Descriptor Term: GBI



REVIEW DATE: 9/1/2011

REVISED DATE: 10/6/2011


The following are key elements -of teacher evaluation in the North Pike ConsolidatedSchool District. These "highlights" will provide an overview of the entire evaluative process.

  • Objectives - The main purpose is to promote growth and self-improvement. Personnel decisions will be made on the basis of these assessments.
  • Teachers will be evaluated on performance objectives that are research based. Each objective contains descriptors that indicate how it will be measured.
  • There are two evaluative processes in this system--formative and summative. The formative process consists of all the activities that are conducted during the year to form an evaluation. These include

conferences, observations, and other supportive data. The summative process consists of an overall rating of performance and is used to make recommendations regarding continued employment.

  • There are two types of observations in the formative process--Announced and Unannounced. Announced observations include a pre conference, post conference, and job improvement targets (if applicable); these are required a minimum of every three (3) years and are required of all newpersonnel in the district. Unannounced observationsinclude a post conference and job improvement targets (if applicable) and are conducted each year for all teachers.
  • The primary evaluatorof the teacher is the attendance center principal.

Teachers will be evaluated by a second observer from the district when certain specific conditions exist.

  • The evaluative process ensures that the evaluatee will be given copies of formative and summative ratings and will have the right to make a written response following disagreement regarding ratings.


In order to provide and maintain a quality instructional program in an ever changing, high technological, educational community, the North Pike Consolidated School District firmly believes that the evaluation of professional personnel-determining progress toward predetermined performance objectives-through the use of a designed instructional instrument is an integral part of the educational process. Therefore, the evaluation process is directed toward the continued growth and development of professional personnel. To achieve this end it is essential to identify and retain qualified personnel to assure the implementation of such a mission.


The purpose of performing evaluation in the North Pike Consolidated School District is to improve instruction and promote student achievement. Evaluation, a cooperative and on-going process, will assess performance on predetermined, valid criteria which trained evaluators can measure with reliability. The appraisal system will include:

  • conferring to relate expectations
  • gathering objective data
  • communicating appropriate information of performance
  • providing for the selection of activities that contribute to improved performance
  • providingpositive reinforcement of appropriate behaviors.

The evaluation process will protect the rights of the individual and operate within the board policies of the school district and statutes of the State of Mississippi.


1.Provide self-appraisal as a means of professional growth.

2.Identify areas of strength and weakness with the intention of reinforcing strengths and providing resources to correct identified weaknesses.

3.Communicate to the public the process used for upgrading professional personnel.

4.Provide assessments to support recommendations for retention or non-renewal.


The following concepts and terminology will be consistent in the evaluative process for all certified personnel:

1. Summative Process

The summative process consists of the overall assessment of an individual's performance which is conducted annually by the primary evaluator. The process results in an evaluation to consist of ratings for each performance area as specified on the appropriate summative evaluation form. These ratings will be based on observations by the primary evaluator and on other supportive information which is consistent and verifiable. Any information received by a primary evaluator which mayhave a negative impact on an individual's summative rating must be brought to the attention of the evaluatee and documented in writing. Documentation must include objectives and timelines for improvement and must provide for assistance as needed. The summative rating will be used to make recommendations regarding continued employment. The evaluatee has the right to make a written response in cases of disagreement, and this response will be forwarded to the Superintendent.

2. Formative Process

The formative process consists of all activities that are conducted during the year to form a basis for self-appraisal and to promote improved performance. The purpose of the formative process is to measure performance against the specified criteria for effective instruction or instructional leadership and to provide feedback in order to improve performance. Feedback will be facilitated through the use of designated rating scales and conferences with observers.

3. Performance Areas

The performance areas consist of the major areas of job responsibilities which are specified on the summative rating forms. The performance areas are further delineated on the forms to indicate the performance criteria which are to be rated. A list of descriptors will be provided which will be- used as - examples of the kinds of activities and characteristics that define the performance criteria.

4. Observations

In the process, observations refer to the actual activities or behaviors which are seen and which are reduced to writing. Observers are the persons-within the district who have been designated as appropriate and qualified. Observers will always include, but will not be limited to, the primary evaluator who is the person's immediate supervisor. There are two types of observations in the process.

a. Unannounced Observations

The evaluator may make these observations at any time, but they must be reduced to writing and consist of a minimum of a fifteen (15) minute period. Unannounced observations will always be followed by the completion of the appropriate rating form by the observer.

