Russian stack dolls – also known as Matryoshika, nesting dolls, or babushka dolls

“It’s hard to find a symbol of Russia more popular than the traditional Russian nesting doll. These decorated wooden dolls “with a secret,” are also called matryoshka dolls or babushka dolls.” (Russialicious)

Halloween dolls "Getman” doll, beginning 1900 Communist Leaders

Matryoshka Nesting Dolls History: The first Russian nesting doll was born in 1890 in the workshop of `Children's Education’ situated inAbramtsevo estate new Moscow. The owner of Abramtsevo was Sava Mamontov - industrialist and a patron of the arts. The end of the 19 century in Russia was a time of great economic and cultural development. Mamontov was one of the first who patronized artists who were possessed by the idea of the creation of a new Russian style. Many famous Russian artists worked along with folk craftsmen in the workshops of Mamontov.”

The dolls are also called “nesting dolls,” or Babushka dolls. “Babushka or babushkas: In Poland and Russia they are an old woman or grandmother. In North America the word means a headscarf tied under the chin, like worn by Polish and Russian women.

When I was in Far East Russia for 3½ months in the late autumn-winter of1999, I saw hundreds of these dolls in all shapes, sizes, and paintings, for sale. I bought several sets. Most of them are lovely, but some are not, like the outer doll being Bill Clinton, and each inner doll being one of his lady lovers. It was at the time when the Monica Lewinski case was such a hot item. There are even Obama stack dolls.

Notice the date of the “birth” of this new art form: 1890. It lies between 1871 and 1896, two highly significant dates of return of the Nephilim and the Jesuit-Illuminati. Notice that the dolls were “born” in a workshop at an estate called Abramtsevo. Notice that the owner of the estate named Abramtsevo was Sava Mamontov. The name comes from Maimonides, the famous Jewish sage dubbed RamBam. “Mamontov” is a Jewish name.

In 1871, Albert Pike, leader of America’s Scottish Rite Freemasons, and Giuseppe Mazzini, leader of the Jesuit-Illuminati and founder of the Mafia, created a three part plan that would usher in a new world order. [Refer to: “The Pergamum Altar and the Throne of Satan”/September 4, 2015 for some shocking information about the altar of Zeus, Berlin, and Hitler.] Learn what came into Berlin that same year, that has cursed Germany ever since.

The Altar of Zeus: Revelation 2:12-17. In 2001, I stood at the site in Pergamum where the altar originally stood. In 2010, I stood in front of that huge altar of Zeus in the Pergamum Museum in Berlin. The above article will answer a lot of questions for you about 1871 and Germany. Zeus was the Nephilim father of Apollo/Apollyon. His son is mentioned as the ruler of the underworld in Revelation 9:11, 11:7, 17:8 and II Thessalonians 2:3. In Greece, Zeus took the place of Yahuwah, and Apollo took the place of Yahushua. Zeus and Apollo, sun gods, are just other names for Nimrod and Tammuz, the tap root of all religion.

Part I of the Mazzini/Pike plan began in the early 1900s, with the overthrow of the Czar of Russia and the rise of Marxism and Communism, and World War I. Its focal point was 1917. It was in that year in Fatima, Portugal, that six Marian apparitions appeared to three children. The “entity” posing as Mary spoke of Russia as the rudder that would control the direction of the world. In 1914, World War I began.

In 1896, as I have discussed in so many articles in 2016, from the 70-genration prophecy of Enoch, the pre-flood original Nephilim who were bound in Tartarus returned for their 120 years allotted to them to bring the final judgment and the return of Messiah. The 120 years of the Spirit’s striving with them, and mankind, ended in April of 2016.

Part II of the Mazzini/Pike Plan was for the rise of Fascism and the Nazis, and World War II to force the Jews into longing to return to their homeland and create their own state. Thus the reason for the Holocaust: It was a preparatory measure for Part III.

