Annual Equality Report
APRIL 2016
Aims of Annual Equality Report3
Background to our Strategic Equality Plan5
Progress Against our Published Objectives7
Additional Information9
Equality Data Report10
Report Aims
This report is to describe the work that has been undertaken in our school to promote equality and tackle discrimination over the previous academic year. Due to academic years running differently to standard business/financial reporting periods we are unable to report on the current academic year – to do so would mean reporting on only four months’ progress. Therefore, this report contains information relating to the 2014-15 academic period. The only exception to this is the final section, a staff data report which is based on the most up to date staff data available.
We have mindful of both the General and Specific Duties of the Equality Act but have also worked with the spirit of the Act. As a school we are committed to the principles of Equality for All and the need to promote equality by planning to make equality happen over and above tackling discrimination when it arises.
This report is just a small part of demonstrating our dedication to ensuring our services to pupils and parents are equitable and that our staff are treated equally as well as working to promote equality themselves.
Over the coming pages we have attempted to report how we as a school have planned to
- tackle discrimination, harassment and victimisation against people from different protected characteristics
- Promote equality of opportunity and outcome between people of different protected characteristics
- Foster good relations between people of different protected characteristics
Our report also describes how we have used equality data and information in planning our equality objectives and how we have used that data to assess the impact of our policies and practice. It contains progress updates for the equality objectives from our Strategic Equality Plan year relating to teaching pupils, managing the school and training staff during the 2014-15 academic year.
Section one contains an introduction and background to the development of our Strategic Equality Plan for the previous academic year. This section includes information relating how we collected equality data and information or consulted to inform our plan. This section describes how useful we feel our equality data and information has been in developing objectives and assessing the impact of our policies and practice.
Section two describes how far we have progressed against the actions and objectives listed in our Strategic Equality Plan for the previous academic year only.
Section three contains any additional information that we feel is relevant to the Equality Duties and our work as a school to promoting equality and tackling discrimination.
Section four is a statutory report containing certain staff equality data relating to recruitment and selection, including salaries.
Section 1 – Introduction
Our Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) for the 2014/15 period was based around ensuring compliance with the Equality Act 2010. It was based on guidance from the Local Education Authority and contains actions relating to various protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act as they might relate to the world of education and our targets were based around research, analysis and developing good practice. As we have developed our practice in the years since the Act has been in force we realise that our SEP can go further to be fully mindful of both the letter and spirit of the legislation.
Therefore, the objectives and tasks in our current(2015/16) Strategic Equality Plan are driven where possible by robust equality data. When equality data is not available we have created objectives are to improve our collection and use of equality data. Additionally, we have objectives relating purely to the teaching of equality within the curriculum – these are specific and measurable targets across the full range of protected characteristics.
However, because this report covers the 2014-15 period we will be referring to our previous SEP.
In terms of data held within the school, our equality information was robust for some protected characteristics but we have very little data relating to other protected characteristics. For example, we have lots of data relating to pupils Genders, Ethnicities. We also collect information on pupils’ language. However, we rely on SEN/ALN data of pupils rather than Disability.
We now collect data relating to parentsandthese protected characteristics through admissions forms– we have amended the enrolments forms to begin to collect equality data from parents at the point that the pupil formally enrols in the school. Additionally, we are more robust with collecting data relating to the protected characteristics as they apply to staff(through application forms of both successful and unsuccessful applicants). We have also carried out retrospective equality monitoring of all staff, across all protected. We are working with an external equality consultancy who will be providing a tool to be able to hold and analyse this data as it is not something currently offered by the Local Authority and we hope to start early analysis during the 2016/17 period.
Our monitoring of incidents in schools has historically only been undertaken in terms of racist incidents. Although we have an excellent staff who would of course challenge other types of incidents such as homophobic and disablist incidents, and although we have a truly inclusive ethos at the school, we did not hold data on other types of incidents in the same way as with racist incidents. This has historically been due to the fact that we comply with the LEA incident monitoring system but we have recognised the need to develop this in our /previous SEP. Key members of staff have now attended the LA SIMS training on recording of identity based incidents and we have arranged for a twilight for all staff on how to recognise and respond to identity based incidents and our practice is developing in this area.
Another challenge we have faced in terms of equality information is that we have historically shredded the application forms of unsuccessful applicants for jobs along with the equality monitoring form. We have now developed practice so that although the application forms are shredded the equality monitoring forms are recorded for analysis and reporting. We again have worked with an external equality consultancy who will be providing a tool to hold and analyse this data as, again, it is not provided by the LA.
