Fairlie Community Council (FCC) draft Minutes 08/01/2018
Present: Rita Holmes (chairperson), Marco Piva (minute taker), Ian Hunter, David Telford of FCC; Cllrs. Alan Hill, Ian Murdoch, Tom Marshall of NAC; PC Dominic Murphy (Police); Calum Corral (press); 4 members of the public. Apologies: Karla Tully, Joan Downie (FCC).
December minutes proposed by DN, seconded by MP.
1Police report
- 20 incidents reported in December of which 3 criminal offences, mostly minor. Hogmanay was quiet (only 2 calls for noisy parties). 1 theft of a wheelie bin, main issue a housebreaking at Kelburn Estate resulting in the theft of around 3,000£ worth of tools and equipment.
- MoP reports complaints of people running the red light, asking why they are not prosecuted. PC DM asks for such offences to be reported, adding that with no licence plate details it is pretty much impossible to prosecute them. If the issue is considered to be ongoing at a specific time, please let him know and he will action. PC DM will find out if there is a camera on the lights that could be set up as a red light camera, but thinks it unlikely. KT to ask Transport Scotland how can we get a red light camera.
2NAC Councillors’ update
- Nothing to be reported that is not already included in the agenda.
3Dawn Homes
- RH called DH to discuss drainage and landscaping; replies were confusing. She was told that some of the houses on Castle Park Drive will have steps to access the main entrance (TM intervenes specifying that this is not possible). The distance between the new houses and the existing Castle Park Drive back gardens has been marginally increased. DH are waiting for a visit from SEPA before specifying further details.
- MoP: the gate between CPDrive and Ladies’ Walk has been closed for a while, original agreement says it wouldn’t be. DT: question was already asked, DH replied it’s a building site and therefore public access must be restricted for H&S reasons. MoP offers to collect witness testimonies that it has been a right of way for well over 20 years (likely at least 40) and asks Access Officer assessment. TM: it is a private field and a building site, no right of way. There will be a path. MoP: path was supposed to be there in Ph 1. TM: agreement says within 1 year from start of Ph 2.
4Hunterston SSG
- New cracks on reactor block, waiting for update, no danger to site.
- Over £7 million contract to provide new specialised equipment, graphite block.
- Outages will be more frequent for monitoring purposes.
- Feb 21st, visit to A site for SSG members.
- DN: requiring clarifications re. SSI. RH: Kenneth Gibson MSP to be contacted.
- KT contacted Transerv re. extension of 30mph area to Southannan roundabout and restoring/replacing of traffic island at garage. Awaiting for reply from Transport Scotland, both seem very likely.
- Decision to be made by Reporter, date uncertain. Not known if health issues will be considered in decision.
- Jamie Green MSP sent a letter in Nov, reply referred to old, flawed data. Paul Wheelhouse to be contacted for clarifications
7Oyster Farm/SSSI
- Permission has been granted. It is a SSSI site, farm will affect designation and destroy marine habitat. TM: been used for over 10 yrs. DN: Clarify: was the application for expansion to an area in which the farm had already expanded? TM: Was done under delegated powers, NAC was not contacted. DN: Meeting with SNH was refused. RH: Need to clarify what was agreed, exactly. DT: Need copy of communication to Scot. Ministers (against SNH advice). NAC Cllrs to be copied in.
- MoP: are oysters being tested for radioactivity? Very close to nuclear site. TM: yes. FCC to ask to see results of tests (see what they are being tested for).
8Site regeneration proposals
- Mr. Ron Gilchrist: Talks about importing and treatment of fracked gas or oil rig decommissioning. Studies are ongoing, FCC should express official position. 800 acre site, public money. Should be used for long term, sustainable project. Green energy is “of strategic importance”. Why not set up an integrated, green business/technology park (maybe integrating greenhouses)? Could be a showpiece for the Govt and a boon for the area. Already brought to Govt, worth a feasibility study, waiting for answers.
9Coastal Path
- Beginning of works set for mid Jan, whole stretch licensed by Marine Scotland (provisional, will be finalised when contractor is identified)). RH: unlikely to really start in Jan.
a: - Western Link: not met for quite some time. RHto find out when next meeting is.
b: - Hunterston Jetty: FCC and TM to find out what are the plans. RH to formally write a letter.
c: - Fairlie Castle: Mr. McNeur (not present) still working on it. DT: as far as we know, Scheduled Monument Consent has not been granted; unsure if it has even been applied for.
Next meeting, 05/02/2018, 7.30 pm at the Semple Centre, Main Str.