Sigma GammaRho Sorority,Inc. Central Regionwillhost their 76thCentral Region Conferencein St. Louis, MOon March3-6, 2016. Witha focus on CENTRAL: UNBREAKABLE 2.0 we are expectingover 600 attendances thisyear at the conference.
We areexcited to invitevendors to join us at theMarriott St. Louis Grand Hotel. It is ourgoal to promotevendortrafficthroughout ourconference fromallregisteredattendees. Byparticipating you willreceive: a). Access to atarget market ofAfrican-American women, ages 18 and up; b) Ample vendinghours to providean opportunityto showcaseyour products;and c).Twotables –booth space,
2 chairs and booth signage at a discount valueof $400.00. This represents a regular pricediscount of$ 175.00.
Certified vendors canparticipate in the 2016 Central RegionConference, please complete and return the enclosed application with the appropriatefeein the form of acertifiedcheck, moneyorder or register online. Personalchecks are notaccepted.
Thevendorspacewillbe confirmedbased on receiptofpayment in full. Final payments aredueby
February 6, 2016. No refunds will begiven afterFebruary6, 2016.
All vendors sellingmerchandise reflectingthe intellectual propertyofother organizations must holda certificate/license from the particular organization and must keep the vendinglicense on displayatall times. All vendors musthavea validvendor’s licensedissued by Sigma GammaRho Sorority, Inc. Vendorcertificationguidelines arelocated at can contact the national headquarters regarding general licensingat 919.678.9720.
We areaskingeachvendor to donate at least one“granditem” that will beused as a prizethroughout the conference to marketthe vendors.
You will be contacted directlybyamember of ourRegional VendorCommittee followingreceiptof yourapplication and payment. Please completeyourvendor application and submititpromptlyas spaceis limited and willbe approvedand assigned on a first-come,first-served basis.
Welook forward to seeingyou inSt. Louis, MO!
Central Regional Grammateus
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
76th Central Region Conference
March 3rd– March 6th, 2016
Conference Site: Marriott St. Louis Grand Hotel, 800 Washington Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63101 Telephone: (877) 303-0104
Regional Vendor Contract
Company Name: / Date:Name (First/MI/Last) / Email Address
Address / Telephone (Home)
Telephone (Business/Cell)
City/State / Zip Code
Additional Contact Person / Telephone
Your Signature is Required
Vendor Registration Prices: One Table (6 ft.) and Two Chairs = $ 400.00
One Additional Table = Free
Deposit due $ 250.00 by December31, 2015
**Final Payment due February 6, 2016
Table Requirements: You cannot use your own tables – you must reserve the additional free table.
Set-up time is 1:00 pm on Thurs, March 03, 2016, and closure time is 10:30 am Sun morning, March 06, 2016
Vendor Registration Cost / ○ $400.00 ($100.00 discount for Sorority Member)
One Additional Table / ○ Free ($75.00 discount for Sorority Member)
Provide a Brief Description of Products and Merchandise or Special Services (i.e. special electrical outlets, etc.) ______
Regional Conference attendance usually ranges from 700 – 900 individuals including Philos and Rhoers. The Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. crest or Greek letters cannot be placed on any affiliate items. The logo for the sorority and these affiliates can be requested from Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.headquarters.
- That the company shall pay to the Sorority upon execution of the agreement a sum of the appropriate cost for booth space. This secures space that includes one table and two chairs.
- Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. – Central Region reserves the right to approve vendors based on the merchandise sold and material displayed.
- Items which display inappropriate or demeaning language about any organizationare prohibited.
- It is expressly understood and agreed by the Company that Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. – Central Region, its officers, members, sponsors, employees or agents shall not be liable for loss or damage to goods and/or properties. Your signature on this form is acceptance of this liability statement.
- It is understood that this agreement may not be transferred or assigned without the written consent of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. – Central Region. SUBLETTING IS NOT PERMITTED.
- Only tables provided by the Sorority are allowed inside the vendor area.
- A Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Vendor License MUST be displayed by an Vendor/ Exhibitor who sells merchandise displaying the Greek letters, crest, symbols, trademarks, service marks, trade dress or name of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. or its affiliates, at all times.
- The company acknowledges Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.’s title and its trademark and recognizes that the trademark represents the Sorority’s goodwill.
- Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. reserves the right to inspect the company merchandise and display material daily; if the sorority does not approve of the material, Sigma Gamma Rho has the right to have it removed.
- All vendors are required to submit the above referenced fees two weeks before the Regional Conference. No refunds will begiven.
