Event Manual

Nominations can be submitted to the Association via:

Post: Rockhampton Netball Association, PO Box 427, Rockhampton Qld 4700


Fax: 49221813

Payment of Team Nomination Fees:

a) Via internet transfer

RNA bank details

Rockhampton Netball Association A/C

BSB: 064710

A/C No: 0090 7182

Reference name details: <USE TEAM NAME> (ie not the A/C holder’s name). This assists RNA in matching deposits to team nominations.

b)Direct deposit at CBA branch (details as above)

c)Cheque direct to RNA office or via post

d)Cash direct to RNA office

Internet transfer or direct bank deposit is RNA’s preferred method of payment.

Tables of Contents


1.General Information

2.Nomination Process

3. Player Eligibility

4.Team Composition

5.Mixed Netball Rules

6.Team Officials


8.Match Rules

9Venue Information & Side Line Safety

10.Alaric Sullivan Annual Trophy Winners

Nomination Form

Non Registered Player

Indemnity To Play At Rockhampton NA Carnival

Guidelines for Junior Grades for VISITING TEAMS

General Information

1.1Rockhampton Netball Association Inc. carnivals shall be played under the rules outlined in the Netball Australia Official Rules Book.

1.2The Rockhampton NA will appoint a committee to stipulate certain criteria relating to the format, structure and conduct of the carnival.

1.3The Rockhampton NACarnival Committee and /or Management Committeehas the responsibility for the day to day operation and management of each carnival.

1.4The Rockhampton NA reserves the right to change the grade of a team based on the team’s nomination and the available grades for the carnival.

1.5The Rockhampton NA reserves the right to withdraw a division if the minimum number of nominations is not received for that division.

1.6Any disputes are to be handled by the Rockhampton NA Carnival Committee and/ or Management Committee.

1.7Protests are to be submitted in writing within one (1) hour of the completion of the game in question. Where applicable and unless stated otherwise herein, the Rockhampton NA will be bound by the Netball Australia Official Rules Book, Rockhampton NA Constitution and or Bylaws when handling disputes.

1.8Netball is a contact and collision sport, all persons participating in Netball sanctioned by RNA should seek medical advice and understand any risk associated with playing the sport during pregnancy and or with previous diagnosed injuries and/ or conditions. Further information is available from the Australian Sports Commission and Sports Medicine Australia and Willis Insurance ( By nominating and participating at Rockhampton NA, Participants of the carnival are acknowledging that the Netball Aust. Insurance policy may not be available for injury associated with pregnancy and or previously diagnosed injuries / conditions and you may be playing at your own risk.

1.9Rockhampton Netball Association (RNA)by-laws which that all umpires must have accreditation to umpire, this by-law forms part of the Risk Management for the Association and therefore all teams will be required to supply an accredited umpire for the carnival. Teams that do not supply an accredited umpire will be withdrawn from the draw.

1.10Penalties apply for noncompliance of the Rules and/or Breaches to the Rockhampton NA Codes of Behaviour (ranging from loss of carnival points to withdrawing the team from the Carnival).

2.Nomination Process

2.1Nominations are to be received by the Association by the closing date.

2.2The nomination fee of $90 per team is non-refundable.

2.3Each nominated team must supply an Umpire who holds a minimum of a level 1 umpiring accreditation.

2.3.1The Umpires name and level must be stated on the relevant nomination form.

2.3.2Please ensure that the umpire is not the team coach or a player within the team as may be required to umpire at the same time as the team is playing. Junior Team will be self umpiring (ie: team umpire allocation will be on same game as the team is playing)

2.3.3The Rockhampton Netball Association will not provide an umpiring pool for teams to draw umpires from. All team must provide and / or source their own umpires.

2.3.4Teams will be withdrawn from the carnival if they fail to provide an umpire.

2.4Teams are to nominate for the Carnival in an equivalent grade as to what they would play in their own fixture competition.

2.3.1Rockhampton NA teams are to nominate in the same or higher grade as what they play in the Rockhampton NA fixtures

2.5Please ensure that all nomination forms are completed correctly.

2.5.1Rockhampton Netball Association will not accept any incorrect or incomplete nomination forms.

2.6Representative Teams competing at any Netball Queensland State Event are ineligible to nominate in any division at the Sullivan’s Carnival.

2.6.1Representative Teams such as QISSIN, Regional Representative Teams, School Representative Teams or similar will only accepted into the Sullivan’s Carnival with the approval of the Carnival Committee and will bedeemed ineligible for points / trophies.

2.6.2Where a Representative Team is a team registered in an Association’s weekly competition, the team will be eligible for points For example RGS Magic is a registered team within the RNA competition but is also the team that the respective school nominates at QISSIN

3. Player Eligibility

3.1All nominated Playersmust be affiliated with Netball Queensland, or:

3.1.1 All non-registered members of Netball Qld must complete an Indemnity Form (refer to appendix 1) , which is to be submitted together with the Nomination form. Failure to submit an Indemnity Form will result in the team being withdrawn from the Carnival.

3.1.2 Player/s who are not a current financial member of Netball Qld, participates with the knowledge and understanding that the Rockhampton NA will not be liable for player injury or accidents incurred while participating at the said carnival.

3.1.3 Aprocessing fee of $10 per player will be applicable for all non-members of Netball Qld.

3.2The minimum age of junior players eligible to participate at the Carnival is 10years (as at 31st December)

3.3Only two (2) players from a higher grade (as per their regular fixture grade in their own Association competition) can play in a lower graded team. The said player/s can only play one (1) grade lower than their registered fixture playing grade.

3.3.1Players cannot play down into a team entered in the Mini’s division. This division is for players aged 8 years and 9 years only (as at 31st December).

3.4Senior players (ie: aged 18 years or older as of the 31st December in the current year) must play in a Senior Division. The only exception to this rule is;

3.4.1If the player is currently registered in a junior team in their own Association.

3.5Players must be thirteen (13) years or older to play in a senior or mixed netball team. Age is determined as the players age as at 31 December.

4.Team Composition

4.1A maximum of twelve (12) players are allowed per team nomination.

4.2All Players must be listed on the team nomination form.

4.3Players are permitted to play in only one (1) team during the carnival.

4.3.1The exception being that a player nominated in a Mixed Team can also nominate in 1 other same sex team.

4.3.2No consideration will be given by Rockhampton NA for dual players when compiling the draw for the Carnival.

4.3Should your team wish to make any changes to the team after nominations have closed, changes are to be in writing to the Rockhampton NA and/or made to the nomination form prior to the commencement of the carnival.

4.4Teams are to nominate for the Carnival in an equivalent grade as to what they would play in their own fixture competition. Rockhampton NA teams are to nominate in the same or higher grade as what they play in the Rockhampton NA fixtures.

5. Mixed Netball Rules

5.1A maximum of seven (7) Players in total on court per side at one time during the Match

5.2There shall be a maximum of three (3) and a minimum of two (2) males on court per team at any one time.

5.3The male players must play in the following positions:

  • one (1) Goal Shooter (GS) or Goal Attack (GA)
  • one (1) Centre court player either Wing Attack (WA) Centre (C) or Wing Defence (WD)
  • one (1) Defence player - either Goal Keeper (GK) or Goal Defence (GD)

5.4 Substitutions – as per normal rules as long as rule number 1 is abided by.

6.Team Officials

The Match Officials consists of the Scorers and Umpires

6.1One (1) scorer must be supplied by each team for each match

6.1.1Team scorers’ are to sit together and score on the official scoresheet only. If this does not occur, no disputes regarding the score will be entered into.

6.2One (1) umpire must be supplied by each team.

6.3Please note that at times the umpire may be allocated umpire duty at the same time as the team plays.

