KINE 4100 Curriculum and Methods in Exercise and Sport
University of North Texas
Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation
KINE 4100 Curriculum and Methods in Exercise and Sport
Instructor Information:
Karen Weiller-Abels, Ph.D.
Office: PEB 209A
KHPR phone#: 940 565-2651
Office #: 940 565-2856
Office Hours: M: 12 :00– 2:00
TR: 3:00 - 4:00
T: as needed (for discussion prior to class meeting)
Appt preferred please
Please use UNT email for correspondence. DO NOT use Blackboard email.
Class meets: Tuesday (ONLY) 3:30 – 6:20 PEB 219.
Textbook (required): Lund, J. & Tannehill, D. (2015). Standards- based physical education curriculum development. 3rd ed. Jones and Bartlett Learning: Burlington ,MA.
Textbook (optional): Hellison,D. (2011). Teaching personal and social responsibility through physical activity. 3rd ed. Human Kinetics. Champaign, IL.
Course description: Curriculum and methods in exercise and sport. 2 hours (2;0;2) Knowledge, techniques, and skills needed to teach movement activities. The field experience concurrent with this course provides opportunities for observation and application of principles and techniques studied in the classroom (KINE 4101). Pre-requisites: all-level certification students HDFS 3123 and EDSE 3830, or consent of the instructor.
Course Objectives:
- TLW plan developmentally appropriate[1] learning experiences aligned with national and state standards.
- TLW design unit plans that are linked to National Standards
- TLW create learning objectives that identify content from three learning domains (psychomotor, cognitive and affective) and which align with National Standards.
- TLW align objectives, activities and assessments.
- TLW plan lessons that provide ample opportunity for practice and provideequitable learning experiences.
- TLW plan instruction for diverse student needs including modifications for students with learning differences, as well as extensions for students mastering the target content.
- TLW plan progressive and sequential instruction that addresses diverse needs of all learners.
- TLW evaluate lesson plans for peers and provide specific, written and directed feedback to peers (both an elementary and secondary lesson).
- TLW conduct interviews (2) with their cooperating (mentor)teachers and provide written summary and presentation of information learned.
- TLW use effective communication, pedagogical skills and strategies to enhance student engagement and learning.
- TLW demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication, demonstrations, and instructional cues.
- TLW provide effective feedback to peers in reflective setting in teaching situations.
- TLW use managerial routines, rules and safety notes in planning instruction.
- TLW plan lessons that address all three domains and evaluate student behavior(s) and knowledge.
- TLW select or develop appropriate assessments to evaluate student learning before, during, and after instruction.
- TLW demonstrate professional behaviors, ethics, collaboration and sensitivity associated with highly qualified teachers.
The following support the assignments and work conducted in this class.
- 2008 National Initial Physical Education Teacher Education Standards (NASPE)
- Chapter 116. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Physical Education
- Texas State Board for Educator Certification (2003). Texas Physical Education Standards
- Standard I.* The teacher designs instruction appropriate for all students that reflects an understanding of relevant content and is based on continuous and appropriate assessment.
- Standard III.* The teacher promotes student learning by providing responsive instruction that makes use of effective communication techniques, instructional strategies that actively engage students in the learning process, and timely, high-quality feedback.
Class Procedures Requirements
- Attendance is mandatory. You are expected to be in class, be on time, and remain the entire period.
- It is your responsibility to obtain any material/assignment explanation, etc covered if you are not in class. (All ppts and assignments will be on blackboard).
- Should you miss class for illness (or other documented reason), I am happy to meet and discuss questions you might have, however I will not review the entire day’s information. As this class meets only once a week, attendance is even more critical.
- This is a professional preparation class. You are expected to display dispositions of a teaching professional. Unacceptable behaviors include:
- Reading the paper/scrolling your phone
- Texting/facebook, etc…
- Leaving early/arriving late
- Should you choose to engage in the above (or other inappropriate) behaviors, I will remind you about the UNT Student Code of Conduct. If a student’s behavior is disruptive to the class, actions which are in line with the UNT Student Code of Conduct will be enforced.
It is critical that you give this class the time it deserves (both KINE 4100 and 4101). This class should be a place where students and instructor can learn and grow together. Once you begin your observation, each class will begin with a “roundtable” discussion of observation experiences (both good and not so good). This will become part of your in-class experiences and assignments.
I hope that you will be able to learn from your classmates as well as from your text(s) and from me.
Other Important Information:
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating will not be tolerated in the class. You are not to receive
information from another student or give information to another student during a test or quiz. You are to use only your memory. Students caught cheating during an examination or quiz will be charged under the University's Code of Student Conduct. Among other punishments, students found guilty run the risk of having their score changed to a zero, receiving a grade of F for the course, and/or dismissal from the University. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and facilitating academic dishonesty.
Cheating refers to collaborating on individual assignments and using unauthorized materials. Plagiarism refers to presenting ideas, words, or statements of another person without giving credit to that person. If you have questions about cheating or plagiarism, please see me – note: I am the Academic Integrity Officer for UNT…
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Information: Students have the right to expect their grades will be kept confidential. There are a few things, because of the size and/or nature of this class, the instructor must advise you of regarding collection and distribution of test results, quiz scores, homework assignments, roll sheets, projects, etc. During this class it may be necessary for you to pass your assignments forward to the instructor or it may be necessary for the instructor to call your name and then return your completed assignment to you by passing it across the room. The instructor, under the reasonable assumption guidelines, assumes students are collecting only their own materials. Every attempt will be made to keep your information Grades are confidential. Neither your course grades nor grades for any assignment will be posted in a way that could result in your being identified by other students or faculty members.
Assignment Expectations:
Written assignments must be typed, double spaced (if not lesson or unit plan), stapled in the upper left corner, include page numbers and a cover sheet. All students will have their own folder and assignments (not turned in on Blackboard) will be placed in the folder when asked for during class (day due). I expect assignments will be completed with proper grammar/spelling, appropriately and professionally presented, and contain clear expression of ideas.
You will receive a handout on each of the assignments listed below. The exams will be a midterm and a final exam.
Course Assignments
Exams – 2 (@50 points teach)
Interviews with mentor/cooperating teachers ( 2 @ 25 points each)
Unit plan (2 @100 points each)
Grading plan (1 @ 50 points)
Management/discipline plan (1 @ 25 points)
Self –Reflection/evaluation and teaching of peer lesson (1 @ 30)
Reflective evaluation of peers’ in-class teaching 1 @ 15 points each)
Professional self- evaluation (1 @ 15 points)
In-class assignments (20 points)
Course Evaluation and Point Value
Exams (2 @50)100
Interviews (2 @ 25) 50
Unit Plans (2 @ 100)200
Grading & Assessment Plan (1 @ 50) 50
Management/Discipline Plan (1 @ 25) 25
Self-reflection/evaluation/teaching of one lesson 30
Reflective evaluation of peers’ (in-class teaching) (1@30)30
Professional self-evaluation (1 @10) 15
In –class assignments 20
Grading Scheme:
468 – 520 = A312- 363 = D
416 – 467 = B
364 - 415 = C
KINE 4100 Curriculum and Methods in Exercise and Sport