Article I - Name, Purpose and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization
Section I - Name: URGE: Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity
Section II - Purpose: URGE envisions a world where all people have agency over their own bodies and relationships, and the power, knowledge, and tools to exercise that agency. By mobilizing chapters across the country, URGE creates a national presence and allows us to promote its mission and effect change on our own campuses. By empowering young leaders, we engage and act in solidarity with other justice based groups while building a movement.
● Embraces sexuality as a universal, positive, and healthy component of human development. We promote positive sexuality in culture, policy, and practice.
● Believes that the individuals and communities most marginalized by current sexual and reproductive policy should be the ones to articulate a new vision. We create spaces for these people to lead us to a different future.
● Promotes bold, creative ideas and action. We are timely, reflect diverse young communities, and build a vibrant, relevant and fun movement.
● Measures our work by concrete reproductive justice victories for our members, chapters and allies. We approach each campaign with the expectation of success at the local, state, and national levels.
● Works in collaboration and partnership with organizations, institutions, and individuals. We strive for transparency, honesty, accountability, and an assumption of good intent.
● Values diverse voices and has created an inclusive structure.
Section III - Non-Discrimination Policy: This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, race or ethnicity, disability, gender identity or expression, social class, religion, sex or sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Article II - Membership: Qualifications and Categories of Membership: All URGE meetings are open attendance, meaning people on and off campus are welcome to respectfully participate in meetings, discussions and events and receive news updates. However, the official membership roster will be limited to currently enrolled students at The Ohio State University, and for voting to agree or disagree upon an amendment the votes will be limited to currently enrolled.
Article III - Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties of the leaders.
URGE will have a total of 4 chapter leaders each semester. The term for each chapter leader will exist until they graduate, or otherwise resign. When a chapter leader is expected to graduate at the end of the semester, general members can apply to become a chapter leader for the upcoming semester. The current chapter leaders will review the applications and make the decision for who will assume the position of next semester’s chapter leader. Chapter leaders are expected to prepare and lead discussion for each meeting, and are required to be present at each meeting unless there is an emergency or obligation of which the other chapter leaders have be notified. Chapter leaders are also responsible for planning and organizing events and activities that members will be encouraged to participate in, but members will be strongly encouraged to provide input and suggestions about what they would like to do with the chapter and through URGE.
Article VI - Method of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members
Chapter leaders should be driven, motivated, and create an inclusive and diverse environment for members to be a part of. They are expected to be willing to educate members on the issues that URGE stands for, and create a safe space for members to ask questions and express feelings without judgement. Chapter leaders will prepare relevant topics to be discussed in each meeting, and plan engaging activities for members. As stated previously, chapter leaders are required to be present and prepared for each meeting unless they have notified the other leaders beforehand.
General members should attend at least 5 weekly meetings and be willing to participate in each discussion through either verbal dialogue or listening. Chapter leaders and members are expected to treat each individual with respect and listen to each other with an open mind. Everyone is also expected to remain on topic and not interrupt another member or derail productive conversation.
The removal of a member or participant in a particular discussion is reserved for instances where an individual is not upholding the rules and common courtesy necessary to maintain a respectful space. These guidelines are to be drawn up by the members, for the members; and thus depending on the case the chapter leaders and advisor along with the concerned members will confront the issue accordingly and ask to person to leave and/or not return. Additionally, at the end of each semester attendance will be assessed and members will be added and removed based on their interest indicated by their attendance.
Article VII - Advisor Qualifications and Duties
An advisor must be an Ohio State University staff or faculty member, and will be selected on a voluntary basis. Duties of the advisor mainly include providing counsel and support to the group to achieve goals, and to participate in matters that contribute to the success of the group when necessary or willing.
Article VIII – Meetings of the Organization: Required meetings and their frequency
Five general meetings are required each academic term except for summer, a sign-in will be passed out each meeting.
Article IX - Method of Amending Constitution: Proposals, notice, and voting requirements. Proposed amendments should be in writing and presented at a minimum of 3 general meetings. The amendment should not be acted upon until after voting. Voting will take place in the next meeting after the three proposals of the amendment, with a minimum of 50% + 1 of the total URGE members present. If the minimum is not met the voting will be postponed until the member requirement is met. Approval will require two thirds of voting members present. The constitution should not be amended easily or frequently.
Article X – Method of Dissolution of Organization
Section I - Reason for Dissolution: The organization may dissolve at any time through a unanimous vote of its leaders and a majority vote of the members, or if the group fails to renew itself as an official student organization through The Ohio State University.
Section II - Disposing of Assets and Debts: Should the organization be dissolved all remaining financial assets allotted to the organization by Ohio State University shall be returned. All funds and/or equipment/merchandise that belong solely to the organization shall be dispersed amongst the chapter leaders as they see fit. Debts to the University shall be repaid equally by each chapter leader.