Chapter Twelve Concept Checks

Concept Check 12.1

Identify the following terms associated with schizophrenia: affective flattening, avolition, delusions, hallucinations.

  1. Beliefs that most people would describe as a misrepresentation of reality, called a disorder of thought content. ______
  2. Apathy, or an inability to initiate or persist in important activities. ______
  3. Lack of visible emotional response or reactivity. ______
  4. Perceptions of sensory events that do not originate in the surrounding environment. ______

Determine which subtype of schizophrenia is described in each scenario.

  1. Gary often has delusions and hallucinations that convince him enemies are out to persecute him. ______
  2. Sally displays motor immobility, and she often repeats words said by others around her. ______
  3. Carrie had an episode of schizophrenia in the past, but she no longer displays the major symptoms of the disorder. She does, however, still have some negative, unusual ideas and displays flat affect on occasion. ______
  4. Tim suffers from a type of schizophrenia that is identified by disruption and incoherence in his speech and behavior. He also shows inappropriate affect, often laughing in sad or upsetting situations. ______
  5. You sit down next to a gentleman who suddenly giggles. When you ask what he’s laughing at, he answers, but you can’t make sense of what he says. ______

Concept Check 12.2

Diagnose the type of psychotic disorders described in each of the following. Choose from : (a) schizophreniform disorder, (b) schizoaffective disorder, (c) delusional disorder, (d) shared psychotic disorder.

  1. Carol reveals to her therapist that she hears numerous voices talking to her and giving her orders. For the past month or so, these voices have been commenting on her everyday behavior. Her doctor has just sent her to this therapist for what he believes to be a major depressive episode. She had begun to sleep all the time and contemplated suicide often. ______
  2. Scott believes his wife is unfaithful and has been this way for years. He has absolutely no proof. A private investigator was hired and he claimed Scott’s wife is loving and devoted. Scott disregarded this and considered the possibility that the investigator was one of his wife’s lovers. ______
  3. Sarah believes the government is out to get her. She thinks agents follow her daily, monitor her calls, and read her mail. Her roommate Courtney tried to convince her otherwise. However, after a year of this, Courtney began to believe Sarah was correct and the government was out to get her too. ______
  4. If Sarah’s symptoms had disappeared in about 4 months and she returned to her normal life, what diagnosis might she have received? ______

Concept Check 12.3

Check your understanding of genetic vulnerability by filling in the blanks of the statements provided associated with family, twin, and adoption studies. Choose from: (a) higher, (b) lower, (c) equal, (d) severity, (e) type, (f) identical twin, (g) specific, (h) fraternal twin, (i) general.

  1. The likelihood of a child’s having schizophrenia is influenced by the ______of the parent’s disorder. One may inherit a ______predisposition for schizophrenia that is the same or different from that of the parent.
  2. The greatest risk of having schizophrenia is in those who have a(n) ______or ______with schizophrenia. Any relative with schizophrenia will make your chances (a) greater than, (b) less than, or (c) the same as the general population.
  3. Raised in a home other than that of their biological parents, adopted children of parents with schizophrenia have a(n) ______chance of having the disorder themselves. Children of people with schizophrenia adopted into families without schizophrenia have a ______than average chance of having schizophrenia.

Concept Check 12.4

Read the descriptions and then match them to the following words: (a) clozapine, (b) extrapyramidal symptoms, (c) serotonin, (d) dopamine, (e) metabolites, (f) token economy, (g) vocational rehabilitation, (h) social skills training, (i) family intervention.

  1. Recent studies sometimes indicate that the relationship of the neurotransmitters ______and ______may explain some of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
  2. Setting up an elaborate ______in which patients are fined for disruptive or inappropriate behavior and rewarded for appropriate behavior is beneficial in hospitals.
  3. Spinal fluid from people with schizophrenia can be analyzed for the level of neurotransmitter by-products, which indicated the levels of neurotransmitters. Such by-products are called ______.
  4. Difficult cases of schizophrenia seem to improve with a serotonin and dopamine antagonist called ______.
  5. In ______clinicians attempt to re-teach such behaviors as basic conversation, assertiveness, and relationship building to people with schizophrenia.
  6. Because antipsychotic medication may cause serious side effects, some patients stop taking them. One serious side effect is called ______, which may include parkinsonian symptoms.
  7. Aside from social skills training, two psychosocial treatments for schizophrenia, ______(teaching family members to be supportive) and ______(teaching meaningful jobs), may be helpful.

Answers to Concept Checks


1. delusions2. avolition3. affective flattening4. hallucinations5. paranoid

6. catatonic 7. residual8. disorganized9. disorganized


1. b2. c3. d4. a


1. d, i2. f, h, a3. a, a


1. d, c2. f3. e4. a5. h6. b7. i, g