Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 13th September 2017 in the Committee Room, Parish Hall, Kings Drive, Leicester Forest East, commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:P. Fox – ChairmanP. KitchenI. Deacon

P. Linnett – Vice-ChairmanL. DracupS. Coar

Mrs. S. L. Jones – Clerk to the Parish Council

County Councillors R. Blunt and L. Breckon (Part of Meeting)

PC M. Payne – Leicestershire Constabulary (Part of Meeting)

3 Members of the Public – (2 Part of Meeting)

17.146Apologies for Absence – Councillors R. Darlison and B. Langton, District Councillor

D. Clements.

17.147To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Code of Conduct – None.

To adjourn the meeting to receive Questions from the Public:

(a) Two of the Members of the Public who were representatives from Leicester Forest

East Community Library, asked whether the Parish Council would be willing to provide funding towards the payment of ‘soft bills’ of the Library, possibly via S137 monies.

After listening to the two representatives and comments from County Councillor R. Blunt on the matter, it was agreed that the Library should provide to the Parish Council a copy of their running costs, together with figures for loan of books etc., to justify any contribution.

Meeting reconvened.

17.148To receive reports from County and District Councillors:

County Councillor R. Blunt, referred to the email sent by the Chairman of the Parish Council to himself and County Councillor L. Breckon relating to the Parish Council’s request for hatched areas along the A47 and the pre-application discussions being held between Westleigh Developments and Blaby District Council and the suggestion from Westleigh Developments that access/egress is from Hinckley Road.

County Councillor Blunt requested that in future he and Councillor Breckon are copied into correspondence with the County Council. Councillor Blunt will make enquiries on our behalf re the progress of the requests.

Members raised with Councillors Blunt and Breckon the works on Hinckley Road, which are being carried out during rush hour traffic and causing problems and also the new road at Lubbesthorpe, number of speed bumps. Councillor Breckon advised that as the site progresses some of the speed bumps will be removed.

With regard to pre-application discussions between Blaby District Council and Westleigh Development re land at Kingstand Farm, Councillor Breckon advised a scoping exercise is being carried out and this will determine whether an application will be submitted.

Councillor Breckon who is Chair of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee reported on recent meeting at LCC regarding Health Care within the County. Councillor Breckon

advised that there now 80 dwellings occupied on new Lubbesthorpe and that it is anticipated health care facilities will be on site in 4 years. Councillor Breckon reported that several health care centres within the District are working together to cover health provision. Councillor Breckon will report on the matter, to the Clerk, after November.

Councillor Blunt reported that he is now Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care.

At this point of the meeting both County Councillors left the meeting.

District Councillors Reports:

District Councillor Dracup reported on a Scrutiny Group meeting she had attended and that she had raised the question of provision of bungalows on new Lubbesthorpe and had been advised by the, Blaby District Council’s Planning and Economic Development Group Manager that the District Council does not have as policy on including bungalows, there are therefore none planned, but assisted living is planned. Councillor Dracup had queried why 3 storey dwellings had been built fronting on to Beggars Lane and whether this meant that there would be 3 storey dwelling developments throughout the district. The Officer had confirmed that this was a possibility. Councillor Dracup had also raised the question of there being ‘charging points’ on new Lubbesthorpe for electric vehicles and solar panels included in the building of houses and she had been advised that no electric points/solar panels would be included. Councillor Dracup will pursue the provision of solar panels/electric charging points further. Councillor Dracup reported that it is anticipated the primary school will be built in 2019 and the secondary school possibly 2026. Councillor Dracup reported that 80% of those properties occupied on new Lubbesthorpe are by people from within Blaby District. Councillor Dracup also reported that apparently 50% of new Lubbesthorpe will be open space.

District Councillor Coar reported that the last Lubbesthorpe Strategic Consultative Group Meeting had been one of the best he has attended. Councillor Coar reported that the community development officer has done some really good work.

Councillor Coar reported that he had spoken to LCC Highways with regard to construction vehicles using Beggars Lane to access new Lubbesthorpe. Councillor Coar reported that construction traffic should now be using the new road from Thorpe Astley to new Lubbesthorpe. Signs will be erected on Beggars Lane advising accordingly.

Councillor Coar reported that Blaby District Council advised that air pollution levels are now down within parts of our parish, but that the levels around the M1 corridor is being checked by Highways Agency, Councillor Coar is pursuing the matter.

Councillor Coar reported that a working party is looking at making possible changes to the collection of waste and that a consultation will be held district wide on this.

Councillor Coar also reported on a forthcoming meeting regarding healthcare facilities at LCC.

17.149To receive the monthly report from Leicestershire Constabulary – PC Payne reported on crime mapping between the 13/8 and 13/9. There have been vehicle crimes on the M1 service area, shed break ins, dwelling burglaries and attempted entry on residential buildings. PC Payne also reported on the recent incident whereby ball bearings had been fired at buildings/homes. PC Payne also reported that the Local Beat team attend the library and church coffee mornings.

PC Payne also reported on the Pop Up Event at the Parish Hall on 25/11/17 and that PCSO Wood and Wright would be attending.

17.150To receive presentation from Leicestershire County Council, relating to Community Emergency Response Plans – the representative was not present.

