Sub ReportSize
'This procedure will scan the fields/items in a document, collect size data
'and output based on conditions and values. Used as a diagnostic tool
'in solving Field Size (32K) problem.
'Processing Notes======
'Copied from Agent Check Field Size
'Modified to run against selected documents instead of a view
'Notes Objects======
Dim Session As NotesSession
Dim DB As NotesDatabase
Dim TestColl As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim CurrDoc As NotesDocument
Dim TestItem As NotesItem
'Procedure Objects======
Dim DocCount As Integer
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim SummaryCount As Integer
Dim DocSize As Long
Dim FieldSum As Long
'Initalize Notes Objects=====
Set Session = New NotesSession
Set DB = Session.CurrentDatabase
Set TestColl = DB.UnprocessedDocuments
'Get First Document
Set CurrDoc = TestColl.GetFirstDocument
' Test collection to see if any documents selected
Select Case TestColl.Count
Case 0
' Nothing selected report and end
Msgbox "You have not selected any documents to operate upon.", 0 + 48 + 0 + 0, "You must select at least one document."
Exit Sub
Case 1, 2
'OK don't do anything but allow continue
Case Is > 2
'Greater then 2
Msgbox "You have selected " + Cstr(TestColl.Count) + " documents, this may be to many to display results.", 0 + 48 + 0 + 0, "If you do not see your results pick fewer documents."
Case Else
' Nothing selected report and end
Msgbox "Error in selection of documents to operate upon.", 0 + 48 + 0 + 0, "Error, exiting, call support."
Exit Sub
End Select
If TestColl.Count = 0 Then
End If
'Loop through collection reporting on each document
DocCount = 1
While Not(CurrDoc Is Nothing)
'Initalize Variables
FieldCount = 0
SummaryCount = 0
DocSize = CurrDoc.Size
FieldSum = 0
Forall Items In CurrDoc.Items
'Total Field Count
FieldCount = FieldCount + 1
'Removes Fields size from total doc size
DocSize = DocSize - Items.ValueLength
'Adds field size to Sum Count
FieldSum = FieldSum + Items.ValueLength
'Tests summary and counts or outputs non-summary field name
If (Items.IsSummary) Then
SummaryCount = SummaryCount + 1
'Special output for documents fitting range in bytes
'If Items.ValueLength > 1024 And Items.ValueLength < 2048 Then
If Items.ValueLength > 1024 And Items.ValueLength < 5120 Then
Print "Doc " + Cstr(DocCount) + " Type I > 1 KB & < 5 KB Item: " + Items.Name + " - Length: " + Cstr(Items.ValueLength) + "."
End If
'Special output for documents over certain size in bytes
If Items.ValueLength > 5120 Then
Print "Doc " + Cstr(DocCount) + " Type II > 5 KB Item: " + Items.Name + " - Length: " + Cstr(Items.ValueLength) + "."
End If
'Print "Non-Summary Field : " + Items.Name + "."
End If
End Forall
'Output document details
'Print "Doc " + Cstr(DocCount) + " Totals for DocID: " + Cstr(CurrDoc.UniversalID) + "."
Print "Doc " + Cstr(DocCount) + " Total Fields Tested: " + Cstr(FieldCount) + "."
Print "Doc " + Cstr(DocCount) + " Doc.Size - Sum(Field.ValueLength) = " + Cstr(DocSize) + "."
'Print "Doc " + Cstr(DocCount) + " Sum(Field.ValueLength) = " + Cstr(CurrDoc.Size - DocSize)
Print "Doc " + Cstr(DocCount) + " Sum(Field.ValueLength) = " + Cstr(FieldSum)
Print "Doc " + Cstr(DocCount) + " Summary Field Count = " + Cstr(SummaryCount) + "."
