES telephone bill. He has a Club Computer.
f. Marathon Fund has granted EYC £20,000 for boat to assist with Sailability and Racing training programmes. This money will be added to the CIF sum of £19.000. Access 303’s @ approx. £6.900 for boat, trolley and road trailer also pathway racing dinghies being investigated. 49er’s @ approx. £4,000.
g. GB expressed concern about running costs. It was explained that the Business Plan allows for contributions to Club running costs to come from Training earnings. Cost factors will be incorporated in course fee setting.
h. AGM – Accounts:- Balance Sheet audited for 2008 will be presented. Balance Sheet for 2009 – draft. Balance Sheet for 2009 should be audited within six m
a. I have been asked by the Chairman of Bexley Council's Visit by the Children's Services, Schools, Adult Education & Youth Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor James Hunt, to contact the Erith Yacht Club to see if Members of the Committee could visit the Club to gain a better understanding of the facilities that you have and services offered. I would be most grateful if you could please let me know if it would be possible for Members of the Committee to visit the Yacht Club and when would be most convenient please? Ceri Elliott-Yates Agreed, dates to be established.
b. Rotary Club Speaker - Leslie Hoskins requesting speaker concerning EYC Development. PG and Dudley Davies agreed to contact.
9. Treasurer
a.Bank Balances as per November Statement
Community Account 27th November 2009 / 4,236.24 / Plus MTM
Base Tracker Account 23rd October 09 / 42958.55
Business Premium Account 8 December 2009 / 0.01
Bar Account at 10 Nov 09 - 10 Dec 09 / 2848.79
Training Account 13 Nov 09 - 15 Dec09 / 5317.98
Social Account 08 Aug - 9 Nov 09 / 2224.71
Children's Christmas Fund July 09 - Oct 09 / 271.65
Managing the Marshes / 3934.4 / Ring Fenced in main Account
Project Account - 11 Nov 09 - 11 Dec 09 / 11578.26
Balance C.Fwd
Income November 09 ( as previous sheet ) / 4000
Less correction on standing order per statement / 13.00 / 6492.57
Expenditure November 09 (as previous sheet ) / 2,408.79 / 2,408.79
Balance carried Forward to December 09 / 4083.78
Income December 2009
Gift Aid / 38.00
Standing Orders / 13.00
Expenditure December 2009
Moorings / 329
Christmas Tree Donation / 100
Stationery / 183.08 / Ink /Paper / Stickers
Printing / 68
Postage / 40.45
Petty Cash (Cleaners) / 100
Christmas Evening Food / 325.19
MTS Cleaning Cesspit / 211
Paint & Material for Shed / 192.21
Aluminium Sign / 53.73
Bexley Council 50.00
Thames Water 30.00
Buen Limited 23.50
EDF Energy 240.00
Groves John & West 512.54
Balance C.Fwd / Not Reconciled with Bank / 1676.08
b. Finance Committee to pass sectioned Business Plan to each relevant section…Training, Social, Mooring, Sailing, Wine, Membership together with the section budgets for 2010.
c. The Treasurer proposed: The Training Account be accessed through any two signatures of the Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Training Principal and Training Treasurer. Agreed
d. All accounts are now held at National Westminster Bank, Townley Road. All balance sheets are sent monthly to the Hon. Secretary and passed to Hon. Treasurer.
e. All sections are reminded that spending is controlled by the terms of the Delegation of Authority Document, 3rd August 2009.
f. All Accounts signatories are Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary, Commodore, and/or named other.
g. Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Secretary have entered into a Payroll contract with Maurice Woods, Accountants, Plumstead, for the Club Coach.
h. The Trustees of the Club will enter into an agreement with the Inland Revenue to register the Club for PAYE payments.
i. All grants and payments concerning Club Coach salary will pass through the Training Account. The Hon. Treasurer will ensure two month’s salary is always held in the account.
10.Wine Committee
No report
11. Business Development
a. Minutes
- Minutes accepted of previous minutes
- KPI meeting to be held in January 2010 with G. Piggott, J Stone and possibly M. Kemp
- Val set up a word document in table format to cover the member’s characteristics for the KPI’s. G. Pigott will run this past Janet Stone when they meet in January. The layout was deemed to be fine by Bus Dev committee of EYC.
- Lynn Reagan will work with clubs that have quite a few volunteers alongside paid employees. Geoff Piggott has referred this to Val as this would seem to need a restructuring of the management of the club. Mick Kemp will arrange to meet up with Lynn Reagan.
- The current Business Plan needs to be broken down into sections so that each section can have a look at the plan for the coming year.
- It was suggested that the finance committee breakdown the business plans into sections, Training, sailing, moorings, social etc. with budgets.
- Logo for letterhead approved by our meeting. To be presented to Gen Committee.
- Need to involve more members in committee and activities. Mick Kemp/Sheila Hamilton
b. Letter Heading - Accepted and Agreed by the General Committee
- As you will know there was a meeting of the Business Development Group (BDG)on 8 December. I am not able at time of writing to distribute minutes but I think I should report that I presented a Letterhead design to that group which has given its approval:
- I am now forwarding that design to General Committee in the hope that it will accept the view of the BDG and approve this design as the Club's official Letterhead.
- GC members may wish to refer to my rationale for the design as follows.
- I have attempted to give the Club's letterhead a modern, businesslike appearance which looks neat andattractive, organises its information in a rational manner, acknowledges our various sponsors and goes some way to expressing the nature of the Club's principal function.
