Applewood Secondary Schoolis the "home school" for our students, unless studentsare interested in one of the Regional programs that are outlined below. Therefore, upon completion of grade 8, they will be automatically accepted into the grade 9 program at Applewood S.S. Their Open House and information session for grade 8 students and their parents will be at Applewood S.S. on Thursday, December 1st, 2011at 6:30p.m.
Program / Regional Arts Program (RAP) / International Baccalaureate Program (IB) / 1 - International Buisness & Technology Progarm (IBT)2 - Flexography / Strings Program / Science and Technology Program (SciTech) / Vocational Programs / Regional Enhanced Learning Program (ELP)
School / Cawthra Park S.S. / Glenforest S.S. / Gordon Graydon Memorial S.S. / Port Credit S.S. / Port Credit S.S. / West Credit S.S. / Glenforest S.S.
What is the focus of the program? / Dance, drama, music, and visual arts / Internationally accepted diploma / 1 - Computers and technology
2 - Package print technology, graphic design / Violin, viola, cello, double bass / Integrated, inquiry-based approach to science and technology / 1 - Applied/College Stream (NEW!)
2 – Vocational Level 2/Modified Applied / Enhanced Learning Experiences
Who can apply? / Anyone with an interest in the arts / Students very dedicated to academic learning / Anyone who is interested in computers and technology / Anyone who plays one of these stringed instruments at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level / Anyone who is interested in science and technology / Special Education Students who meet the criteria / Students who have been designated "Exceptional Intellectual Gifted" in Peel District School Board
Do I need to apply? / YES / YES / YES / YES / YES / See Ms. Gujadhur for more information / Must complete a different Option Sheet
What is the admission process? / A. Get an application at the Open House or on the school website (after the Open House)
B. Applications MUST be delivered by hand by
December 13,2011
C. Auditions will be held January 27, 30, 31,2012
D. Audition fee is $20
E. Acceptance letters sent out week of Feb. 6 / A. Application must be downloaded from school website.
B. Be sure to hand in your application on time!
C. Don’t forget your $50 application fee / A. Application must be downloaded from school website.
B. Application MUST be submitted by January 10, 2011
C. Interviews (consisting of a math quiz, written passage, and personal interview) in January / A. Get an application from starting November 24
B. Application MUST be submitted by December 10
C. Interview and placement test for beginners, and audition for advanced and chamber players. / A. Get an application from starting November 24
B. Application MUST be submitted by December 10
C. Interviews in January
Approximately 88 students admitted to this program each year. / 1 – Applied/College Stream is for students who are looking to pursue college or apprenticeship programs. (Extra courses required)Please see Ms. Gujadhur for more details
2 – Vocational Level 2/Modified Applied is for students with Special Education designation. Admission is via IPRC for special education students who meet the criteria. / 1. Collect an Option Sheet for The Woodlands S.S. from Ms. Gujadhur in early January.
2. Return the Option Sheet to Ms. Gujadhur as soon as it is complete.
Is bussing provided? / No. A private bussing company can be used or public transit. / No. / No. A private bussing company can be used or public transit. / No. / No. / Yes, for qualified students. / Yes, if all requirements are met.
Date of Open House / November 1, 2011
7:00pm and 8:00pm / November 24,2011
5:30 or 7:15pm / December 1, 2011
7:00pm / November 29, 2011
6:30pm / November 29, 2011
6:30pm / January 18, 2012
7:00pm / January 12th, 2012
School Website /
(Regional Arts) /
(IB Program) /
(IBT Program) /
(Regional Programs – Strings) /
(Regional Programs – SciTech) / /
(Enhanced Learning)