Section 2 – Progress of Our Objectives for 2014-15Period
We recognise that some of our objectives or tasks for our current SEP generally including for the 2014-15 period are fairly generic (Priority One and Priority Two). For instance, many of our objectives include terms such as 'liaise with', 'review', 'arrange' or 'plan'. In other instances, the targets related to whole year groups rather than pupils from protected characteristics. We realise in hindsight that terms such as these are not particularly useful when drafting a plan, the aim of which is to detail exactly how we are going to promote equality and tackle discrimination. They are too general in nature.
We are in the process of reviewing our SEP alongside an Equality Consultant and we will be addressing this and will be including clear, specific targets and tasks detailing exactly how we will implement the Equality Duties.
For the purposes of this report however all generic 'review' and 'liaise' type objectives have been completed. Detailed, specific progress will only be reported on the detailed, specific targets and tasks for the 2014-15period that related to the Protected Characteristics.
Priority One – Attainment and Attendance
Our first priority was around closing the gender gap for attainment and attendance of pupils. Successful tasks associated with this priority for the 2014 period were:
During the 2014-15period we engaged with Untethered Ltd Equality Education Consultancy to provide training for staff and governors on various aspects of equality and anti-discrimination. We have since reviewed our teaching and continue to assess how different learners with protected characteristics learn.
We have made progress towards meeting our targets in attainment between gender at Level 5, but not as of yet at Level 4.
We have also adapted our attendance data admission forms to enable us gather equality data on parents.
Priority Two – Improve Equality Data
We have implemented the county’s new Identity based incident monitoring system and key staff are SIMS trained on this. Since implementing this it has enabled us to improve our monitoring of incidents as they relate to Protected Characteristics and to analyse any data trends. We have found, since implementing this system that there has been a reduction in identity based incidents.
We have also implemented a system to collect more robust equality data on parents and staff and we have also adapted our attendance data admission forms to enable us gather more accurate information for groups of people (such as disabled, LGBT etc.).
We have reviewed all policy documents and will ensure that we include the EIA element.
We have continued to work closely with Cardiff Against Bullying (CAB) to review and revise our anti-bullying policy and we Equality Impact Assessed that policy in the 2014-15 period. We also worked with CAB to raise pupils’ awareness of bullying issues.
Untethered Ltd havedelivered twilights and training sessions for key staff.
Priority Three –Teaching and Training Equality to Pupils, Staff and Governors
This is an area where we again recognise that our targets and tasks were too generic. We have reviewed all policy documents and will ensure that we include the EIA element.
There is a wealth of teaching that goes on in schools relating to celebrating diversity and tackling discrimination (such as diverse families and relationships through PSE, marking occasions such as Black History Month, Chinese New Year and Easter through assemblies, and arranging an array of visitors – different ages and genders).
We have published an anti-racist leaflet which was produced by parents and pupils. Pupils also watched and took part in an anti-racism forum theatre production developed and delivered by Race Equality First and a local inclusive theatre company.
Section 3 – Other Relevant Information
Although they are not listed as tasks in our Strategic Equality Plan we have carried out a range of activities related to the teaching and learning of Equality, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination (such as looking at traditions and celebrations of different cultures). We have done this through:
- Class assemblies (current affairs such as refugees)
- Show Racism the Red Card
- Parents coming in to give talks on different religions and cultures (Eid and all the major religious events and festivals)
- Foyer displays (e.g. anti-racism – “Show Racism the Red Card”)
The school has ensured that Equality is reflected in the visual ethos of the school through celebrating cultural diversity in displays and notice boards. All staff are aware of the need to reflect our diverse community through the use of displays about cultural diversity.
Section 4 – Employment Information
Current Staff Breakdown – 2015/16
STAFF / 36 StaffGender / 3 Male / 33 Female
Race / 35 White / 1 British Asian
Disability / None
Sexual orientation / Unknown
Religion / 8 prefer not to say, 28 unknown
Age range / From 21-60
2015/16 Applicants (we only have data for the shortlisted applicants for FP Teachers)
Sexual orientation / 100% HeterosexualEthnicity / White British50% White Welsh45% White Scottish 5%
Gender / 100% Female
Religion / Christian 75% None20% Blank5%
Age range / 21-30
2015/16 – New Appointments x 2
Sexual orientation / HeterosexualEthnicity / White British
Gender / Female
Religion / Christian
Age range / 21-30
2015/16 – PAY BANDS
Staff/Grade / MPS / UPS1 / UPS2 / UPS3 / TLR 3 / TLR 2 / LeadershipFemale / 16.7% / 5.5% / 38.9% / 11.2% / 11.2% / 5.5%
Male / 5.5% / 5.5%