1 Arial/Little Mermaid
2 Avengers
3 Baby Mickey
4 Baby Minnie
5 Barbie
6 Barbie Ballet
7 Ben 10
8 Bimbo
9 Tinkerbell
10 Bob the builder
11 Bootcamp
12 Cars
13 Cinderella
14 Cirkus
15 Dinusaurs
16 Doc McStuffins
17 Dora the Explorar
18 Ferrari
19 Frozen 1 en Frozen 2
20 Hello Kitty PINK
21 Hello Kitty PURPLE AND PINK
22 Jurasic Park
23 Lilo and Stitch
24 Winnie de Pooh
25 Pony
26 Lollos
27 Mickey Mouse
28 Minions
29 Minnie Mouse PINK
30 Minnie Mouse RED
31 Monster High PINK
32 Monster High PINK and PURPLE
33 Monster High PURPLE
34 Ninja Turtles
35 Ninjago
36 Owls
37 Paw Patrol
38 Planes
39 Power Rangers
40 Robots
41 Smurfs
42 Sophia the first
43 Spider Man
44 Tatty Teddy Boy
45 Tatty Teddy Girl
46 Thomas the tank engine
47 Toy Story
48 Transformers
49 Turbo - A snail's pace
50 Turtle's Tale
51 Under the sea
52 Wild West
53 Xmas
54 Noah's Ark (Zoo)
55 Teletubbies
56 Princess Bella
57 Princess
58 Ballet
59 Barney
60 Lego
61 SuperMan
62 Rosa Duck
63 Jake and the Neverland Pirates with Illy
64 Princess and the frog
65 Farm Animals
66 Olaf - Frozen
67 Winter Wonderland
68 My Little Pony
69 The friendly dinusaur
70 Smurfette
71 Old Smurf
72 It's a Boy
73 It's a Girl
74 King and Queen
75 Finding Nemo
76 Lalaloepsie
77 Egyptian
78 Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
79 Angry Birds
80 Finding Dory
81 Peppa Pig
82 Monster Inc
83 Avengers/Super Heroes 2
84 Ponies 2
85 Alice in Wonderland
86 Cookie Monster
87 Carnival
88 Hawaii/Island Party
89 PJ Masks
90 Shine and Shimmer
91 Trolls
92 SuperWomen
93 Monsters/Monster Inc
94 Moana
95 Unicorns
96 Frozen ANNA
1 Arial/Little Mermaid 2 Avengers 3 Baby Mickey 4 Baby Minnie 5 Barbie 6 Barbie Ballet