Altoona School, Inc.
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Thursday, February 23, 2017
I. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence took place at 6:00 p.m.
II. Call to order/Roll call – President Beth Nelson, Secretary Connie Gibson, Cecil Garrett, Alison Hinton.
Mrs. Nelson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Board members in attendance were Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Hinton.
III. Verification of meeting advertisement.
Mrs. Nelson verified that the meeting notification was advertised in the North Lake Outpost.
IV. Approval of previous minutes
The previous minutes were read and reviewed by the Board. Mrs. Gibson made a motion to accept the previous minutes as read. Mrs. Hinton seconded the motion. The motion carried.
V. Changes, amendments, additions or deletions to agenda.
There were no changes, amendments, additions or deletions to agenda.
VI. Public Introductions and Input for items not on agenda.
Altoona School employee, Sally Crisp was in attendance. Emily Logan and Raquel Calcott, parents of Altoona School students were also in attendance.
VII. Old/Unfinished Business
There was no old or unfinished business.
VIII. Financial Report
1. Budget 2016-2017
There were no changes to the budget.
IX. Personnel
1. Board resignation.
Mr. Schmidt provided the Board with a copy of Mr. Garrett’s resignation citing that his current schedule prevented him from being able to attend Board meetings on a regular basis. Mr. Garrett also thanked the Board for the opportunity to have served on the Board.
2. Board applicants.
Mr. Schmidt provided the Board with resumes submitted by applicants for the Altoona School Board. The applicants, Raquel Calcott, Sarah Totten, Emily Logan and Clayton Coates all have children that attend Altoona School. Following discussion, Mrs. Hinton made a motion to appoint the above applicants to the Altoona School Charter Board. Mrs. Gibson seconded the motion. The motion carried.
X. New Business
1. Thank you letter.
Mr. Schmidt presented the Board with a thank you letter from 3rd grade teacher, Mr. Lucas for his replacement eyeglasses.
2. Testing update
Mrs. Cerney stated that everything is ready for FSA testing to begin on February 28, 2017. There will
be testing occurring during the week of the Lake County Fair and Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Cerney discussed which students will be affected.
3. Students with Parent Teachers.
This topic was tabled until the next Board meeting.
Mr. Schmidt stated that the PTO is prepping for the March 4th annual fish fry. Mrs. Nelson stated that 4-H will have a sweets table but will not have animal exhibits this year.
XII. Farm / 4-H
Mrs. Nelson brought the Board up to date on 4-H news. The student record books for the Lake County Fair are to be turned in next week. The Arts and Crafts information has been turned in. The trash pile has been cleared from the back pasture.
XIII. Public Input
There was no public input.
XIV. Next meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for April 20, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
XV. Adjournment
There being no further questions or comments, Mrs. Hinton made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Nelson seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.