Part III is now in effect. The drawing together of the world into a one world order has already begun. World War III is meant to annihilate the nation of Israel and the Muslim nations. In fact, it is designed to eliminate 7 billion people at least, to depopulate earth so that only the Elite--the “Arians,” the lost race of Atlantis, the gods of old, the pre-flood Nephilim, with Nimrod as their king--can rule earth once again. Spearheading the plan, using America as its breeding ground, was Sir Frances Bacon. America was created to be the “super power” nation to bring it all together under a reincarnated Nimrod. [Refer to: “America’s Secret Destiny”/January 25, 2009]

“The men of renown”--Genesis 6:2-4--became the gods of Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, Media Persia, Greece and Rome. These gods were created by the mating of fallen angel and human women. Then their children created hybrids they made from DNA mixing of human DNA with that of animals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles, and even plants. The Flood wiped away those on the surface of the earth, but some things escaped under the earth. As Messiah said--Matthew 24:37-39--we are “in the days of Noah.”

Today, the same DNA mixing is happening in laboratories underground worldwide to create non-human entities, including cyborgs and robot mixes with human DNA.

[I encourage you to learn more. Steve Quayle’s book XenoGenesis – Turning Men into Monsters – and Tom Horn’s award-winning DVD “INHUMAN--The Next and Final Phase of Man is Here” are good resources to begin learning] We are literally having our DNA changed in a variety of ways, as dark science leads us into a post-human world. [Refer to my article also: “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”/ January 2008]

The pre-flood Nephilim, as described in the book of Enoch I, in returning 120 years ago, and gave mankind the same advanced technology that they gave man from their first entry into earth before the Flood. Man is using it now to totally destroy the earth, and humankind with it. Humanity is now THE ENDANGERED SPECIES!

The new world order is already in place, waiting for the right time for the reincarnated Nimrod, aka Osiris, or Apollo (Revelation 9:11: Apollyon, Greek or Abaddon, Hebrew) to appear and rule. The Illuminati Jesuits have hidden the plans for a new world order for centuries, while they have taken over the world slowly but surely by infiltration. They now run the world show, including the U.N. and America, world politics, economy, intelligence organizations, wars, the dissolving of nations, civil war, and all religion. All religion of man is no more than an extension of Nimrod and his incarnation as Tummuz the sun god via his mother-wife Semaramis. So, when he physically sits on his throne in Jerusalem, he will expect the world to worship him.

The original world system that began after the flood with Nimrod building Babylon and Nineveh, has developed into what we’re seeing reunite today under Lucifer’s (Satan’s) control. Is the reincarnated Nimrod here now, hidden, but directing the end-game? Oh yes he is! Are the two “witnesses” of Revelation 11 here now to begin their ministry when the reincarnated Nimrod/Apollyon sits on his throne? OH yes! Is the remnant forerunning company, which has been hidden and trained by Yahuwah’s Spirit, ready to embark on their end-time ministry? OH yes! Folks everything is in place!

Eliyahu and Moshe and their backup few are on earth now. They are biding their time until their work begins, along with the Daniel 11:32 company who work with them, representing all the tribes (Revelation 7:1-8, 14:1-5 for examples).

In the world system, under Lucifer and his fallen angel army, the most important outer stack doll is the Vatican--headquarters of Nimrod’s Roman Catholic Church, via Emperor Constantine--a worshipper of Nimrod as Sol Invictus Mithra of Persia (the “unconquerable sun”).

Today’s Vatican is secretly controlled by the Jesuit General, or “Black Pope,” and their minions of Satanist Illuminati rulers. Pope Francis, being a hidden warlock, pedophile, murderer, and whatever else in his days in Argentina, is a member also of the Illuminati Elite. He has assumed the ultimate power of the “Black Pope” also. Though another Jesuit General was confirmed recently when the other one stepped down in 2016, Pope Francis became the real ruler. In his speech in 2016 to the Jesuit Cardinals, the previous Jesuit General said that Pope Francis had more power than he had. Here is a link for you to go to, to read the Oath of the Jesuit General! “The following is the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction given to high ranking Jesuits only…”

Some of you may be overwhelmed by my bold statements in my articles. But, I have 50 years of serious research and learning behind me, and everything I have reported has been confirmed. Many things I’ve taught since 1993, which at the time were making people uneasy, are now known facts – like America as the Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 47, Revelation 18, etc., end-time Babylon. That’s history folks.

