English 11 – 2011-2012
Semester 2
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
My name is Keeley Flaherty and I will be your student's English 11 teacher for this semester. The purpose of this document is to introduce myself and to outline my classroom policies and procedures. Please also read the English Department policies/syllabus for late work, attendance, grading scale and curriculum.
SILENT READING: Please see the Silent Reading Policies sheet for information on this program’s policies. Please keep abreast of what book(s) your student select(s) for Silent Reading and please notify me if there are any authors/titles/genres you would prefer that he/she refrain from reading. STUDENTS MUST HAVE A SILENT READING BOOK BY TUESDAY 2/7/12.
VOCABULARY: Please see the Vocabulary sheet for information on this program’s policies. This sheet includes information on how to complete and study the vocabulary flashcards.
Expectations/Procedures/Code of conduct in Ms. Flaherty’s classroom:
v BE NICE AND WORK HARD. Show respect – for yourself, for others and for supplies. Students must be sure to show respect toward everyone, even people they do not like. Only one person should be speaking at a time. Also be willing to participate in classroom discussion.
v Be Responsible
v Do ALL assignments with integrity – be honest; turn in work that is your own.
v Use Appropriate Language: Put downs and inappropriate language will not be tolerated. Students will receive a teacher-assigned detention when inappropriate language is used. No warning for this will be given. This includes all profanity/swearing, teasing, name-calling, bashing, as well as any derogatory and offensive remarks.
v No whining or complaining!
v Be on time and be prepared: Being on time means you are in your seat and working on the Do now when the bell rings.
v Have all appropriate materials
v No heads down! Sleeping or anything that looks like sleeping is not acceptable
v Raise your hand to ask a question
v No heads down: Your head must be fully up during the entire class period. Sleeping or anything that resembles sleeping is not acceptable.
v Do only English work in this class. It is not a study-hall.
v Entering late: Do not disrupt the class or the teacher. Place notes on my desk.
· Turning in work with appropriate tray w/ correct paper heading & stapled. See board for heading instructions
· Tests and quizzes: No communicating. Consequences include 0 grades and referral to administration.
· NO Cell phones, PDAs, Portable Game Players, any Music Player or other electronic devices: See school handbook for specific policy.
· Stuff on desks: Only required materials should be on desk.
· HALL PASSES: You will be given a hall pass card which allows you to leave the class an allotted number of times during the semester. You MUST have the card to leave the class.
· Messes: You may eat in this classroom, however, if I see a mess that privilege will be revoked for the whole class. Throw away your trash and clean up your spills – no housekeeping service availableJ
· End of class: You may not pack up early. I will tell you when you are dismissed.
§ blue or black ink pens.
§ pen for correcting (ink should be red, pink, purple, green, or orange)
§ SSR book
§ 3-ring binder or a portion of a large binder devoted to this class with dividers the following dividers and paper:
o Current unit
o Vocabulary
o Writing
§ spiral notebook (70 pages only, please)
§ several sets of note cards
§ a calendar/agenda
§ Optional supplies:
o Dictionary/Thesaurus
o post–its
o a box of tissue
Supplies Due: ______
Please feel free to contact me at any time. I can be reached at 253.566.5710 x2461 or via email at .
Email is generally the easiest way to get in contact with me.
I have read the class syllabus, silent reading letter and Ms. Flaherty’s Rules of Conduct. I understand the requirements and my responsibilities for this class.
Student’s Name
Student’s Signature
I have read the class syllabus, vocab and silent reading letter and Ms. Flaherty’s Rules of Conduct. I understand the requirements and my student’s responsibilities for this class.
Parent Name (PRINT) Parent/Guardian Signature
Email Address Phone Number
Any additional information that Ms. Flaherty should know