A copy of the ratings will be given to the evaluatee. A conference will be held at the request of either party within five (5) days of the observation.

b. Announced Observations

These are observations which are planned in order that the person to be observed will be able to specify the activities which are scheduled. This type of observation enables both parties to define expectancies. One (1) announced observation is required for each person every third year. These may be initiated by either party, who will give five (5) days notice. Announced observations include the time and site requirements for unannounced observations and, in addition, require pre conference data sheets, rating of observed teacher performance and pre and post conferences.

(1) Pre-Observation Conference Data Sheet

When the evaluateeor designated observer has initiated an announced period for observation, it is the evaluatee'sresponsibility to complete the Pre Observation Data Sheet. The information requested on the form should reflect planned activities concerning instruction or supervision of instructionThis data sheet will provide the 'basis for the pre conference discussion and will prepare the observer by defining expectancies which the person to be observed has established.

(2) Pre-Conference

The evaluatee will provide the Pre Observation Conference Data Sheetat a meeting with the observer at least one (1) day prior to the scheduled observation. It is the responsibility of the observer to schedule the conference providing sufficient time and privacy to discuss the planned observation.The observer will explain the method which will be used to record data, the rating scale to be used, and will allow for any needed clarifications. Clarification should include the relationship of the rating scale to effective instruction or supervision of instruction and should place emphasis on the purpose which is to improve instruction. The date and time of the observation should be verified and adate and time for conference should be set.

(3) Post Conference

A post conference is to be held following all announced observations.The post conference will include discussion of the information on the appropriate (teacher or administrator) form for rating observed performance. The observer will discuss the information and will relate conclusions as to the written observations.

5. Job Improvement Targets

Ratings based on any observed performance may indicate several performance criteria which are either unsatisfactory or in need of improvement. When this occurs, it is the responsibility of the observer to identify Job Improvement Targets (JIT's) and to design a plan for achieving the specified level of performance. It is recommended that one JITbe identifiedand carefully planned rather than working towards several targetsatthe same time. Job ImprovementTargets must he identified and a plandevised and implemented under, the following circumstances:

1.when observed performance results in anyone (1) "Unsatisfactory" rating,

2.when observed performance results in four (4) or more "Needs Improvement" ratings,

3.when a previously identified job target has failed to result in an "Effective" rating.

Job Improvement Targetsare to be identified in writing and provided in a conference following the observation. The observer is responsible for developing the procedures and timelines with the evaluatee. The observer is also responsible for monitoring the progress of the evaluateein regard to the stated objectives. When a rating of less than "Effective" is given following two (2) specified plans for improvement in the same objective, the evaluator must request the assistance of another observer from those in the district who are qualified supervisory or administrative personnel. The Superintendent, or designee, will select the other observer in this process.

6.Definition of Roles of Participants in the Process

The following personnel may logically be involved in some phase of the continuous improvements and evaluation process:

Evaluatee / Evaluator / CONTRIBUTOR
*Teachers / X
Principals / X / X
Assistant Principals / X
Superintendent / X
Directors / X
Superintendent / X
Evaluatee / Evaluator / CONTRIBUTOR
*Teachers / X
Principals / X
Assistant Principals / X
Superintendent / X
Directors / X / X
Assistant Superintendent / X / X

* Teachers will include certified librarians.

The kinds of functionswhich may be performed by someor all of the above participants are: (a) observing, (b) conferring; (c) assessing needs,(d) identifying job targets, (e) developingprocedures for improvement, (f) providing resources, (g) demonstrating, (h) advising, and (1) evaluating. While the evaluator is the person who must signthe annual evaluation

form,he/she may delegate responsibility for the various processes in the continuous improvement plan to contributors with appropriate qualifications.

The evaluatee:

  • will be aware of the significance and value of evaluation and of the continuous improvement process in the context of a professional educator.
  • willwork cooperatively with evaluator and contributors to identify needs.
  • willwork cooperatively with the evaluator to improve performance on specified Job Improvement Targets as required.

The evaluator:

  • isaccountable for the ultimate, correct, and timely assessment of his/her staff.
  • uses available resources to provide prompt assistance to evaluatees who are in need of improvement.
  • isresponsible for valid and equitable evaluation through observation, conferring, diagnosis, andprescription.

The contributor:

  • isa person who is in a position to provide assistance, consultation, advisement, and/or other appropriate help to the evaluateeor evaluator.
  • musthold proper credentials for the role assigned.


August / Prior to return of teachers / Superintendent Principals / Orientation meeting for principals
August / Pre-school inservices / Principals Teachers / Orientation meetings for teachers
September / 1st / Superintendent Principals / Notification to principals scheduled observations
September / 15th / Principals Teachers / Notification to teachers scheduled observations
End of 1st Semester / Principals Teachers / One observation completed for each teacher to be observed
February / 15th / Superintendent Principals / Summative evaluation completed for principals
March / 10th / Principals Teachers / Second required observation completed for teachers being evaluated
March / 20th / Principals Teachers / Summative evaluation will be completed for all teachers


1.Principals will disseminate in writing all requirements, rating scales, and forms and will provide for a faculty meeting during the pre-schoolin-service days in order to discuss the procedures and to answer questions.

