Child Protection Policy and Staff Screening
- Introduction
- Purpose
- Definitions
- General Policy
- Specific Policy regarding nursery and toddlers
- Specific Policy regarding primary and juniors
- Specific Policy regarding jr. high and senior high youth ministry
- Overnight and Driving Policy
- Application
- Procedure for Reporting Suspected Child Abuse
- Policy and Procedure Review
- Introduction
First Baptist Church children’s and youth ministries exist to impact kids with the message of Christ’s love and how they can apply His word to their lives. The Bible teaches us that God loves and values children. Kids matter to God. When his disciples tried to send the children away, Jesus welcomed them, and loved them.
It is our desire at FirstBaptistChurch to bring children to Jesus. It is our prayer that they would not be hindered in any way. We desire to do all that we can to create and maintain care for them. Our goal is to model Christ-likeness to our children.
In Mark 10:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, put his hand on them and blessed them.
Because we recognize that we are a reflection of God’s love to those in our care, we take seriously our responsibility to them. These guidelines are set forth to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which we can bring our children to the Savior.
We view ourselves as partners with parents, seeking to provide the highest quality care and instruction in our youth and children ministries. All of our guidelines are designed to protect and promote growth for each child and adult involved.
Everyone who teaches, helps, or cares for children on the premises or facilities of FirstBaptistChurch, or in the ministries or activities of FirstBaptistChurch, must follow these policies and procedures. This Child Protection Policy represents minimum requirements applicable to all ministries or activities of FirstBaptistChurch.
- Purpose
The purpose of this Child Protection Policy is four-fold:
1.To protect our children and teens from those who might potentially be abusive, by maintaining an effective screening program;
2.To promote the positive reputation of those who faithfully serve in the ministries of FirstBaptistChurch by reaffirming their exceptional personal qualifications and demonstrating our organizational integrity;
3.To provide assurance to parents regarding the safe and secure environment being maintained for our ministry to their children; and
4.To preserve the stability of this ministry by adequately minimizing the risk of any liability due to a media scandal or a civil (negligence) lawsuit.
- Definitions
- Child: A person under the age of 18
- Child Abuse: As defined by Ohio State Law (See Appendix A)
- Approved Worker: An individual who has completed the Application for Service and has been released for service at FirstBaptistChurch by the Ministry Director and church staff.
- General Policy
- Any adult who will regularly work with children under the age of 18 in a church-sponsored program or on church property, must be a member or regular- attender, must have attended FirstBaptistChurch for at least six months and must be screened under this policy. Such screening procedure will include the completion and submission to the church by the potential worker of the First Baptist Church Application for Service.
- FirstBaptistChurch will also conduct a criminal background check for all regular volunteers/employees who have contact with children.
- FirstBaptistChurch also requires all volunteers/employees to demonstrate God’s love by conveying patience, kindness, and love to the children of FirstBaptistChurch in an appropriate manner in which both parents and children are comfortable.
- Adults who volunteer for special events or temporary service will always work under the supervision of an approved worker.
- Teen helpers, ages 13-17, will be approved by the Christian Education board before serving with younger children in the church. They will always work under the direct supervision of an adult approved worker.
- No one who has ever been convicted of either sexual or physical abuse of children or any other violent crimes may serve in any church-sponsored activity or program for minors.
- Specific Policy regarding Nursery and Toddlers
- Drop Off Policy (Infant/Nursery): Parents/ Guardians will be required to sign each child into the nursery at time of drop off. Parents/ Guardians will be given a number at that time by nursery workers according to the sign in number on the sign in sheet. Parents must return with the number at the end of service in order to pick up the child. This will allow parents and workers a chance to communicate, and will also prevent children from being given to anyone who may pose as a relative or friend of the family.
- Drop Off Policy (Ages 2-6): Children must be dropped off and picked up by a parent. This will allow parents to communicate any need that the child may encounter while in the teacher/volunteer’s care. This will also allow the teacher/volunteer to report any incident/concern that may have occurred during class.
- Diaper Changing Policy: Only approved workers may change a child’s diaper. Diaper changing must take place in the designated diaper-changing facility (bathroom between nursery/toddler classroom) with bathroom door left open (top half).
- Bathroom Policy (Ages 2-4): Workers must not be alone with children in the bathroom. When a child needs assistance in a bathroom or stall, any door must remain ajar at all times or top half of bathroom door in the tots room should remain open.
- Bathroom Policy (Ages 4-6): Workers must not take a child to the restroom alone. Another adult or other child must accompany them. It is recommended when taking children to the restroom that the adult should only take children of their same gender. Children should have as much privacy as possible. Enter a bathroom stall only when absolutely necessary to assist the child, keeping the door open.
