Lakes Practice Patient Participation Group
Penrith Health Centre,
Thursday 16th February, 2012.
Present: Dr.Rosalind Niedt (Chairperson), Dr. Mark Plenderleith (GP), Mr. Ken Whitehead, Mrs. Mavis Whitehead, Mrs. Josephine Banks, Dr. Michele Moatt.
Apologies: Mrs. Anne Marr, Mr. Brian Marr, and Mrs. Caroline Welsh.
7. Apologies for absence as above.
8. Minutes of Last meeting held December, approved.
9. Matters arising – none.
10. Questionnaire update:
- Judith Mcleod and Jen Rhodes met twice with Rosalind Niedt to download NHS rules, administrative procedures and advice for PPGs.
- It was noted that the committee had already considered various types of survey last Summer.
- Survey must happen once a year in order for funding to be released to the practice.
- Ros Niedt explained to the committee the NHS guidelines on the purpose of the PPG:
The PPG’s role is to transmit patient views to the
- After discussion it was agreed that a sub committee should
be formed, comprising Ros Niedt and Mark Plenderleith, to discard unworkable survey questions and to formulate better examples to present to the full committee at the next meeting.
- Various ideas were discussed for transmitting the survey to
patients, including: via web site; sent out to patients as a hard copy; left in surgery; sent in the Spring Newsletter.
- The numbers of responses needed for a ‘representative sample’ were not known.
- The NHS web site for patients’ comments was also discussed.
11. Health Centre Car Parking:
- The last Car Parking committee meeting was on 2nd January, at which Ken Whitehead, Mrs. Josephine Banks and Brian Marr represented the PPG. Ros Niedt thanked them for representing, and feeding back to, the committee.
- An ‘Issue and Action’ chart was shown to the committee (which members can now find attached to these minutes).
- The surgery now advertises bus timetables and display a poster advising patients of the wisdom of using public transport rather than driving to the surgery whenever possible.
- Ken Whitehead drew members attention to the idiosyncrasies of the bus timetables, especially the time of the last bus.
12. Educational Event:
- Ros Niedt has consulted other PPG and they advised it was better to invite targeted people specifically rather than issue a general advert.
- Dr. Brock and Dr. Young are keen to run a menopause session covering both psychological and physiological (HRT and management) aspects.
- Ros Niedt reiterated that women likely to benefit from this session should be personally invited.
- The date is to be arranged by Ros Niedt, Mavis Whitehead and the GPs. Mavis has volunteered to liaise with St. Andrew’s Rooms and to make teas.
- Mark Plenderleith suggested that a leaflet be given out with the tea.
13. AOB:
- Ros Niedt and Jen working on ideas to recruit more members. Ros suggested GPs invite people and that at the Education Event the PPG was promoted to those attending.
- Michele Moatt reminded everyone that Jen had suggested an AGM in September/ October 2012 and that the committee had agreed(see December minutes, 4.c).
14. Practice Update from Mark Plederleith:
- Due to the freezing of income during the last few years finances are tight in the practice. This is in line with the national picture and some GP practices are laying off staff.
- The Lakes practice is trying to make saving without redundancies.
- The practice is also having to respond to changes in Eden more generally, which impact especially next year when PCT is dissolved and control of funding devolves to six regional localities.
- A trial Saturday Morning pre-booked surgery has begun, aimed at those who cannot make weekday surgeries, such as long distance HGV drivers. There is just one GP and one receptionist. Emergency cover continues to be provided by the Out of Hours service. A similar Wednesday evening surgery is operating for those who work late.
- Mark told the committee about a forthcoming meeting which will seek to do something about the paucity of provision for those suffering from serious mental health problems in the area.
- The problems facing the acute hospitals in the region were discussed.
15. Date of Next Meetings:
- To be published in the Newsletter:
26th March
30th April
28th May
25th June