2.Prior to September 15, principals will notify in writing the teachers to be scheduled for observations for the current year. Observers who may be involved in the process, other than the principals, will be identified. All personnel new to the district must go through this process during the first year of employment. All provisional teachers to the district and State will follow the evaluation procedure as outlined by the State Department of Education.

3.One third of each school's faculty plus all new teachers to the district will be evaluated twice during the school year. The first visit will be prior to the end of the first semester with the second visit coming before March 10th. One of these visits will be announced and the other mayor may not be announced at the discretion of the observer. The remaining faculty members will be evaluated over the next two years. At the end of the third year, the rotation process will start from the beginning.

4.The teacher will be given at least five (5) days notice prior to an announced observation. The teacher will be given the Pre-Observation Conferenceform at least five (5)days prior to the visit. The Pre-Observation Conferenceform will be completed by the teacher and given to the observer at least one (1) day prior to the visit. A Pre-Observation Conference will be held at least one day prior to the visit with emphasis being placed on the information provided on the Pre-Observation Conference form. The observation will be held as scheduled with the observer remaining a minimum of thirty minutes. The observer will complete the Ratingof Observed Teacher Performanceformusing written observations made during the scheduled visit. A conference will be held within five (5) days to discuss the observation and rating.

5.If the observer makes an unannounced visit, the Rating Scale of Observed Teacher Performancewill be completed from written observations made during the visit, and one (1) copy will be given to the evaluatee. The observer will visit for a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes on any unannounced classroom visit. A conference will be held within five(5) days at the request of either party.

6.When ratings require Job Improvement Targets a post conference mustbe held. Job Improvement Targets are necessary when four (4) or more "Needs Improvement" or one (1) "Unsatisfactory" rating is given. Job Improvement Targets (JIT) specifying the evaluator-directed objectives will be completed in writing by the observer and discussed during the post conference. The observer will allow sufficient time for the teacher to improve the areas identified and will conduct another announced visit, including the pre and post conference. In cases of disagreement, the teacher may

make a written response to the principal within five (5) days of the post conference.

The principal will send the response to the Superintendent within five (5) days of receipt of the response. The principal and teacher will be notified of the Superintendent's receipt of the response within five (5) days.

7.When a teachers' performance related, to any designated Job Improvement Target has not resulted in an "Effective" rating following two (2) evaluator-directed plans for improvement, anotherperson must be requested to work with the principal and teacher. The principal will notify theSuperintendent or designee who will then select an appropriate qualified observer from those inthe district who are supervisory or administrative personnel to assist in the evaluation, process.

8.The principal will complete the Summative Teacher Evaluation form andpersonally provide two (2) copies of the entire report to each teacher observed that year. The teacher will sign one copy and return it to the principal within five (5) days. Either party may request a conference within (5) days. The teacher has a right to make a written response to be attached to the signed report. The signed report will be sent to the Superintendent's office prior to March 20th and will be included in the teacher's personnel file. When a written response is included, the Superintendent will notify the principal and teacher within five (5) days of its receipt.

9.When ratings on the Summative Teacher Evaluationform have indicated the need for assistance, this assistance will be specified as job targets which will be monitored during the following year.

10.After the summative report has been filed, the teacher, principal, or Superintendent may request another evaluation if deemed necessary by either party.

11.As the instructional leader in the school, the principal has the right and privilege to make unannounced visits to any classroom at any time.



Your announced observation will be conducted this year. Please indicate your preference for the initiation of the required announced observation. (Check your preference):

_____I do wish to initiate the planned observation.

_____ I do not wish to initiate the planned observation.

If other persons will be called upon to conduct a required observation in your classroom, they will be selected from the following qualified district administrators or supervisors (list):






Please sign and return this form within five (5) days.


Signature of Evaluator Signature of Evaluatee



1.Designs appropriate instructional processes

  • -Introduces lesson and establishes interest
  • -States objectives and why they are important
  • -Provides guided practice
  • -Provides independent practice
  • -Checks for comprehension
  • -Summarizes and brings lesson to logical conclusion

2.Organizes materials and activities for effective lesson presentation -Plans activities to follow a logical sequence

  • -Incorporates a variety of materials and activities
  • -Provides organized, written plans for classroom use

3.Establishes goals and objectives for class consistent with requirements of curriculum guidelines