Do your own research, but ask Abba to lead you into all truth. Believe me, I have nothing against Catholic people, or people those in any other demonic stronghold of religion. I’ve known and loved many awesome Catholic people in my “teaching” journey by Abba. It is the love of Yahuwah that compels me to expose what is hurting His people. I do not do it with a critical or judgmental spirit. I expose deception to set His people on a path of Truth. So, everything I say here, I’ve said before over and over in previous articles, with documentation.

I personally have known “the depths of Satan,” and so learned his nature, ways, and thinking. I know what is hiding, lurking, behind what appears to most people as “nice.” I do not call good evil or evil good! I know the difference. But, sad to say, in our day, few know the difference and thus Isaiah 5:20 and its “woe” has been put in effect.

Also, I am not saying anything about the power of the Vatican that has not already been faithfully researched and exposed by men like insider Fr. Malachi Martin, Edmond Paris, and Jon Eric Phelps. The truth is out there for those who remove the pretty exterior stack doll and look inside.

I Samuel 16:7, Yahuwah speak to Samuel about King Saul: “Yahuwah said to Samuel, `Look not on his outward countenance, or on the height of his statue, because I have refused him; for Yahuwah sees not as man sees, for man looks the outward appearance, but Yahuwah looks on the heart.”

We’re seeing the unmasking of all sorts of evil. But, most of it still remains hidden to those who do not have the “discernment of spirits”--a gift given to the born again, Spirit-filled, servants of the Elohim of Scripture. Most of His people are very gullible and naïve. But, what breaks my heart the most are those that fear truth more than fearing lies, because truth is too disturbing to them. Truly, truth demands radical change, or else it goes away. Most people today do not want to change so they shun Truth.

In general, the most deceptive and influential visible “stack dolls” of all are prominent religious figures, especially of the religions of Christianity and Judaism, both of which are totally “in bed with Rome” and it’s Pope.

One of the most powerful exposing books you can read is Daniel Gruber’s Rabbi Akiba’s Messiah. For a compact version, I recommend my article “Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and Their Link to Rome”/March 2009.

If ever you needed to know the truth about what is happening in Israel, it is now. You must know the truth so that you can discern what is at work to set up Israel to welcome the anti-messiah to the Temple Mount. You must know why the rabbis are working with the Vatican, and now with Donald Trump. Please read Gruber’s book or the above article! I have also written: “Regarding Modern Judaism and the Kabala”/2004.

Please note: I have not one anti-Semitic celli in my body! I’ve been to Israel over 50 times, and stayed in Jerusalem over 120 times. I fit right in. I love the Jewish people. I fit right in with them in East Jerusalem. Messiah has no problem with me loving and helping His “brethren” (Matthew 25:31-46). I lived in the Middle East for most of 16 years, so I have inside information that few Christians, Messianic Jews and Ephraimites have. Living for 8 of those years in Jordan, a Muslim nation, I also see things differently than most Westerners do who listen to pubic news. I never had one bad thing happen to me from any Muslim during my time in Jordan, or Israel! I understand both sides. So, I don’t speak against Arab or “Palestinian” people in general. We must see individuals as Yahuwah sees them. Sadly, the leaders of Islam have turned many peace-loving Muslims into terrorists by their passionate telling of lies to rile them up. The training of children to hate, and to blow themselves up for jihad, is a great tragedy.

I worked with the Jewish Agency for 3½ months in Far East Russia during the winter of 1999. I had favor with the Russian Jews and the Agency. I helped Jews return to Israel. Abba worked miracles for me in Russia to go places that no one else had gone to, to find Jews who wanted to go home.