COMMISSIONER / 1100 W. 49th Street · Austin, Texas 78756
1-888-963-7111 · www.dshs.state.tx.us
TDD: 512-458-7708
November 30, 2009
TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Anita Wheeler, RN, BSN, CPN
School Health Program Coordinator
RE: Texas Department of State Health Services Membership Appointments
Texas School Health Advisory Committee
The commissioner of DSHS requests your assistance in identifying candidates for appointment to the Texas School Health Advisory Committee. The purpose of the TSHAC is to provide assistance to the State Health Services Council in establishing a leadership role for DSHS in support for and delivery of coordinated school health programs and school health services. The responsibilites of the TSHAC are stated in the rules, which have been posted on the TSHAC Web site at www.dshs.state.tx.us/schoolhealth/shadvise.shtm. The committee’s meeting schedule and meeting minutes are also posted.
Two positions are open to applicants that qualify for the “parent-consumer” category. To qualify, an applicant must meet the definition of the category and submit the appropriate documentation and form. The term of office for the positions is six years with the option of serving one additional six-year term. The term begins July 1, 2010.
Rules state that members attend all meetings, with no more than three excused absences in a fiscal year. One-day meetings occur once every other month. By law, DSHS can reimburse expenses accrued by committee members in the “parent-consumer” positions. .
Individuals that wish to be considered must meet the criteria stated on the definitions/criteria sheet, complete the application for Advisory Committee Appointment (Form AG-50) and submit two letters of recommendation. Both the definitions/criteria and the application can be accessed by visiting the TSHAC Web site at www.dshs.state.tx.us/schoolhealth/shadvise.shtm. The application cannot be altered in any way. Do not retype the application. All applications will remain on file for twelve months. Completed applications, including two letters of recommendation, can be mailed, faxed or emailed; and must be received by December 28, 2009 using the following contact information.
Texas Department of State Health Services
School Health Program, M.C. 1923
Attention: Ellen Smith, TSHAC Contact
P. O. Box 149347
Austin, Texas 78714-9347
Telephone: (512) 458-7111 ext. 2140
Fax: (512) 458-7555
Please note that the application requires the submission of two, dated letters of recommendation. Applications without two dated letters of recommendation will be deemed incomplete and will not be forwarded for consideration. Résumés, curriculum vitaés and additional supporting documentation not specifically requested in this letter will not be considered. Please be advised that letters of recommendation must be addressed to the attention of one of the following ONLY: Anita Wheeler, Ellen Smith or the TSHAC Review Committee and sent via one of the methods of communication listed previously in this correspondence.
In selecting members to serve on an advisory committee, the DSHS commissioner considers the individual’s qualifications for the position, background and interest in serving on the committee. Furthermore, by rule, the commissioner “…builds with special consideration a committee reflective of the current Texas population with regards to race, gender, age and ethnic diversity; urban, rural and suburban diversity; and, a broad statewide geographic representation whenever possible.” (Texas Administrative Code Title 25, Part 1, Chapter 37, Subchapter R, §37.350. School health Advisory Committee)
cc: Consumer Affairs Branch
An Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and Provider
TSHAC Member Solicitation Letter- Nov. 16, 2009 Page 1