- All refunds are subject to a $ 75.00service fee.
- Vendor shall be fully responsible to pay for any and all damages to property owned by the venue location, its owners or managers which results from any act or omission of vendor. Vendor agrees to defend indemnify and hold harmless, the venue location, its owner, managers, officers or directors, agents, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates from any damage or charges resulting from Vendor’s use of the property. Vendor’s liability shall include all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from or out of, or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the Vendor, its agents, employees, and business invitees which arise from or out of the vendor’s occupancy and use of the exhibition premise, the hotel or any partthereof.
- Nothing shall be posted, nailed, screwed, or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors or other parts of the building or furniture.
- Space will be available only during the approved vending hours for the conference(see attached schedule.)
- Companies selling merchandise reflecting the intellectual property of other organizations must hold a certificate/license from the particular organization and must keep the vending license on display at all times.
- The vendor space will be confirmed based on receipt of payment in full and availability.
- Vendor may be placed on a waiting list if space is no longer available at the time of full payment.
- Vendors will be notified via call by the Vendor Coordinator or her designee if placed on a waiting list; if space becomes available the vendor will be notified by call. The vendor will be given 48 hours to remit payment.
In addition to the above terms and conditions, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. has established the following guidelines in order to provide vendors and exhibitors with standards and regulations regarding items within our vendor/exhibitorhall:
- Quality of Merchandise. All paraphernalia and merchandise bearing sorority’s marks shall be of good quality and shall be presented in good taste and in the highest professionalstandards.
- Non-Disparagement of Other Fraternal Organizations. The Sorority will not allow the sale or display of merchandise that disparages other fraternal or social organizations in any way, including the use of negative images, terms, phrases, or sayings on themerchandise.
- Specifications for Using the Mark.
- Use of Sigma Gamma Rho’s Name. No vendor shall use the name Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. or any derivative or shorten version of it or any other Sigma Gamma Rho Mark with sayings, phrases, or artistic renditions unless the vendor has obtained advance written approval from the International Grand Basileus or the Executive Director of Sigma GammaRho.
- Use of Founders’ Picture or Founding Institution. No vendor shall use any pictures of the Founders of Sigma Gamma Rho or the name/pictures of “Butler University” on any merchandise or paraphernalia unless the vendor has obtained advance written approval from the International Grand Basileus or the Executive Director of Sigma GammaRho.
- Use of the Laurel Wreath. No vendor shall use the laurel wreath in their designs. The only designs including the laurel wreath are reserved for the International Grand Basileus. The laurel wreath represents the highest esteem of themembership.
- Use of Greek Letters. The Greek letters of Sigma Gamma Rho (ΣΓΡ) should always be of equal proportion. They should not bedistorted
- No Electronic Media. No electronic media including but not limited to compact discs, tapes and software may be created or sold without the written approval of the International Grand Basileus or Executive Director of Sigma GammaRho.
No Degrading Use. No Sigma Gamma Rho Marks, including any form of Sigma Gamma Rho’s name, its Greek letters, or any of its other symbols shall be used on alcohol or tobacco containers, material of a sexual or graphic nature and/or material related to pledging and/orhazing.
- Vendor Guidelines of Conduct. As a vendor of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. you are expected to:
- maintain the highest standards of professional and personal conduct;
- supply the best quality materials and items for sale to Sorority members;
- refrain from any type of inappropriate or unwelcome solicitation during Sorority-sponsored events;
- comply with rules and regulations established by the Sorority;
- comply with the terms of the Vendor Licensing Agreement, if applicable;
- verifythat any manufacturer/vendor offering Sigma Gamma Rho merchandise for sale or resale is a certified vendor and contact the Executive Director, if at any time you have questions or need clarification on any matter related to being a vendor of merchandise bearing Sigma Gamma Rho’s Marks.
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. - Central Region reserves the right to cancel this agreement upon failure of the company to comply with any conditions or provisions of this document, but said cancellation shall not relieve the company of the obligation to pay the Vendor/Exhibitor Fee as provided forherein.
Applicant Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. –Central Region
Name: ______Name: ______
Title: ______Title: ______
Date: ______Date: ______
To confirm your space, sign, complete and return this form along with certified check, money order or online.Send to Rhonda Davis, Central Region Grammateus, PO Box 36332, Cincinnati, OH. 45236.
Email Address:
Cell No: 513-703-9620
Please make cashier’s check or money order payable to: Central Region, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.