6.3.1Please see item 6.6 for Umpire Allocations for Junior Teams

6.3.2While every effort is made to the umpire allocations for Senior Teams not to co-inside with the team playing, at times is un-avoidable.

6.4All umpires must have a current umpire accreditation. Minimum level of accreditation shall be Level 1.

6.5All nominated Umpires must be affiliated with Netball Queensland, or:

6.5.1All non-registered members of Netball Qld must complete an Indemnity Form (refer to appendix 1) , which is to be submitted together with the Nomination form. Failure to submit an Indemnity Form will result in the team being withdrawn from the Carnival.

6.5.2Umpires who are not a current financial member of Netball Qld, participates with the knowledge and understanding that the Rockhampton NA will not be liable for personalinjury incurred while participating at the said carnival.

6.5.3A processing fee of $10 per umpire will be applicable for all non-members of Netball Qld.

6.6The appointed umpire must be available to umpire as rostered by Rockhampton NA for the duration of the event.

6.6.1It will be the team’s responsibility to replace the appointed umpire in the event that the appointed umpire is not available due to unforeseen circumstances.

6.6.2All junior teams will be self-umpired. For example -

Team / Team / Umpire / Umpire
Turtles / Vs / Lizards / Turtles / Lizards

6.7Substitute Umpires may be needed in some cases and all teams are expected to co-operate when called upon.

6.8Fines will be allocated for failure to fulfil umpiring duties.

6.9It is the responsibility of the umpire to be fully aware of the Rules and Regulations of the carnival.

6.9.1Umpires must control their side and goal lines and ensure all rules are adhered to

6.9.2Umpires will not start the games until all court run off areas are safe and clear of equipment and persons.

6.9.3 Umpires will stop their game and re-enforce the rules during the game if required.

6.9.4Abuse of Umpires will not be tolerated. Umpires are to report any incidences of abuse to the RNA office immediately.


7.1All players within a team must wear the same uniform, unless extenuating circumstances exist in which case, a letter of request must be sent to the Rockhampton NA providing an explanation and giving as much notice as possible.

7.2Playing uniforms shall consist of shirt and skirt or bodysuit/netball dress, socks, briefs and positional patches along with suitable sporting footwear. The only exception to this rule shall be forMixed teams.

7.2.1Players registered within a Mixed Netball Team uniform shall consist of shirt and shorts. For the safety of all players; shorts must not have any external pockets.

7.3If two (2) teams from the same Club (ie with the same uniform) are opposing each other in any games, it is the responsibility of the Club to provide one (1) of the teams with a colour contrasting set of bibs/patches.

7.4Grass sport shoes of any style are not allowed to be worn at Rockhampton NA. Any players found to be wearing footwear with tags (moulded or metal )of any size, blades or metal spikes of any kind will not be allowed to take the court until they are wearing appropriate footwear.

8.Match Rules

8.1 Scoresheets

8.1.1The scoresheets for all games will be placed on the relevant courts at the beginning of each carnival day.

8.1.2The scoresheet shall be completed by both teams, both umpires and scorers.

8.1.3The scorers are responsible foreach of the players’ names to be recorded on the scoresheet prior to the commencement of the game. Refer to appendix 3 for same of completed scoresheet

8.1.4The winning team is responsible for returning the scoresheet to the Control office immediately at the conclusion of each game.

8.2Duration of Games

8.2.1Duration of play shall be two (2) x eleven (11) minutes halves with three (3) minutes at half time.

8.2.2All games are centrally timed.

8.2.3To avoid any delay between games and to keep the tight schedule as set out in the Carnival Program, Captains are asked to toss for choice of goal end or centre pass prior to the match time.

8.2.4Teams are to be in position on the court ready for the Umpire to commence the game by the 10 second warning.

8.2.5The changeover between gamesis five (5) minutes.


8.3.1Stoppages for injury or illness may occur as per Rule 9.3 of the Officials Rules of Netball

8.3.2Injury time will not be added to the end of the game.

