CheppingViewPrimary Academy SCITT
Trainee Checklist – Week 17-26 (4th January – 16th March, 2016)at SP2 School
Task - / Notes - / Dateand Filed -Complete Induction form for SP2 school
Complete up to 8 ‘Trainee Observation Evaluation Forms’ / Focus on own areas for improvement from observations – look for examples of good practice in your new year group.
Take advantage of being in a new school to go and observe other teachers from different year groups.
Use ‘Trainee Observation Evaluation form’
Continue to plan and follow a set timetable including whole class teaching as follows / 1 day PPA if you are in school 4or 5 days. ½day PPA if you are in school for 3 days.
By the end of SP2, 60% teaching time is expected, this equates to 2½ days teaching per week out of your 4 days in class.
Teaching observations
Please ensure that you are teaching/being observed in a range of subjects including non-core / Continue to be observed by your teacher Tutor or School Based Mentor weekly.
Upload forms weekly onto e portfolio
The SCITT manager or a Quality Assurance mentor will visit to observe in one of the weeks beginning 20.2.17 or 26.2.17 or 6.3.17. Some trainees may have additional visits earlier on.
Lead groups in lessons / In each week, in addition to whole class teaching, as it fits into the weekly timetable
Experience working with different ability groups including pupils with SEN
Work with EAL children / Work alongside EAL children in your school. They do not have to be in your class. Reflect on teaching strategies. TS5d
TS3d / Continue to observe and be observed teaching different phases in phonics throughout the placement. Use phonics observation forms and phonics progress tracking sheet.
Meet with School Based Mentor/Teacher Tutor weekly / Follow action plan for SP2. Weekly target setting and feedback.
Upload forms weekly onto e portfolio
Teach sequences of 3 or 4 lessons in English / Create ‘evidence bundles’ – to be explained in training session.
Teach sequences of 3 or 4 lessons in maths / Create ‘evidence bundles’ – to be explained in training session
Teach at least 3 science lessons which involve the children ‘working scientifically’
Teach a lesson which incorporates British Values
Part 2
TS6 / Work alongside your TT to find out how your school tracks data and uses relevant data to monitor progress, set targets and plan subsequent lessons.
Pupil Premium pupils / Find out who these are in your class. Monitor their progress. Discuss with your TT what extra support these pupils are receiving.
Put up a display in the classroom. / TS1a. Take photo and reflect on its purpose towards pupil progress – is it an active working wall? Is it stimulating? What is its purpose?
SP2 report and Action plan for MP3 / These will be due and should be uploaded by week beginning 13th March, 2017.
Complete ‘Trainee Primary Curriculum Teaching Tracker’ / Weekly, to keep a record of the range of your teaching experience. Make sure you are teaching a range of subjects. Art, music, PE, D & T, Geography, History, MFL, RE, PSHE
Observe PE in both KS1 and KS2,interview the PE subject co-ordinator and make notes/identify how children with special needs are supported / Use these notes as evidence for TS5
Keep reflective journal up to date.
TS8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities / Break duties, help with an after school or lunchtime club, attend parents evenings. Ask for help from co-ordinators.