Supplementary planning document
Consultation STATEMENT
AUGUST 2009.
This statement sets out the consultation involvement undertaken in preparing the draft Siston Conservation Area for public consultation in accord with Regulation 17 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. This consultation statement is prepared to comply with Regulation 17(b)(i) ofthe (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004.
The statement explains the consultation undertaken and details of who has been consulted to date; how they were consulted; the issues raised and how these have been addressed in the consultation Draft of this SPD.
Consultation Under Regulation 17
In accord with the new planning systems principle of “front loading” - a process whereby key users of the planning service are consulted and engaged with in a pro-active way, an initial consultation exercise was undertaken where all local residents and statutory consultees were asked to response to a questionnaire and making any other comments they felt were relevant. In addition a public Siston Parish Council meeting was also attended to consult Parish Councillors and local residents direct to consult and discuss the relevant issues directly and what aspirations they had for the new SPD.
A summary list of the issues raised at the workshops is given below.
Summary of issues arising form up-front consultation.
- Siston Court has an isolated, rural character, unspoilt with lack of development.
- It is a compact area/cluster of development with rural backdrop to village (and Court) with a high recreational value.
- The northern boundary should be increased to join the road at Shortwood Hill to help ensure any future development does not encroach on the landscape horizon and defeat the objection of protecting the presently unobstructed view from the roadways and footpaths of the surrounding countryside and historic buildings.
- The elevated ground to the north from which you could look down to the Hall, and so any development here would destroy the setting of the Hall and would weaken the case for a conservation area which would lead to erosion.
- The Conservation Area suffers from high volumes of traffic which includes heavy vehicular traffic. There are also parking issues,
- A number of features are at risk - St Anne’s Well, St Anne’s bridge along with the public footpaths
- There is a need for better management of public areas and protection of those special features. Reinstatement of a number of features should also be explored – St Anne’s pool as an example.
- The SPD needs to recognise the important contribution made by the natural and semi natural environmental features to Siston and policies need to ensure the protection and retention of existing trees and other vegetation and extend this to their sympathetic management of new planting. Without active management, there is a risk that some of these features will not survive.
Sustainability Appraisal Consultation
In line with Government regulations and guidance, a Sustainability Appraisal was prepared and is available for consultation.
Following the up-front consultation, the first “mock-up’s” of the SPD were produced to initiate discussion. This resulted in the first draft of the SPD being produced and further consultation was undertaken with various teams and service groups within PT&SE and other relevant areas of South Gloucestershire Council, including Development Control and landscape officers.
In accord with the Council’s decision making procedures and standing orders the draft SPD was approved for public consultation purposes by way of Executive Member decision reference PTSE 09/08, 10th August 2009.
For further information regarding the Siston Conservation Area Supplementary Planning SPD please contact the Natural and Built Environment Team on 01454 863579, or by email to . Website: