Persuasive Essay Notes

The information below presents the writing format you are to use when developing your persuasive essay. The format is followed by a sample introduction, a sample counter argument paragraph, asample Reason I and Rebuttal partial paragraph,and a sample conclusion.

Please note that the content is intended to guide you as to HOW to write a persuasive essay, NOT what to write. Please also note that the samples are brief. Your paragraphs must be well-developed.

Persuasive Writing Format:

(Paragraph I) Introduction

(Paragraph 2) Counter Argument Only

(Paragraph 3) Reason 1 and rebuttal to counter

(Paragraph 4) Reason 2 and rebuttal to counter

(Paragraph 5) Reason 3 and rebuttal to counter

(Paragraph 6) Conclusion

Sample Introduction:

It does not take a master’s degree or even a high school diploma to figure out that America needs new leadership in the White House. America needs a president who will guide this country to peace and to economic stability. There is only one individual who meets these requirements and that person is Deanna Jones.

Sample Counter Argument Paragraph:

Those who oppose Jonesclaim that she does not have the experience or the right plan necessary to lead America. Their first argument is that Jones is too young to lead America.They allege that Jones’ age keeps her from being able to make the best decisions for this country. As part of their charge, those opposed to Jones do not believethat her years in government have been extensive enough to warrant the job of President. Those people againstJones also disagree with her stand on military issues. These are the voices of those who want to continue the path of war on which America has been travelling. Finally, anti-Jones voters believe that the Jones’tax plan will further hurt the economy. They are against higher taxes for the wealthier segment of American society. These doubtful individuals are misguided and unaware of the benefits this country will receive under the leadership of Deanna Jones.

Body Paragraphs 3 -5:

Each paragraph will refute one of the counter arguments.

Write in the order in which you presented the information in the counter argument paragraph.

Use facts to support your opinion.

Sample Reason 1 and Rebuttal Partial Paragraph:

While young when compared to her 72 year old opponent, Jones is an individual of experience and maturity at 47. Jones has been a political leader since her law school days at Harvard in the 1980’s. She saw division among the student body and sought unity (Von Drehle 30).In her later college days, Jones recognized the importance of people working together. She was aware that through resolving differences a community becomes free to grow and to prosper. Jones continues to apply these principles as she considers the needs of the American people. Over her years of service to this country, Joneshas shown that she understands the plight of the American poor and middle class. She has worked to improve their conditions since her inception in the political arena. (Facts are needed to prove this point.Commentary will also be needed.) She will do no less as President of the United States.

Concluding Paragraph:

The state of affairs in the United States and in this nation’s relationships with other countries of this world cannot continue as it has been over the last eight years. This November, make a difference. Vote for clear direction; vote for peace; vote for a better economy; vote for Deanna Jones.