- Guidelines for Healthy Discipline: No form of punishment that involves pain or physical discomfort may be used. Disruptive children may be removed from the group to another part of the room. At that time a “Time Out” may be issued for up to One minute, no more than twice during the class hour. Upon a child’s third disruption of the class the parents of the child will be asked to come and sit with the child for the remainder of class and the following week or for as long as necessary until the child can demonstrate he/she can control him/herself. It may be suggested that a child attend the main worship service with their parents if the behavior continues.
- Two Adult Rule: Whenever possible at least two workers must be in the room when children are present.
- Short Staff Policy (Infant- age 4): Workers who will be unable to serve on a particular day must notify the coordinator or director and co-workers in advance of the absence when at all possible. If a co-worker is unexpectedly absent and a worker finds himself or herself without a second approved adult worker, the worker must promptly notify the director who will help monitor the class.
- Specific Policy regarding Primary and Juniors
- Workers will not be alone with a child unless the room can be fully viewed. (eg. Door open, half door top open, 2-way windows)
- We maintain an “open door” policy for the parents/ guardians of our students. Parents/ guardians are welcomed to enter at anytime.
- Workers shall not physically abuse children.
- No form of punishment that involves striking, spanking, slapping, or physical discomfort or pain may be used.
- A child may be restrained if they are in danger of hurting themselves or others.
- Workers may remove disruptive children to another part of the room or notify the parents for assistance, if need be.
- Workers shall not use verbal or mental abuse with children (eg. Humiliate, degrade, speak disrespectfully or threaten)
- Workers shall not sexually abuse children, including any inappropriate touching.
- Specific Policy regarding Jr. High and Senior High Youth Ministry
- Workers in First Baptist youth ministry must follow all the requirements established by this Child Protection Policy, including the following guidelines specifically applicable to the youth ministry.
- One-on-one contact. One-on-one contact with youth must be in public settings.
- Driving. When a worker is driving with teens, he or she should avoid being alone with them without the parent's/guardians knowledge. Whenever there is a possibility that a worker will be transporting children or youth without a second (or additional) adult present at all times, the leader must call a parent to obtain their permission and to make specific arrangements for the transportation. The leader must let the parent know when he or she and the child will be leaving and when they expect to arrive at their destination. Additionally, the driver must have a valid driver's license and current automobile insurance.
- Dating. At no time shall anyone working with youth pursue a dating relationship with a youth. Staff should always be sensitive to teens with "crushes".
- All classes and small groups will have adequate adult supervision. Small groups will not meet in remote or isolated parts of the building. One worker will always be available as a "roving monitor" to randomly check in unannounced on classes and to assist youth and workers with questions and/or concerns.
- Appointments. One-on-one meetings must occur in public settings and with the knowledge of the parent/guardian or another approved adult worker.
- Overnights. Planned church overnight activities must be pre-approved by the Youth Pastor. The youth must have parental permission to participate. Overnight activities follow the requirements of the Overnight Policy.
- Other Group Activities. Other group activities in non-public settings must have pastor/director approval for the activity, a clearly stated agenda and two approved workers.
- Overnight and Driving Policy
- Adult to youth/child ratio for regular trips away from the church will strive to be 1:6 (mini- van). Any trip requires the supervision of at least one adult 21 years of ages or older.
- Youth are not permitted to drive on youth outings outside of town. Adults (drivers) are considered to be 21 years of age or older.
- On any trip there must be at least one seat belt for every person in the vehicle. Seat belts must be worn according to the law.
- Workers shall obtain written parental permission for each child participating in an off-site or overnight event. Workers shall provide parents with an agenda, anticipated departure and return times and how to make contact during the event.
- Procedure for Reporting Suspected Child Abuse
- Any worker that has reason to be concerned about the safety or welfare of a child must bring his or her concerns to a staff member in the appropriate area of ministry.
- Any worker suspecting violation of this Policy needs to document all information surrounding the allegation and efforts of handling the incident.
- The church will treat the accused with dignity and support. We will approach the accused worker according to the principles in Matthew 18:15-17. An accused worker will be relieved of his/her duties pending investigation. If the accused is a paid staff member, we will maintain his/her income until the allegations are cleared or substantiated, providing the employee has complied with this policy. If the allegations are substantiated we will proceed with disciplinary measures as outlined by our church by-laws.
- Policy and Procedure Review
- The Child Protection Policy and Staff Screening will be reviewed and updated annually by the Christian Education Committee
- Application for Service (see attached)
1Rev. 08/05