8.4 Injury / Illness or Blood

8.4.1Stoppages for injury or illness may occur as per Rule 9.3.1 of the Officials Rules of Netball

8.4.2No extra time will be given for a blood stoppage.


8.5.1The Winning team of the Sullivans Carnival Goal Average Trophy, mustalso be the winner of their respective grade.

8.5.2Where there are no divisions within a grade, there will be no final unless finals are scheduled in the draw. If there are no scheduled finals, then the winner shall be the leading team on the points table at the end of the Carnival games.

8.5.3Where a grade has been divided into two (2) pools, there will be a system of playoffs to determine the winner and runner-up.

8.5.4 If there is a tie in any play-off, an extra five (5) minute period will be played. If after this extra period there is no winner, the teams will swap ends and an extra five (5) minute period will be played. If during the extra period a team gains a two-goal lead, the extra period will stop immediately and the team with the two-goal lead will be declared the winner. If extra time is completed, the team that is leading will be the winner. If the match is still a draw at the end of both periods of extra time, both teams shall be determined as the winners.

8.5.5Information for Teams allocated with a 'bye': The divisions that have a 'bye' in their draw will have their game points averaged if a round is not completed. The average is calculated by dividing the total points of the team by the games played.

For example:

Team A played 5 games gained 10 points Team A Average = 2.00 points

Team B played 5 games gained 10 points Team B Average = 1.66 points

Team C played 6 games gained 12 points Team C Average = 2.00 points

8.6 In the event of two or more teams tied on points, a count back on goal ratio of the two or more teams concerned will occur, based upon when they played common opposing teams.

Goal average formula: ‘Goals For’ divided by X multiplied by 100 divided by the ‘Goals Against’ number of games played.

9 Venue Information Side Line Safety

9.1Rockhampton Netball Association has adopted a non-smoking and no alcohol policy and neither of these activities is acceptable within the grounds of the Association. We ask that participants and supporters support the Rockhampton Netball Association in our endeavour to provide a healthy environment for all and respect our juniors. Offenders will be asked to leave the premises if in breach of this rule.

9.2All participants, spectators and officials are to abide by the Associations Codes of Behaviour. Please visit . RNA reserves the right to withdraw a team for repeated non-compliance.

9.3There is to be no walking or movement between courts whilst play in progress. There is space around the perimeter of the courts for movement of participants and supporters

9.4 Tents / Marquees / Shade Structures Sites

9.4.1 Tents / marquees / shade structures are to be erected on the grass area (in front of grass courts to Lions Creek Road) See site map of Jardine Park.

No tents / marquees / shade structures are permitted on the hard court level of the facility. The only exception is for RNA and or vendor use.

9.4.2 RNA will not accept any liability whatsoever for tents / marquees / shade structures nor for any damage or injury that they may cause.

9.4.3 It is important for clubs to ensure that they leave sufficient room between tents / marquees / shade structures for a safe walkway. For obvious safety reasons: All Pegs are to be covered and Ropes placed so as to pose no risk of injury.

9.4.4 Please note: Security contractors have NOT been engaged to patrol this venue for this event. It is recommended that all tents / marquees / shade structures are to dismantled and equipment is removed from the venue at the conclusion of Saturday night’s games. RNA will not accept liability for any loss or damage.

9.5Please ensure that playing equipment not in use (for example balls, water bottles etc) are not encroaching on the court or run off area.

9.6 No Walking between courts during match play. It may mean a bit more walking to go around, but walking is good for you.

9.7 Parents please supervise your children.

9.8 Scooters, Roller Blades, Bikes etc are not allowed to be used on or around the courts. Please leave these items at home.

9.9 Pets (not even on a leash) are not permitted at the Netball Complex during any netball fixtures, carnival or events (including training sessions).

10.Alaric Sullivan Annual Trophy Winners

This perpetual team trophy for best Carnival Goal Average has been won by:

1992 BROTHERS RED / 2012 Cancelled due to rain.
1996 PYC KNIGHTS / 2016 MARANOA 10