'Setup for next document
Set CurrDoc = TestColl.GetNextDocument(CurrDoc)
DocCount = DocCount + 1
End Sub
Sub UncheckSumFlagSize
' Processing Notes======
' This procedure will scan the fields in a document and if found to be larger then
' ByteLimit (passed parameter), sets the IsSummary property to false
' Procedure Notes======
' The document will be selected in a view (possible multiples) and processed
' It will NOT be callable from a NotesUIDocument object
' Will have backend and front end classes so not able to run on server
' Frontend Notes Objects======
Dim WS As NotesUIWorkspace
' Backend Notes Objects======
Dim Session As NotesSession
Dim DB As NotesDatabase
Dim FixColl As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim CurrDoc As NotesDocument
Dim TestItem As NotesItem
'Procedure Variables======
Dim ByteLimit As Long
Dim UserResponse As Variant
Dim Choices (0 To 4) As String
Dim MessageString As String
Dim SaveNeeded As Integer
Dim DocFixed As Integer
'Initalize Notes Objects======
Set WS = New NotesUIWorkspace
Set Session = New NotesSession
Set DB = Session.CurrentDatabase
Set FixColl = DB.UnprocessedDocuments'All documents selected in current view
'Initalize Procedure Variables===
DocFixed = 0
' Test collection to see if any documents selected
If FixColl.Count = 0 Then
' Nothing selected report and end
Msgbox "You have not selected any documents to operate upon.", 0 + 48 + 0 + 0, "You must select at least one document."
Exit Sub
End If
'Modified by TBQ 2/21/02 to prompt for level between 1 - 5 KB
Choices(0) = "5"
Choices(1) = "4"
Choices(2) = "3"
Choices(3) = "2"
Choices(4) = "1"
MessageString = "Select threshold for setting IsSummary property to false." + Chr(10)
MessageString = MessageString +"Will eliminate ability to show field values in view, but" + Chr(10)
MessageString = MessageString +"will restore ability to save document changes and eliminate" + Chr(10)
MessageString = MessageString +"32K limit problems and error 400 messages in the log file." + Chr(10)
UserResponse = 0
UserResponse = Ws.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST, "Select IsSummary threshold in Kilobytes" , MessageString , "5", Choices)
' 1 KB = 1024 Bytes 5120 Bytes = 5 KB
If UserResponse > 0 Then
ByteLimit = 1024 * Int(UserResponse)
Exit Sub
End If
'Report ByteLimit size in Bytes
Msgbox "This will modify IsSummary property for all fields larger then " + Cstr(ByteLimit) + " bytes.", 0 + 48 + 0 + 0, "Current threshold for IsSummary update."
Set CurrDoc = FixColl.GetFirstDocument
While Not(CurrDoc Is Nothing)
SaveNeeded = False
'Added By TBQ 3/28/02 to prevent change on locked documents
If LockedDoc(CurrDoc) = True Then
Print "Document skipped since locked (" + Cstr(DocFixed + 1) + ")."
Goto NextDoc
End If
'Clears flag for greater then a given size in bytes
Forall Items In CurrDoc.Items
'Larger then ByteLimit and NOT RichText (Type = 1)
'RichText by default are IsSummary = False
If Items.ValueLength > ByteLimit And Items.Type > 1 Then
Items.IsSummary = False
SaveNeeded = True
'Output changed field name and limit value
Print "Doc: " + Cstr(DocFixed + 1) + " , Item.Name : " + Items.Name + ", larger then Byte Limit of " + Cstr(ByteLimit) + "."
End If
End Forall
' Finished looping through all fields, if save needed update
If SaveNeeded = True Then
' Corrects SaveOptions flag, when "0" no changes saved, "1" changes saved
' Needed in some cases, always test to insure changes kept
If CurrDoc.GetItemValue("SaveOptions")(0) = "0" Then
Set TestItem = CurrDoc.ReplaceItemValue("SaveOptions" , "1")
End If
'Save changes for any process above
Call CurrDoc.Save (True, True)
DocFixed = DocFixed + 1
End If
Set CurrDoc = FixColl.GetNextDocument(CurrDoc)
Select Case DocFixed
Case 0
Msgbox "You have NOT modified any documents.", 0 + 48 + 0 + 0, "IsSummary Property NOT Changed."
Case 1
Msgbox "You have modified " + Cstr(DocFixed) + " document.", 0 + 48 + 0 + 0, "IsSummary Property Changed."
Case Is > 1
Msgbox "You have modified " + Cstr(DocFixed) + " documents.", 0 + 48 + 0 + 0, "IsSummary Property Changed."
Case Else
Msgbox "Error, DocFixed = " + Cstr(DocFixed) + " .", 0 + 48 + 0 + 0, "IsSummary Property Changed but error in Count."
End Select
End Sub