- At present I amassuming the design will be "virtual", applied when printed from a computer, and not on expensively pre-printed notepaper. In discussion with Val and Alan Cooper, I am assured that measures are available to ensure the letterhead can only be used by authorised persons.
- The logic of the layout is that the top line (the Banner) gives information on what we arei.e. a yacht club and a recognised RYA Training Centre. Below this is all of our contact information.
- At the bottom of the sheet is a display of the logos of all our sponsors (these may still require some amendment). Both blocks of information are kept to the extremities of the sheet as compactly as possible to maximise the space available for correspondence (the majority of letters will almost certainly fit on one page).
- I have used the same Ariel typeface that was approved by the GC for use on the Club logofor the floor of the new entrance lobby.
- For the main Banner I have used a mixture of bold regular and light italic lettering. The italics, used in the word YACHT serves to emphasise our main identity, carries a sense of movement and lightness associated with sailing craft and distinguishes that from the more earth-bound and solid connotations of a clubhouse and its location.
- It also happens to work well visually with the sloping "tick" of the RYA endorsement.
- I enclose also a copy of a compliments slip which is derived directly from the basic letterhead.
- I hope GC will feel comfortable with this design and approve it, with the logo, as our identity to the outside world. MICK KEMP
- Letter heading and station needs to be ‘locked’ in some way.
- Business Cards – GB asked if these could be designed
- KPI draft reporting sheets circulated. Membership sheet accepted but other sections need discussion with Mick Kemp and Alan Cooper. Mick to advise when he would like these to begin. Each section needs to know the target figures.
12. Sailing
No report
13. Moorings
Chain and anchor ready for movement of Folgefonn
14 Youth
No report
15. Health and Safety
No report
16a. House
Dinghy Shed – Contents Transfer 20-12-09
- The objective was to transfer the Dinghy Shed contents to the new workshop so that the Contractor could demolish the Dinghy Shed in January 2010.
- Your House Committee advised the Hon. Sec., that it had volunteered Sidney Aloysius Gascoyne (SAG) to take overall responsibility for the move.
- Adopting this approach avoided a possibly long drawn out agony of trying to obtain agreement, from a variety of interests, as to what to keep and what to scrap.
- Despite the ad hoc nature of the Work Sunday a large number of Skulls turned to and despite the daunting amount of machinery and equipment that had to be moved; the task was completed by bar opening time.
- Our thanks to everybody who turned out and a special mention in despatches for SAG whose planning and foresight ensured that the move succeeded with few if any hitches.
- What was particularly impressive and, in its way quite moving, was the sight of people, many of whom were not in their first youth, undertaking and completing a quite demanding task in the time that was available. As the Duke of Wellington remarked, in another contest, it could have been a ‘close run thing’ – a concern which clearly was not shared by our participating Members.
- SAG has identified a large quantity of items which whilst surplus to the Club’s needs are of residual value and will be sold via EBay etc. The money raised will be used to buy hand tools etc.
- A quantity of equipment was also identified which will be refitted to give many years of service.
Asset Register.
- The House Committee took this opportunity to complete a draft Asset Register which has been passed to the Treasurer and Alan Hunt whom, it is understood, is in the process of preparing the Club’s Balance Sheet. The House Committee will continue to supply asset updates as and when they occur as well as providing any further help that is asked for. Scribe. House Committee
- VT to pass Insurance Schedule to Finance
Addition to Report.
- The traditionally scheduled Work Sunday was held on the 3rd January 2010.
- After a slow start, a pleasing number of participants appeared, and were all gainfully employed. The workshop-shed is now showing remarkable order with design and the tractor shed is assuming its heavy-duty role.
- With the old shed removed, around the 5th Jan a temporary ramp will be built and the tractors will be able to gain access and shelter. Trevor Cambridge
Clearance of Folgefonn
n. Ann Finck proposed that House identify those items which should be removed from
Folgefonn before she is moved. Agreed
Dinghy Sheds
o. Possibility of padlock sweeting? Jim Freeman
p. Shed fire improvements when shed in hands of EYC, currently not fully passed to Club.
q. Tea room problems to be addressed with builders. New tops etc.
r. Vision panels in doors – Neilcotts.
s. Emptied by new contractors, 4000l removed.
b. Security
As discussed, wiring has now gone for existing CCTV cameras. Cut by contractors, and ducting gone.
I wanted to replace these anyway WiFi IP based computer access cameras with wi-fi which will connect directly to our broadband WiFi system.
Could I purchase one for testing to deploy on ship for time being, £240
No cabling required apart from mains which exists. Alan Cooper
Alan Cooper to be requested to attend Project Meeting 10.01.10 to discuss the above.
c. Cleaning
No report
d. Managing the Marshes
No report
17. Social
- Pantomime outing was a good success and enjoyed by all.
- ChristmasLunch and Farewell Party was a very well attended and seemed to be enjoyed by all who attended.A very big thank you to the whole team for their hard work. Regarding theincome and expenditureSara Taylor has dealt directly with Jacqui (Club treasurer) regarding this so do not know the costs etc.
- Do not know the amount raised from the raffle.
- Calendars - Request that we reduce the price to £8
- New Year was enjoyed by a small group who braved the cold to bring in 2010.
18. Membership
No Report
19. Rules
No report
20. AOB
Meeting Ended 10.45
Next Meeting (30th January 2010)