17.151To receive letter of resignation from P. Nicholson – Each Member had received a copy of the letter from Mr. Nicholson and also copies of the correspondence between the Chairman and Mr. Nicholson. The Chairman asked for his thanks to be recorded for the work done by Mr. Nicholson during his service as a parish councillor.

The members agreed that contents of Mr. Nicholson’s letter of resignation and other correspondence on the matter would be discussed at a meeting in the future. Councillor Coar recommended that correspondence should be via the parish office and that the Chairman should not respond in future. Agreed.

17.152To receive and resolve to accept Order Paper 09/17 – Proposed by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor Linnett. Carried.

17.153To receive and resolve that the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 19th July

2017 are a true copy. Proposed by Councillor Linnett, Seconded by Councillor Fox. Carried.

17.154Matters arising from those Minutes:

(a) 17.129 – Proposed planning application for development of land on Kingstand Farm, Hinckley Road to receive correspondence from Blaby District Council in regard to enquiries relating to preliminary discussions between Blaby District Council and Westleigh Developments. Each Member had received a copy of the correspondence sent to Blaby District Council, their reply to that correspondence and correspondence to Andrew Grainger & Co., and their reply to that correspondence.

As the information in the correspondence was conflicting Councillor Coar will speak to the District Council on the matter in his capacity as District Councillor. Councillor Coar to action.

(b) 17.131(g) – Update on the Reality Bus visits to the parish – the Bus will be at

the parish hall for the next 5 weeks then at St. Andrew’s Church.

(c) 17.132(b) – Blaby District Council Awards for All nomination – to report that our

nomination was unsuccessful. Each member had received a copy of the letter from BDC.

(d) 17.135(b) – Footpaths, update – work expected to commence end of September.

(e) 17.135(c) – Defibrillator – update – The defibrillator is now on order and a cheque

is to be forwarded for the purchase. Clerk to action. Councillor Linnett suggested that first aid course should be held once the defibrillator is in place.

(f) 17.136 – Moveable Activated Signs (MVAS) – update from Councillors Linnett

and Deacon – Councillors Linnett and Deacon will meet with a representative from LCC to discuss on Friday 15th September.

(g) 17.140(b) – Finances Reserve Policy to consider further the sum of

monies/time scale to be included under the heading of General Reserves – deferred to Finance Committee Meeting on 10/10/17.

17.155To receive correspondence from Vista regarding future plans for the Kathleen Rutland Home for the Blind – each member had been given a copy of the correspondence advising of plans for the future for the Home.

17.156To receive correspondence from Rev’d A. Humphrey relating to Remembrance Day Service at St. Andrew’s Church – Each member had received a copy of the correspondence and the format of the Remembrance Day service was noted.

17.157To receive correspondence from Plantscape relating to Christmas Tree Lights – Each Member had received a copy of the correspondence, it was agreed that the lights would be switched on on 30/11/17 and that they would be on between the hours of 5pm and 10pm each evening.

17.158Banking Facilities, to consider correspondence/advice received from LRALC – each Member had received a copy of the correspondence/advice. Members discussed further and it was agreed that further enquiries made via other channels. Clerk to action.

17.159To receive a report from the Clerk regarding trees which have been removed from the boundary of Forest East Park and Stafford Leys Primary School – the Clerk advised Members that several trees along the boundary of the Forest East Park and Stafford Leys Primary School had been removed by staff of the school. Members discussed the matter and the Clerk was asked to write a strong letter of complaint to both the Headmaster and the Chair of Governors on the matter. Clerk to action.

17.160To receive Planning Application 17/1099/HH for observations – Members considered the application and no observations are to be made.

17.161To receive copy of Report from East Leicestershire & Rutland CCG re primary care health facilities in the North Blaby Area – each Member had received a copy of the Report and it was noted the comments made in the report re health care facilities for the parish.

17.162To receive, for noting purposes only, copy Minutes from the following Committee Meetings:

(a) Planning, Trees & Highways Committee Meeting – 1/8/17

(b) Parks, Hall & Events Committee Meeting – 29/8/17

17/163Action List 2017:

(a) Staff Appraisals – tba.

17.164To receive Delegates Reports:

(a) Councillor Linnett reported on the recent PPG meeting he had attended and gave

information on patient numbers, the proposed extension of Warren Lane surgery etc and

WiFi facilities for patients.

(b) Councillor Fox reported on the meeting he had attended at Police Headquarters

Hosted by Chief Constable S. Cole and Police Commissioner W. Bach.

17.165To receive the Clerk’s Report:

(a) Car Park, Somerfield Way to be marked out on 19/8/17. Councillor Fox agreed to tape off the car park on 19/8/17.

(b) Poppies – to be put in place w/e 28/10/17.

(c) Annual Leave – 19th to 26th September inclusive.

(d) Water meter – application for recompense has been submitted

(e) Trees, Hinckley road, do not have TPO’s on them. The District Council have promised to explore the possibility of having TPO’s on the trees.

(f) Cemetery – Enderby, update from the Clerk on the progress.

17.166Councillors’ Forum:

(a) Councillor Linnett – include Parish Office as a standing item on full council Agenda.

17.167Date of next meeting – The Chairman asked Members if they would consider moving the date to the 11th of October as some Members would not be able to attend on the 18th. Members agreed that they would meet on the 11th.

The meeting closed at 9.25pm.